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Everything posted by SwanR

  1. Thanks for the update. We’ve definitely found the breeze a challenge in this boat for much of the week. Tested my mooring skills!
  2. Any idea how it’s looking for tomorrow yet? When is a decision made on the course?
  3. Great write up Susan. That’s certainly a long way to travel. Haven’t been to your part of the world for many years now but always enjoyed North Devon.
  4. I’m the same. Another forumite is on Silent this week. Will give a full write up of the week and of Zircon when we’re home.
  5. Lunch in the Lion was excellent but we’re not really pub people! Not even any alcohol on our boat this week!!
  6. Pleasure to meet you at lunchtime today Griff. We headed for Salhouse as planned. It was a much better afternoon for cruising.
  7. We’re out on Zircon Emblem. Had the pleasure of saying hello to Griff in The Lion earlier.
  8. Thanks for the warning. Given that we will be afloat it’s really helpful to know what to look out for.
  9. Welcome Neil! We're out with Ferry Marina next week and love hiring from them. Haven't ever been with Silverline, although we're very much hoping to hire on the south again one year. Looking forward to hearing what you decide to do and how you get on.
  10. Not far at all then. We're in Essex so just a little bit further.
  11. Waiting to see what the weather does could be very wise, if you're able to book leave at short notice. Do you have far to travel to Norfolk? If you look at some of the boats on Norfolk Broads Direct, whilst you don't seem to be able to book online, there is an indication of prices for the whole year. Probably would need to phone to book.
  12. Agreed. Lovely tale and photos. Enjoy Wells and safe travels.
  13. Interesting to hear about the bridge height at Ludham Bridge today. I'm glad we're hiring out of Horning next week. Better to have full range of the Bure and the Thurne rather than just the upper Ant. I wonder what they do if boats really get stuck the wrong side of any bridge before the day that you're due back.
  14. Great photos Cal, especially those clouds on the last one in your post. Apologies that your thread has been hijacked a bit on the topic of maintenance! Are the rivers very busy this week?
  15. Wrong! We always report things in the hope the yard will sort them out. After all we would also hope that the previous hirers would have done the same for our benefit.
  16. Lovely photos and always good to hear reviews of the various hire yards. Sounds like you had a lovely time.
  17. Lovely photo Alan. I have been glad to still read of your visits on Ranworth Breeze this year. Hope you’re doing ok.
  18. When we hired from Richardson's earlier this year the young lad was excellent at our handover and asked if we had any issues which he noted down. But if hirers don't speak up then the yard doesn't know about the problems. As for the batteries, whenever we pick a boat up from Ferry Marina the boat is plugged in on charge.
  19. Lovely write up and beautiful photos. Looking forward to seeing some of those sunsets myself soon. :)
  20. Lovely photos and a great write-up. Places so familiar but we never get tired of them.
  21. We hired Moon Beam which is an ex-Swancraft boat of similar design. But as it was September, and hot with it, we didn't notice any draught issues. But the internal design was not their best ... the Skipper's Manual even advised not to moor from the inside helm, the view wasn't very good.
  22. I certainly saw the bottom right hand photo on a couple of the Facebook groups last night. I think it was taken at Surlingham Ferry.
  23. SwanR

    Flood Warnings

    And pretty much the same for the Yare. The tidal River Yare from Thorpe St Andrew to Breydon Water Flooding is possible - be prepared This message has been issued because there is a possibility of some minor flooding to riverside roads and footpaths this afternoon, Monday 30 January 2019, between 12:00am and 02:00pm at Brundall, and Reedham. This is due to the natural tide locking effect of high tidal waters moving up the rivers from Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft that restricts the normal drainage out to sea of the Broads river system at low tide. We expect to see high water levels in Brundall and Reedham riverside areas. We are expecting the situation to continue through Tuesday and Wednesday this week as tide levels remain high but are not expecting the level of risk to escalate. We expect heavy rain on Monday evening which may take longer to drain into the broads due to the higher water levels. Take care on waterside roads and footpaths and don't put yourself in unnecessary danger. We are monitoring the situation and will update this message as necessary. This information was last updated at 11:50am Monday 30 September 2019
  24. SwanR

    Flood Warnings

    Update that I just found for one of the warnings in place. The tidal River Waveney from Ellingham to Breydon Water Flooding is possible - be prepared This message has been issued because there is a possibility of some minor flooding to riverside roads and footpaths this afternoon, Monday 30 January 2019, between 12:00am and 02:00pm at Burgh Castle, and between 02:00pm and 04:00pm at Beccles Quay. This is due to the natural tide locking effect of high tidal waters moving up the rivers from Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft that restricts the normal drainage out to sea of the Broads river system at low tide. We expect to see high water levels at Beccles Quay. We are expecting the situation to continue through Tuesday and Wednesday this week as tide levels remain high but are not expecting the level of risk to escalate. We expect heavy rain on Monday evening which may take longer to drain into the broads due to the higher water levels. Take care on waterside roads and footpaths and don't put yourself in unnecessary danger. We are monitoring the situation and will update this message as necessary. This information was last updated at 11:50am Monday 30 September 2019
  25. Take care out on the Broads today. There are flood warnings in place around various rivers and the harbour at Lowestoft. You can see the details on the following website. https://flood-warning-information.service.gov.uk/warnings We are subscribed for alerts and received a “be prepared “ call specifically for 10am to 12am today, Monday, which covers this morning’s high tide on the coast.
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