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Everything posted by TheQ

  1. Appologies if anyone tried to use the Horning sailing club web site during the 3 Rivers Race to see the sailing. There was so much demand, I believe there were computer problems. Unfortunately as we are a self help club, the computer expert was otherwise engaged.... He came 28th in his Reedling RK4 with a corrected time of 11 hours 21 minutes 11 seconds..
  2. They are more likely to not turn up due to the expense, 8 entered 3 broke, I'm not sure what broke, but looking at past A Rater reports those expensive carbon fibre Masts are fragile!!!
  3. The road works in Hoveton appear to have cleared as has the road works at Ingham corner. There is a new set of traffic lights on the Stalham - Ingham road in the S bend, this is to build a new garden wall.
  4. That's perfect timing, the gentleman in the white shirt is Will Penny the current Horning Sailing Club Commodore doing his tour of the accessible guardship before doing his turn on duty with the Martham Guard ship.
  5. I'd advise, many to be there between 12:00 and 15:00 today looking south. It's the day for real chaos. 3RR......
  6. Err...... this isn't the confessions thread...... I've no favourite chippy, but will have some delivered to me in Hickling broad, just off the sailing cub at around 22:00. No I'll not be receiving outside assistance during the 3 Rivers Race, I'll be counting them all round the bouy.
  7. Further road works on the Hoveton - Stalham road. The works and Lights at the Stalham end of the road in Hoveton, are continuing but today another set will start between the Hoveton Village hall and the double mini roundabouts. A little further afield, the road from Palling to Happisburgh At Ingham Corner is closed for the next three Days ( electricity works), the diversion route is via Stalham and Whimpwell green. I drove the Spixworth- Frettenham road yesterday, and so far there does not seem to be any problems with that road through the NDR, there are some Huge embankments on the eastern side of the road and a lot of machinery including a very big crane at work.
  8. Ah cannae ***** th' lingo. Narrfok I can't speak though I be spend time in Wiltsher And Zomerzet, Where HOW be on? It be a bit dimpsy, bain't it? Be the way to talk And the Hebrides the Gàidhlig talk And that I speak, I don't think, so after that, I need a drink Gi's a gurt big pint of thee best zider or a Highland Park, I can't decide err.... A little note the Scots English translator translates Speak as S P I C K but the built in censor on the NBN puts **** in
  9. I can see Happisburgh light house from ground level which is 20 ft above the sea and have the sea viewable from the roof of house from North North East round to South South East. Yesterday at 07:00 there was a 20 mph mist, this morning we have a stronger wind but lesser mist. We don't have the number of power cuts we did, as all the separate 3 phase wires in the area, have been replaced by insulated wires wound in a bunch together. They've just Forecast gales and heavy rain for tonight.
  10. The Coltishall rd work have sprouted traffic lights allowing machinery to cross, normally there is no problem to traffic.
  11. We've all capsized a bit, it's just the smaller the boat the more likely it is, and a Heron is Small !!! These days, I sail something with a bit of cast iron hanging underneath, but we still manage to get wet boots about once a year.
  12. http://www.heron-dinghy.org.uk/?eprivacy=1
  13. The EDP article is not quite correct because in the "Pound End" part of Hoveton Little Broad (Black Horse Broad) there are Islands
  14. Well done , Hibees, you've made my brother in law very happy Hibees 3 Rangers 2
  15. The road works at the quarry entrance on the Coltishall Road have now cleared.
  16. The questions were a bit disingenuous, for instance, question which broad is this? with 4 Broads in the picture admittedly only one of the named broads was in the picture. That building in Question 9 for Cockshoot broad, is I think, the last building on the left as you Leave Horning heading down river, not on Cockshoot at all. Which is what I guessed it was so 10/10
  17. TheQ

    Eating Out

    According to the measuring device on Google maps 1400 yards (following the road). I must admit I do like the food at the Recruiting Sergeant, you'd come back a bit heavier than you left, even with the walk both ways!!
  18. The Coltishall Footpath roadworks by the river Green have now ben cleared.
  19. Another new set of Road works this time in Hoveton, Between the new roundabout and the end of Hoveton. Traffic lights and at times a significant hold up. this appears to be some sort of Utilities work. The Coltishall Rd NDR works appears to be developing, with various humps of soil showing the outline of the roads.
  20. Ok Who put that the telephone box on the tracks?? Ah the Slamannan and Borrowstouness Railway, some time since I did any work there, about 40 years!? Just after we moved from Falkirk and were building the Bo'ness station. Hopefully I'll have my next visit in about 3 weeks. Good pictures..
  21. A new set of road works has appeared on the Coltishall road, just outside Horstead, at the new quarry junction, as usual the works is not on the road but next to it. They have put in 3 way lights and closed that minor road opposite. They are wasting money, again either side of the NDR road works. They have put up signs that say things like "nobody likes a tailgater".
  22. TheQ

    Granary Staithe

    At the other place there have been much discussions, http://the-norfolk-broads.co.uk/viewmessages.cfm?Forum=22&Topic=38741&srow=41&erow=50
  23. TheQ


    Commuting to London is quite possible as you'll note I said there is extra traffic on the Monday and Friday, they are staying in London all week and returning to their holiday homes at the weekends.!! As to the broadshaven any manager has a major decision. Go down market for more customers in the summer, Go middle to up market to try to attract customers all year round
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