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Everything posted by grendel

  1. perhaps you need a hovercraft (are they allowed on the broads if they stick to the speed limits? (if they can go that slowly?)
  2. probably had a leaking tank that needed replacing.
  3. perhaps a couple of inflatable bags to raise her up in the water might get her out?
  4. of course it may be an underhand attempt to get the spelling changed due to the conversion to a national park (to emphasise the new character)
  5. its amazing how clear the scans are nowadays - a written note maybe?
  6. surely if the injection was to prevent flu, it should be called the stop flu jab. maybe it is just living up to its description?
  7. I have had it in the past ( free on my employer as they got someone in to do the staff to try and reduce winter sickness levels), the very first time I felt a bit groggy for a few days, but I stopped having it last year. the truth is that its available, but each year they take a guess as to the 4 strains of the flu that will occur, if you have had the jab and a new strain of flu comes along, you can still get it, I would much rathe take the risk nowadays and suffer from the flu if I get it.
  8. you can get into Chatham for nothing if you drive to the security gate and tell them you want to go to the model shop. where I live in Canterbury - if you are a local you can get a pass to get into the cathedral grounds - this is normally charged for visitors, but is also a good pedestrian short cut to the town centre, so rather than keeping a free to everyone public footpath, they give locals a pass to get through, as they are generally not stopping, just passing (you do have to apply for the pass- or walk around). the visitor charges do all go toward the building upkeep
  9. talking of archaeology as we are, I bet thats the stem of the myth that black men have bigger trowels, me - I just have size 14 feet, right off to do some gardening.
  10. I think he may have meant Abnormal Service MM
  11. I too agree with all of the above. some of the comments above have reminded me of an incident that occurred on a river trip on the thames, just before the olympics. We were heading upriver from Windsor, and passing the venue for the rowing, one whole side of the river had been bouyed off with a string of bouys several miles long. On the bank about 10 foot from the bank a line of fencing had been constructed, and armed soldiers were seen to be patrolling. Our skipper pointed all this out, while also saying that notices had been posted to all of the river users that approaching the bank at that point would lead to prosecution. one of the passangers asked what would happen if there was an emergency and someone needed to get to the shore, the skipper replied that in an emergency he would use the bank, and no silly bouys, however well anchored would stop his 40 odd tons of boat from getting passangers safely to shore.
  12. well here I am at silly o clock - now awake, I was woken up at 2.30 to take my daughter to the walk in minor injury unit (we no longer have an A&E in Canterbury) as she had leg cramps and thought it might be a DVT (and only on her first days training for her new job as a 111 telephone operator) took me until I got home to wake up properly. All well though.
  13. in the past its embedded the video and this ah, copy the whole link from the top ofthe page to embed these are in the opposite order, faster one first - 2.5:1 reduction
  14. hmm I thought you just inserted the link to get the video up.
  15. now I have all the bits I can test the propellor / motor combinations, at the south model show I bought 2 motors with gearboxes, one at 2.5:1 one at 6:1 with the same motor, lets see the difference. https://youtu.be/QW0UnMD14Hs this is the 6:1 gearbox on the motor, its a quieter motor combination. https://youtu.be/LavK8u4ZcxU this is the 2.5:1 gearbox - yes its moving a lot more water but a fair bit noisier.
  16. surprise, - well I was this morning, as despite rejecting the offer of next day delivery with Amazon Prime, the drill bits were there when I got back from the shopping this morning. So I got on with it, the reinforcement block was clamped into place and starting with 4mm the holes were drilled, all the way out to the 8mm of the prop shaft outer at 1mm increments. Here was where I noticed the problem, from the intersection where it entered the block, the drilled hole had bent off course over the length of that block, maybe 4mm off target. so choices, redo the block, or lose it altogether. well watch this space as I havent decided yet, but the prop shaft is straight laterally, and fits in there. - hmm maybe a shorter support block for the other end of the shaft, dunno, but this is one of the things I have now learnt.
  17. I added one more rib in the next section, prior to drilling the prop shaft, this was because I had found a source of a 4mm x 300mm long wood drill bit, I have ordered this (actually it was a set of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 9 and 10mm) so I can step up through the sizes gradually, unfortunately this wont arrive t il early next week. rudders have also been ordered, finding rudders the right shape wasnt easy, as most are deeper than they are wide, and of course BA being shallow draught has a wider rudder than deep. the insert onto the keel to give a bit more meat for the prop shaft support is under construction, as I am fitting ribs, there has to be slots in the block for them to pass through, the first has been cut ready.
  18. I am thinking of going for a standard 12V battery SLA as there is absolutely no way the boat will be going like a speedboat (the hull is a displacement one) so brushless motors are pointless, plus I need some ballast anyway.
  19. Duke of Lancaster, Lord Warden Speedlink Vanguard, ship 1717, Tss Holyhead and Tss Dover and TSS avalon some have had modifications as the boats were refitted too.
  20. well I do have copies of the plans for a few of them
  21. if you have the books, look for photo credits to Jim Ashby, thats my dad - Port manager for Sealink for many years
  22. hengist, horsa , pride of Kent, Pride of Canterbury, if you need any information at all on any sealink ferries, just ask, and I will ask the worlds leading expert on sealink ferries, my dad - he has more of his pictures in books on ferries, than I care to name.
  23. looks like that will keep him busy for a while, even if its not as complex as my model, it should satisfy his wish to tinker and make things.
  24. So, I have stuck the final rib into this section, this always poses a challenge how to clamp it up, as there isnt really any room to get the clamps in, so small packers are used with the ground down clamps to get in there. I have made a guide for where I want the prop shaft to come out, this will be used to guide the drill bit at 4mm, then the hole will be opened out to 1/4" (6.35mm) to take the prop shaft. a wedge of timber will be added inside the keel to extend the distance the prop shaft is contained. this will be held in place temporarily, then drilled, after that the ribs will be fitted, then the wedge cut and fitted around the ribs, redrilled to pierce where the ribs have blocked the shaft hole and the prop shaft fitted. as you can see the motors with gearboxes have the output shaft quite low down, but I will bring the prop shaft out high enough to fit a non gearbox motor as well, as I still dont know what the performance will be like, so I may want to try different options of motor / propellor combinations.
  25. I ordered some bits last weekend, these have now arrived, I was happy to see these when I got home, prop shafts, shaft supports universal couplings and the adaptors for various motors and for the prop shafts. perfect timing as it will be easier to fit the prop shaft now, before the ribs go in and access becomes more restricted, that will be a nice job for the weekend.
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