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Everything posted by SwanR

  1. I reckon toilet rolls are the cheap way to buy tissues perhaps!! Personally I don't think there's any excuse for panic buying food and it's just wrong at this stage. Wonder how much of it will go to waste which is criminal in itself.
  2. I think there's very mixed opinions on that going by the comments I have heard on the radio ... but then there's a lot of "experts" out there who think they know best. We are where we are ... but I had an email from a customer yesterday asking about our team's business continuity plans. I don't think we've made any at this point. Newswatch on the BBC this morning was interesting. Some people felt the coverage was right but I think they were outweighed by those who felt that the media are making people panic by constantly stating the worst case scenarios rather than reporting the facts. It is an unknown.
  3. Great photos. I see the forecast for the week ahead is a little mixed!! Hope you get a good cruise in today. :)
  4. I know what you mean about the bed but we managed fine with this one as at least the bottom isn't against a wall. I think you lose the space for an island bed because of the bathroom which has a lovely full height shower cubicle. Hubby is 6'4 but he managed ok with the seating under the bow for meals. A nice cosy place to eat and it means that you don't have a table in the way when you're sitting in the main cabin area. At least that is all how it was on Prince and it looks as if this new boat will be very much the same. A shame they don't have updated interior photos on their website yet. Suited us very well but each to their own. :)
  5. I was aware they were building a new version of Fair Prince and had been waiting for some internal photos to become available. Electric canopy, electric winch and electric toilet are probably the main differences from when we last hired Prince. The layout is great and I wouldn't be worried about the seating looking as if only the helmsperson has a good view. This one is definitely on my list to consider when we next want to hire a centre cockpit boat. We loved Fair Prince and it was a great out of season cruiser. The years that we hired it we went in October. It was a lovely warm very comfortable and cosy boat. This updated version is sure to be in demand.
  6. I'm coming up the A12 on Monday. Hope you're not suggesting that I should self-isolate in Essex rather than on a Broads cruiser!!
  7. We need some perspective here. Please don't get me wrong, I do understand that anyone in an at risk group will be concerned. But there's no Government advice to start closing things down. And you can't expect companies to just start giving refunds. How would any business survive. Yes if you feel that the sensible thing for you is not to go then that's your decision to make. And I wouldn't blame anyone for that, all life is precious. But the reality is that you may lose your money.
  8. My husband went shopping this morning but couldn’t get me any more cold and flu tablets of any brand. The shelves were empty!
  9. I'm trying to avoid the news now. I am firmly in the camp of those that blame the media for sensationalising everything. We're carrying on our lives as normal and taking what sensible precautions we may need to. Facts are fine but endless speculation just makes me feel unnecessarily stressed. I've got a bad cold at the moment ... and someone suggested I should self-isolate after the latest round of Coronavirus advice circulated this morning by the company I work for!!
  10. We generally moored up about 11.30 to get a space for lunch. And once we had eaten it was straight back on board and off to find our overnight mooring, so plenty of chance for someone else to get a space and the pub to get more punters through. It has never appealed to us as a place to stay overnight as we like somewhere quieter than being outside a busy pub.
  11. Alan the url quoted for more information is a broken link leading only to a Page Not Found. I noticed the same from the post on Facebook.
  12. I think the thing with the New Inn is that they have always felt like public moorings in that you could moor outside of pub opening hours and walk along to the shops or around Horning while you were there. It’s easy to forget that it’s private property with the moorings being so accessible.
  13. Interesting question. We’re out week after next and were talking about this yesterday as it had become one of our regular lunch stops. The insurance aspect is a good point. Our intention, for lack of any other ideas, was to see if there are any no mooring signs.
  14. That looks a very nice boat. If I won the lottery I could be quite tempted. No I'm not going to tell you all my numbers otherwise I might have to share the jackpot!! Oh yes ... and summer is booked for a certain date in July that happens to be my birthday!
  15. Hope your dad is soon better. Thanks for sharing your photos. Not sure if the sun came out here today as the blinds tend to be kept closed in the office. But it did reach a balmy 26 degrees at my desk!!
  16. Find us another boat then Mr Nog and start another one!!
  17. I refer the honourable gentleman to the reply I gave one hour ago ... BOATS FOR SALE!!!
  18. The original link doesn’t seem to go anywhere now so maybe the boat is sold!!
  19. I know that topic-creep is not uncommon but this started out as a thread about a particular boat that’s for sale. We do seem to have veered a long way off course with this one! Has anyone got anything else to say about any boats currently up for sale? Personally one of my favourite things to do when I visit Potter Heigham is to have a look around the boats for sale. But I would never want one as big as 42 feet!
  20. Lovely photos. Enjoy the rest of the day. :)
  21. Plus it’s not just this one bridge that many boats can’t get under. The introduction of the pilot at Wroxham means that access to Coltishall is often restricted when you’re on a hire boat. And out of bounds when you hire out of season. Then there’s Wayford Bridge. Do less boats get under there now too?
  22. I remember Thinking Day. We were allowed to wear our Brownie uniform to school!
  23. Thank you for sharing such a personal story Psychic Surveyor. You never know what you may have to help your children through no matter what age they reach.
  24. Thanks for sharing the videos. Looks very windy still and the water levels still look high. Safe travels
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