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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I thought water oak was a southern states of american species.
  2. that must explain the chaos I see on the road, if you are just around the next corner
  3. grendel


    got to get an hour in the hot tub with a coffee before starting work in 15 minutes, its a daily routine that allows me to clear my thoughts ready for a day of work.
  4. I always assume that every other driver is going to make the worst possible manouver at the worst possible time, that way i dont get caught out..
  5. grendel


    it appears some people are having issues seeing this thread, as you will see its still here.
  6. well I tried, but they stubbornly refuse to be inserted the correct orientation (they rotate 180 degrees from what yours currently shows ok i had to change the file type to get them the right way up (and the name)
  7. grendel


    last year I touched bottom and barely made it off again by flooring the throttle and keeping moving, at that point I was rounding a corner some 20 feet away from the bank, just downriver of stokesby, and though it was approaching low water there was still an hour or more before low water at that point, since Water Rail has quite a shallow draught (certainly under 2 foot 6") I rate that as a lack of necessary dredging. how many similar instances have occurred without being reported to the authority. in future I will be reporting it to the BA and encourage others to do so too. and the previous year I had cut a corner a bit tight with the same result, down near the emergency / demasting pontoons (maybe a boat width and a half from the bank). in the above to suggest that any silt removed would be replaced with salt water is ludicrous considering the amount of fresh water flowing out, in fact with a greater depth the same volume of salt water would incurse less because it would have a greater volume to fill in the lower bure. see my previous comments on incursion, where currently because the water cant escape each tide pushes the salt further into the system. if the water could escape the salt would be pushed back each low tide and then only travel to the previous high tides mark again.
  8. not really, I never got any navigation directions other than you went the wrong way.
  9. whenever I grew it, I would grow 2 rows in the allotment, then harvest it and it would just about stretch to one meal, and cauliflowers always seemed to produce enough for a single floret.
  10. mine had sat nag- sat in the passenger seat
  11. its like the case of reducing speed limits in towns to 20mph, then complaining when the cars and now running at an innefficient speed causing greater pollution. currently listening to the slow progress of a farmers protest driving through town, been hearing the same musical horns going for the last 30 minutes, and theres only about 1 mile of road that I would be able to hear them on. Dont forget this is going to hit the hire yards much harder than the private boaters, many have already taken payment for the boats to be hired out this year, so unless they add a surcharge on, its the yards that are going to be out of pocket, and this will also go on to the cost of future hires, raising the charges again to a point where hirers will debate hiring at all.
  12. I cant say what I personally think as i would have to moderate myself.
  13. useful at the ant infested mooring on the river side of wroxham broad
  14. we also have the spitfire memorial at the top of the cliffs between folkestone and dover, its a good place to watch any air display at folkestone because any spitfire passing will always fly up and over the edge of the cliff and give a wing waggle just over the memorial- and that happens any time a spitfire passes, I think its a point of honour that they do it, the museum there is shaped like a spitfires wing.
  15. an old friend of mine has helped his mate rebuild a rolls royce merlin engine, they have it on a trailer and run it up at the air museums on occasion - they have also been known to tow it to some remote spot to fire it up and run it for a few minutes, then quickly scarper before anyone comes to find out where the noise is coming from.
  16. and if you are ever near Manston, the museum there is only small, but well worth the visit.
  17. they could certainly bring them round by land on their launch cradle, personally if I was stuck above potter heigham, i would make full use of that time above the bridge.
  18. grendel


    since my neighbours concreted their garden over on rare occasions I get minor flooding in my garden (maybe an inch near the back door) of course this is the area I have now built my shed, and over the past few weeks I have had several occasions where the puddle has started to form by the back door (now has a paving slab step which helps avoid paddling.)
  19. I have just ordered 2 new hoses for my Hetty (bought cheap at a car boot fair), she is used in the workshop and this time i was hoovering up swarf and managed to get an immovable blockage in the hose- disconnected and finished the job with the hose from my henry (indoor hoover- bought new) and noticed the hose on the hetty was a good 1/4" smaller, now usually when the hose clogs i just drop a 12" bar of 1" dia steel down the hose and shake it up and down as a slide hammer, but this time the hose got properly bunged up, so I ordered a new bigger diameter one (plus a spare) only £8 each so i got 2. if the motor still runs its almost certainly a hose blockage. my parents managed to blow their old henry (actually it may have been a james) up the other year, they complained- it was only 20 years old.
  20. I have to agree, when I was first driving between ashford and canterbury, the 15 mile journey would take 20 minutes, and it was a 60mph A road all the way, with the new speed limits thay have introduced it now takes 40 minutes and there are about 2 miles which are 'national speed limit' and now they say the pollution is higher- well no doubt because everyone is speeding up and slowing down the whole way, its a 40mph limit until about 5 miles from canterbury, then 50 / 40 for the next 5 miles
  21. I fully intend to grow old - Disgracefully. I now do what I want, when i want, and if that means I get the urge to go to the theatre or the circus on my own, I have no hesitation to do so. If I want to collect junk, or get rid of junk, I do, if I want a shed for my hot tub, by george I will build a shed for my hot tub, no matter if the neighbour hangs out of his window watching and passing comments (who cares - he barks back at dogs and squarks back at birds too).
  22. dont forget the essential cooking implement- a good non stick frying pan for cooking the bacon.
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