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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I have just pinned both this thread and the other spring meet thread so they are easier to find at the top of theuir respective sections
  2. well thats the holiday from work booked and approved, and the boat booked, so i am looking forward to it.
  3. possibly because I knew exactly what she meant
  4. it has the look of a delight, but the back deck is curved not flat and I dont see the steering quadrant that a delight would have on the back deck.
  5. Isnt that where the electric post is though, so understandable if they wanted an electric hookup.
  6. already read that one, very reminiscent of a loofa.
  7. perhaps- just maybe if the Broads Authority are no longer sending letters and using emails instead it could make sense. Otherwise it just seems to be petty vindictiveness.. and to give no explanation why lacks common courtesy. I do admit i snorted into my coffee when I read "the two organisations share many common aims - primarily the desire to promote the Broads as a premier destination for sailing and boating." Really? since when have the broads Authority displayed the desire to promote the broads for sailing and boating, it always seems they want rid of all the pesky boaters.
  8. I have heard of bog oak too.
  9. not sure- lets find it on a map. well it seems most are cafes, there is one (an estate agent) that is temporarily closed, near the river thames- so the answer has to be - maybe
  10. At Alkham where we hold our Astronomy meetings they have been pumping into tankers and taking the water away since early december, its an operation that has been running 24/7 since they started, at first they had several tankers and were filling up as fast as possible then taking elsewhere to empty (its a low point in the valley so nowhere lower to pump to) now they just have 2 tankers, still taking it turn and turn about to fill up and empty elsewghere, unfortunately this operation blocks over half of the parking at the village hall, making it more difficult.
  11. small, round, flat and full of ducks, with the odd shopping trolley handle poking out of the water?
  12. but as outsiders not knowing the particular boaters involved and their apparent previous behaviour 99% of people will still say that the anglers behaviour was not justified, since only a select few seem to know those involved and considering the name and shame policy of this forums TOS may I suggest we calm down and just agree that social media is not the place to expect action to stop this type of behaviour. it has been intimated that those involved are setting themselves above the law to resolve this- but the truth is that most of the people watching this vide wont know that. So lets not get into any arguments here as by all reports that is exactly the sort of thing the people who posted this to youtube thrive upon.
  13. from what I could see they have broken a bylaw by interfering with a vessel mooring, and that is clear evidence of that act..
  14. surely the course of action would be to send the video to the Broads Authority to deal with, rather than just posting on youtube, where it will undoubtedly get views and comments, but wont get any action taked by those who have the authority to do so.
  15. grendel


    I have read somewhere recently that this is indeed the case- it was a report on the affect the flooding has had on local businesses- and also mentioned Martham boats and phoenix fleet amongst others.
  16. mine has eventually let me log in (once i stopped trying to use the password I had stored) (it was down to the fact they let you log in by clicking on your picture my password hadnt updated in my password manager)
  17. still not letting me log in with my normal password
  18. any bets it was the cleaner pulled the plug to hoover the room?
  19. just tried again and its now telling me I entered an old password that was changed a year ago, except thats the password stored on all my devices as current
  20. my phone was ok and i still received no passcodes
  21. yes, apparently I tried resetting my password too quickly as it wasnt sending SMS messages. from what I can see its down worldwide.
  22. I thought water oak was a southern states of american species.
  23. that must explain the chaos I see on the road, if you are just around the next corner
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