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Everything posted by JanetAnne

  1. And once you have finished practicing on everybody elses projects.....
  2. Love her, right down to the side valve! Would you consider bringing her south to the Beccles Wooden Broads Cruiser Show in August? We would love to have her there. (Can someone smarter than me put a link in here to the that thread?)
  3. Yes but water skiing is very different. To wake board you hold the boat at a speed that produces the maximum height wash for the boarder to make use of. Water skiing is more about speed over the water with the boat on the plane and producing minimal wash. We can't have it both ways. If it's about erosion then finance is irrelevant but if we can just have what we want because we are able to afford the fight and sod the riverbanks then one could change the face of the Broads beyond anything we could imagine.
  4. If we are so concerned about wash and erosion why are we still licencing wake board boats on the southern rivers?
  5. If you can't tie knots use lots. Never fails
  6. Just can't help yourselves can you!
  7. Remove the half a million NO MOORING signs and I'll happily agree with you young sir!
  8. Over the time we have had experience of three bss inspectors. The first failed a boat on work his own staff had completed just days earlier, the second failed us on a gas leak we didn't have even though the hard wired bilge based gas alarm also told him we didn't have it (at the subsequent retest we discovered he didn't know how to properly use the bubble tester!!!He does now... lol) and the third informed us that we far exceeded anything the bss had in mind but he had throughly enjoyed his time aboard! I miss the naked flame approach to gas testing.... You learnt very fast back then.
  9. Iain, a very good friend of mine (a fellow woodie of course) was painted dark blue one season. They made an excellent job as well, you could have shaved in the shine. Anyway, after launching all was well for a couple of months then the sun got out proper and heated the planking up so much above the waterline she opened up good and proper. You could wave to people through the gaps!! Then it rained. The rain ran off the decks, down the hull, through the gaps and into every bed, cupboard, wardrobe... you get the idea. Next season she was back in white!
  10. Could I suggest that dark blue cabin sides and decks will become quite hot in the sunshine (should we have some of course) which will mean raised cabin temperatures. Even the blue you currently have will warm up but nowhere as bad
  11. Sometimes an event comes along and you think "I so want to see that!"
  12. Me too! If it's not a scam I suppose I have to pay it?
  13. I have a spare vhs player here if you want to borrow it? And yes Iain, there is a tin of Quality Street here unopened ready for just such an occasion. Ain't it funny. Other people's holiday pictures used to be so boring but mention its old footage of the Broads and we can't get enough of it! Now up in my granny s loft is an 8mm shot afloat in 1973. Sadly, these days, she can't remember where the loft is! One day it will be liberated I promise
  14. And I know Merlin would love to come to the Beccles Wooden Boat Show should anyone like to bring him...
  15. Actually 'most' woodies are maintained properly and do undergo a full structural survey every few years. We have to... Sadly we all remember the ones in poor ownership that end up on the bottom. The rest are harder to spot as, still being afloat, they are on the move!
  16. I wonder if Mr Mondeoman has his video done yet?
  17. She's drives exactly the same in a boat. Always zig zags across the rivers stopping to let the sailys cross, and as for not wanting to be flashed....
  18. Hiya everyone, I've been asked to seek your thoughts on smart chargers/controllers for a friend of mine. We have twin engines with two alternators (obviously ) and we have two independant engine cranking batteries along with a bank of 500 amps of domestics. The system is currently controlled with two split charge relays and works fine but we wondered whether we could use a smart charge system to get the best out of the alternators and reduce engine time when moored etc. With both engines running we have a potential 160 amps available. Ideally it would be nice to isolate the fridge battery from the main pack but not necessary. We wondered what other members had done or would suggest? Choccy is available... of course!
  19. Expetience? I get worse... Experience!
  20. And if you are near Beccles on the 20th or 21st pop along to the Yacht station and have a drool over the wooden broads cruisers on show
  21. And then let us all have a watch I hope?
  22. Would you like to? It would be nice to have someone take her out who has expetience of them and set up the rigging properly. It's probably just fine tuning that's needed but a fettle would get the best out of her.
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