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Everything posted by SwanR

  1. And I can understand garden centres being annoyed when supermarkets are still selling flowers. Those are sadly the unavoidable inconsistencies of a situation that I don't think anyone saw coming.
  2. Now that the tv schedules have been turned upside down including there not being any sport, we do find that we are spending more time together in the evenings finding things that interest us both. We do spend a lot of time watching YouTube, a number of narrow boat channels, Broads vlogs and outdoorsy bushcraft channels.
  3. Perhaps they are just trying to make everyone think about what they are doing. Personally I'm concerned about the amount of online shopping ads that constantly come up on my FB newsfeed and in my emails. In my book we should only be ordering essentials online as every item has to be picked, packed and delivered. Shouldn't online operations for non-essentials have been shut down? It's not work you can do from home and therefore aren't you needlessly putting lives at risk?
  4. Thanks for sharing these. How strange to see the Broad with no boats coming and going. I wonder if this is having any effect on the wildlife. The ducks at Salhouse are always straight over to any boat that arrives!
  5. We’re watching these too. Love Dave’s sense of humour... and he gave my channel a mention as well on one of his lockdown videos. :) If you want to see some really beautiful footage then check out the Admiral’s mini adventure 2 day 2. Simply stunning!
  6. SwanR

    My Day

    Lovely to have good news. Congrats to all the family and hope mother and baby are doing well.
  7. You certainly can’t tell yet Helen how long this will take for the position to change. Great photo Chris. One of our busiest times afloat was a few days in early September one year. The rivers certainly won’t be looking like this right now. But hopefully there will be at least part of a season by the time we get round to the autumn.
  8. Someone I was on a Teams call with today is a singer and musician in a jazz band. He was playing music on his piano while we waited for everyone to join. :)
  9. Silver Cloud does look a beautiful boat. Of course Dave Whitworth’s videos are also a great advert. I have wondered how other syndicate members feel about seeing their boat on so many videos. It will be the same on Thunder now that Russell Thomson has bought in.
  10. Heard about this one on the local news. I haven't had a chance to look at it in daylight yet so can't vouch for the quality. It's a webcam on one of the tern platforms at the nature reserve at Ranworth Broad. https://www.norfolkwildlifetrust.org.uk/news-and-articles/cameras/ranworth-broad-webcam
  11. I don't think that I'm as productive with this home working lark!! I've settled into a later lazier start without having to get out to beat the traffic into town. I live so close to the office that my savings on commuting are negligible. And my husband had to reorganise the house to give me an office space. Still ... it is what it is ... and there is no choice. I work with schools and the staff are still working either from home or on site. So we have work still coming in.
  12. SwanR

    My Day

    We watch this one as well. They’ve just posted an update video which we are about to watch. :)
  13. Here's Great Yarmouth this morning. The weather is a contrast to yesterday. Just the occasional car drives along the seafront. So strange.
  14. SwanR

    My Day

    I watch a number of YouTube vlogs from folk living on the canals and usually continuously cruising. One in particular has stated that they are now moored up and will only move when they need water or fuel or any other essential services. You just never know what reason someone has to be on the move when you can't ask them.
  15. I don't know how you all know what these mills are called ... they all look the same to me and I never remember them!! :)
  16. Thanks for posting the photos. I love webcams. I'm always on the lookout for new ones to bookmark. Currently my list goes from Sydney Harbour to Florida, from the Shetlands to Portsmouth ... always via the Norfolk Broads of course. How about this one in Great Yarmouth ... that's almost the Broads. :) https://www.great-yarmouth.co.uk/visitor-info/webcam.aspx Snapped just now. Looks like a beautiful day on the coast.
  17. I think we need to be careful pondering on the legalities of how companies are behaving right now. I’ve been surprised by one directive from our management but believe it to be within their rights according to someone who knows more about these things than I.
  18. From what I hear my company won’t be making up the difference if any staff are furloughed. They are looking at cost cutting and might be asking for volunteers to reduce their hours depending on incoming work volumes the longer this goes on.
  19. There’s some great ideas there Grendel, thank you.
  20. It’s now completely acceptable to cross the road to avoid people!!
  21. Grendel’s right. My team want to prove that working from home works so that they can do more of it in the future. For me, I’m missing the ease of conversation when we’re all in one place. Being sat on my own at a desk all day, typing away on my laptop, is too sedentary!! Having said that, I am taking proper breaks which I don’t often do in the office.
  22. I realised yesterday that it was only two weeks since we returned from our break on the Broads. Everything still open. Business as usual. My crystal ball certainly didn’t tell me that life would be so changed so soon. Yesterday morning a van mounted the pavement and took out the green box near us that provides all our Virgin Media services. Last night we started watching our Live Aid boxset. This morning somehow service is already restored. That’s fast work given the damage and the consideration that has to be given now to everything that any of us do.
  23. SwanR

    My Day

    Helen thank you so much for sharing your photos. That brightened the start of my day.
  24. It’s not too busy, a few families out on bikes, people walking their dogs, deliveries arriving. I think what hit home and emphasised the seriousness even more was the change this week when I walked to the Co-op near where I live, the socially distanced queue outside Boots where they were only serving people at the door, not allowing them in. And the line I had to stand behind away from the till while my shopping was scanned through. But I have a new game. Where I work at home looks out across the street. I’m now playing Delivery Van Bingo! Yesterday I only saw DPD, Royal Mail and Sainsbury’s. Maybe today I will cross a few more off!
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