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Everything posted by SwanR

  1. Always love stopping at the New Inn for lunch when we're afloat ... and sometimes when we're just out in the car as well. Wasn't going to be the same without Gus but hopefully there won't be too many changes.
  2. Haven't been on the southern Broads for a few years, but certainly on the northern Broads I get good coverage with O2.
  3. I must listen to that later. I had completely forgotten about Radio 7 and its later transformation into Radio 4 Extra.
  4. Most of my favourite channels have already been covered, and some of them are ones that I had picked up through previous recommendations on the forum. I love Foxes Afloat and sometimes leave them a comment once I've watched their weekly offering. Colin used to be a radio presenter so it's not surprising that he is very good at having researched lots of facts and presents things really well. He puts a lot of hard work into producing their vlogs. Simon, a Bloke in the Woods is another one that I started watching for his vlogs canoeing on the Broads and associated rivers. But I've come to really enjoy the ones where he is out camping or practising survival techniques. The Admiral (Russell Thomson) can be quite amusing. But I do love Dave Whitworth's recent videos, very funny. Finally for now we discovered a channel called Floating Our Boat. It's a couple who sold their house and bought a narrowboat plus a cottage to use as a holiday let for some income. They're a similar kind of age to me probably, so it's been fascinating to watch their first 18 months or so and see how it has worked, becoming continuous cruisers. We binge watched all their videos through December, finally catching them up on New Year's Eve!
  5. SwanR

    Broom Boats

    You turn up the Dyke where the blue pagoda is on the corner, that was how they always told us to remember where they were when we hired from them. They’re on the left just past Silverline. But I’m sure Mr Nog may be along with more of an idea of their layout.
  6. Just one point that I’m sure someone can help me with. Upstream and downstream. Which is which? Easiest way to explain it to me for this particular mooring would be which describes the Norwich end?
  7. Glad I’ve got a forward steer cruiser booked for March then!
  8. Just seeing whether Jay was paying attention!
  9. But if you did that, what would be the effect along the coast down to Lowestoft?
  10. I don't do either ... other than a glass of wine during that season that I'm sure I'm not allowed to mention for the next 10 1/2 months!! ;)
  11. Might be worth checking whether they are serving food though, if you want a meal. When we were out in March 3 or 4 years ago there was one place that was not serving any food until Easter.
  12. I was trying to remember what we did last year, although we were on the north, so can only comment on that. But from memory we were out at the same time as you and filled up water easily at Ranworth, Salhouse and Womack Water. Ferry Marina and Richardson's are hiring at that time so their boatyards would have water available too.
  13. I think they've always offered that Graham. It's a good way of getting repeat business.
  14. No there was no loyalty discount offered. It just became apparent last season that Ferry Marina seemed to keep offering discounts for weeks outside the school holidays. We hadn't really intended to have another boat in October but when they offered 30% discounts how could we refuse?! There was another forum member who did the same but commented to me privately that the prices didn't work out so well for 10 or 11 day holidays. This was the first season that FM were under new ownership and they seem to have changed approach whilst still maintaining very friendly and high level service. They didn't used to hire between November and early March but seem to have been more open to that this year.
  15. SwanR

    My Day

    Hope you've both had a safe drive. Certainly has been a stormy day ... and I can only imagine just how relieved you will be to reach the safe harbour of home after all you've been through.
  16. We are quite particular. Preferably a boat with bow thrusters as there is only ever the two of us on board so it just makes arriving and departing the moorings easier and more secure. I can do it without but prefer knowing I’ve got the backup. But an absolute must for us is an island bed. My other half is 6’4 so any kind of fixed length bed that you can’t hang your feet off doesn’t work for us. This does considerably reduce the number of boats that we can hire. And it is why we are such fans of the ex-Swancraft fleet. Such great boats for two people hiring at a reasonable price. Just such a shame that they’re not based on the South anymore. Might look at the Broom Captain eventually or the boats WRC are offering but they all come at a price. Plus I like the go anywhere air draft of the bathtubs.
  17. I've checked out a number of the yards on the south D46 and they don't seem to hire out in the winter. I had thought maybe Waveney River Centre would given that Ferry Marina have changed their ways. But no luck. I love the southern rivers and want to get back at some point but can't get a boat that suits us at a price that suits us. Ah well ... I'm going to keep that Christmas boat hire on my wishlist. Ooops ... did I mention the C Word after 12th night? Where's Jay when I need him.
  18. SwanR

    My Day

    I hope all went ok yesterday Griff, and echo the words of others as to your post. Thoughts with you and your family. I know that when I lost my mum, I was dreading the funeral. But once I came out of the chapel I felt a weight lifted and that in some way I understood why we put ourselves through that moment. And while other friends and family then go home and get on with their lives, it allows those of us closest to the person we lost to be able to start the next chapter, to move forward in a way we couldn't do until the funeral was done. At least that's how it was for me. My mother-in-law is quite poorly in hospital, she was taken in yesterday, Dr's orders even though she didn't want to go. But at the grand age of 100 she is inevitably not what she was. Sad for her family to see, but she's in the right place, and being looked after for a while will hopefully be good for her.
  19. Be interesting to see what happens. The food was really good last time we went there.
  20. I started The Two Popes but lost interest halfway through. Someone else has also recommended the latest version of Little Women to me. The film with Elizabeth Taylor and June Allyson was always part of my childhood Christmases.
  21. This morning I watched what I thought was a lovely programme from last night - Britain's Most Scenic Railway Journey: Minute By Minute. It was on Channel 5 and was the journey from the foothills of Ben Nevis to the port of Mallaig. Very little commentary as well which was great, just the sound of the steam train and the tracks. It has definitely made me think about stepping away from Norfolk for a holiday later in the year ... maybe!
  22. I will check out those YouTube recommendations. Like you, Ian, I grew up on three channels but so often I can’t find anything I really want to watch even though we’ve got Netflix on top of cable tv. There are a lot of good YouTube channels and quite a number of narrow boaters. Found a channel called Floating Our Boat. We’ve spent the last few weeks watching them right from the start. A couple a similar age to us who decided to become continuous cruisers. It’s been really interesting to see how they have got on, what worked and what didn’t. Would recommend them.
  23. I watched a bit of this last year. But for me there’s now too much reality tv. The Masked Singer and The Voice both started this evening on ITV. And Dancing on Ice is back tomorrow.
  24. Wonderful photos. What a treat it must have been to have a weekend afloat.
  25. SwanR

    My Day

    What did you think of the shop being in the pub now Ian? We usually visit a couple of times during the season.
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