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Everything posted by smellyloo

  1. Today I am mainly feeling the love!!

  2. If it is well promoted at Whitlingham it may entice a few thirsty trudgers to sample some of the splendid watering holes in Thorpe. I really hope it works out .... but two services? Hmmmm
  3. I think the people that dug him up should bear the cost of reburial. I'd do it for considerably less than 2 mill.
  4. I didn't actually know the chap so it's difficult for me to join in the critism! I do know he died during an augument about roses though, but it all happened several years ago now, Strange they were allowed to bury him in a car park. Does anybody know what happened to his horse?
  5. A nice thought but how would you know if the £20 discount had been applied? As long as the boatyard are up front about where your chosen boat can go then you can make an informed choice.
  6. I always think a piano to be an essential bit of kit. First & foremost you need entertainment on board. Oh ..... and a bucket for when the entertainment results in an over indulgence of the lemonade.
  7. I agree Tim & Pru's adventures are worth a watch. I loved the bit where Pru went into Rotweiller mode when somebody dared to discard an empty bottle in the canal. Just as well she was encouraged to show restraint given the individuals concerned. Just the right blend of boating and interest provided by the people they meet on the journey.
  8. And everybody lived happily ever after ..... ZZzzzzzzz
  9. I don't live there but when I visit by day boat it is quite magical. I'm afraid it would not be so if there were a line of large stinkies ploughing their way to the pub. So leave the bridge alone. I would however quite like to see formally navigable stretches re-instated such as the Waveney to Bungay. I know this is unlikely ever to happen but it would be nice.
  10. Teak planking .... doesn't get much better than that.
  11. Just add people and it's ........ Party Time!! Luverly Beware you might find a salivating Smellyloo lurking in a dark corner!!
  12. Norwich ....... the sun didn't come out this morning . gloom ..... gloomier ...... back to gloom. Couldn't even see anything through the binoculars!!!
  13. Two edged sword really (ouch) Smaller thinner sheets ...... increase soap sales!!
  14. Speed limits should be obeyed ...... end. However the problem I often encounter on our country roads are those drivers who insist on driving at 43.9 mph regardless of good, straight roads. In my older, more, mellow years I just moan a bit and stay behind, however many wish to pass the mobile chicane which leads to a decision ..... do they exceed the speed limit to pass quickly and safely or pass more slowly legally?
  15. I picture an army of curtain twitchers ..... cameras at ready .................. waiting to name & shame. But wait...... How did we manage to police the waterways before they went digital? Perhaps woody folks were better behaved. That said the bloke in question deserved what he got ....... the result of the red mist descending.
  16. My favourite smellie "Odour toilettes" ...... Only the best ingredients washed down with lashings of natural hop flavoured spring water!!
  17. I guess those who want a warm & comfy box to sit in will never understand us "real people (wanted to say men but realised I couldn't!!)" who revel in life at the end of wooden stick (standing not sitting) imagining life as captain on one of Nelson's fleet. Oh are me hearties ..... bit of rain never hurt anybody ....... Chuck a bucket of salty water in me face ...... proper boating.
  18. I used to think this way too. But not all grafitti is an eyesore. Done well it can brighten up dull, dingey dark places. Perhaps these underpass type areas could be regularly sprayed blank to allow a blank canvas for new artwork. Then maybe ..... hopefully ...... they would leave less appropriate areas free of grafitti.
  19. Having read the document it would seem, as Strowager has said, that a safety review took place and concluded that very little needed to change. I think it wise that when such powerful craft are racing adjacent to other craft that such a review is regularly made. I used to love cruising past the race on my return to my mooring and am pleased to see that it will continue as before.
  20. Absolutely right Strowager. I have long thought a "no confidence in any candidate" would be a desirable option. It would give purpose to voting for those like minded people. It is however essential to register a vote to avoid indesirable extremists winning the ballot by default. I believe it should be compusory to vote, at least in the general election. However in this day and age I feel technology needs to be embrased to encourage the new generation to get involved.
  21. Is it me? or is this brave new world of private webcam survailence getting to be a bit like "Big brother is watching". Imagine the embarassment if old Smellies garden antics were broadcast on the web .... shudder!!!
  22. I do find it rather sad that over 600,000 (and rising) people condone the resurection of sir jeremy regardless of whether he threw a punch at a colleague or not. Violence should not be condoned ...... if it is proven that he did nothing wrong then I would expect him to return!! On the subject of political correctness I am of an age where several things i was brought up to believe to be OK is now not acceptable. However we live in a very different world now, tollerence, respect & understanding are very important qualities to aspire to if we are ever to live peacefully alongside other cultures. Outspoken, intollerant and loutish behaviour should be discouraged ..... especially in mainstream media.
  23. Clarkson's success can be attributed to his desire/willingness to court controvercy. I too would like to see a "Please sack clarkson" campaign as I feel the current Top gear format is running out of ideas. .... witness the latest, pointless ambulance conversion sketch. Some of the travel inspired sketches are quite interesting but the "men behaving badly" slant is now somewhat dated.
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