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Everything posted by SwanR

  1. Actually, taking a closer look at your pictures, you look as if you have a nice little step at the back rather than having to clamber on and off from the freeboard at side on moorings. That would be great for me.
  2. Mouldy thank you for sharing your lovely photos. Looks wonderful there. I’m often torn between mooring along the Dyke or at the Staithe. If the tides are high then the Staithe wins so that we can stern moor and I can actually get off the boat!!
  3. Ah well. I very rarely go to pubs unless I’m going out for a meal. So this has made no difference to me. But there are other places that we go to where having to book has taken the pleasure away of being able to get up, see the sun and make a spur of the moment decision to go somewhere. But it does mean that we’ve saved a fair bit of money through the lockdown period. Now I really do need to see if I can get a hairdresser’s appointment sometime soon!!
  4. Some information for anyone going out on the Broads this weekend ... in case you haven't got time to listen to the news ... and why would you once you're afloat! I have just been reading that this Sunday 5th July, the birthday of the NHS, there is to be one final Clap for Carers at 5pm. And ahead of that, tomorrow, July 4th is to be considered a time of remembrance and reflection for all those lives lost during this pandemic. Sunday could create quite an atmosphere for people at the most popular moorings.
  5. I don't think it's fair that personal comments are posted against John Packman. Whether right or wrong, criticism against an organisation maybe, but things always seem to turn personal. And we've heard it so many times.
  6. Make sure you tell us when you're coming through THAT bridge Helen so we can all watch.
  7. We crossed the bridge at Beccles a few years ago with the thought to walk towards Geldeston. I don't think we were that far before it was more of a track than a path. It probably wasn't long before we turned round and went back. But then we're not regular walkers like yourself Dave. However not sure you would take a buggy down there unless there's a different path than the one we were on.
  8. Have considered that one so many times. I will be really interested to hear how you like it.
  9. SwanR

    River Yare

    Have a great time! Simple pleasures. :)
  10. Have a lovely time Helen. We’re heading for our caravan tomorrow for a few days break. Not sure what the forecast looks like but I’m sure we will all have a great time whatever the weather!
  11. SwanR

    River Yare

    Ah yes. Whitlingham Country Park. Might be some useful information on their website. https://www.whitlinghamcharitabletrust.com/#
  12. SwanR

    River Yare

    This is a lovely thread about a family holiday. Please don’t send it any further down the COVID-19 route. We’ve been allowed to continue that discussion elsewhere. I haven’t holidayed with children for many years but there’s some great suggestions given. If you moor at Rockland St Mary you can take some nice walks. Perhaps someone else will be able to confirm that. Is there a bird hide somewhere there?
  13. I did some very nice stewed plums the other evening. Recipe was to add castor sugar to water, add some orange juice, heat gently and stir until the sugar dissolved. Then add the halved or quartered plums and poach for 20 minutes. They were the most delicious plums I have tasted in a long time, though I say so myself.
  14. This series has been a great watch, better than what’s on the tv on many days. It inspired my own Little Bit Extra videos. And I know how much time and thought goes into putting something like this out. Thanks for all your efforts in keeping us amused, entertained and in touch with the Broads Dave.
  15. All very good points that probably drive a lot of us mad. Incidentally did you try contacting Talk Talk? So often when you contact these companies to say you are leaving then they pull the metaphorical rabbit out of the hat and find a way to charge you less than quoted. Why don’t they offer you that in the first place?!
  16. It really came across in your posts, Ian, just how much you wanted to take up this challenge. But you must put your own health first. I hope you’re soon on the mend.
  17. Remember to have some cash with you in case needed for overnight mooring anywhere that is charged. I know it’s not mudweighting but Ranworth Island is often a good backup plan with the option to mudweight if it is full. And the same would go for Salhouse Spit. Have a great time. As you said, at least you have longer daylight hours this time of year. Oh, and don’t forget that if you’re hiring then you can usually moor in other boatyards overnight. If there are plenty of boats out then logic would say that a space in one of the yards would probably be possible.
  18. I must save that Ian. Sounds delicious and even I could follow that. Do you have any suggestions for substitutes for onion in recipes to still get a good flavour please? I don’t like eating onions, peppers or garlic ... they don’t agree with me although I can eat things that have been cooked with onion in them, just try to avoid getting any on my plate! 😂
  19. It’s strange the items that go in and out of shortages. I couldn’t get cake cases anywhere either in the shop or on my online shop. My daughter said there were plenty where she lives and picked some up for me. You can guess what I made yesterday!
  20. Wonderful. Looks like you all had a lovely day. :)
  21. SwanR

    My Day

    Could we keep this thread on topic please ... there are other places for discussing that virus and its effects.
  22. SwanR

    My Day

    A cheeky visitor to our garden this morning.
  23. That does indeed sound like a very reasonable thing to do Ian. You've done as much as you can and now hopefully it's time to get back to other things you enjoy. They say we're less likely to catch the virus outdoors so some fresh Norfolk and Suffolk Broads air sounds like a plan.
  24. If we really want to moor at Ranworth then we decide on a day middle of our week's hire, leave our previous night's mooring early, get two or three hours cruising and arrive around 10.30 when the previous night's boats may well have left and before the lunchtime people arrive. Then we simply have a day chilling out on the boat, going for walks, get a bit of shopping, top up the water, plug into the electric if it's early or late season, and enjoy watching the comings and goings. Hubby might do a bit of fishing, I get my camera out and maybe the binoculars. It just makes for a really relaxing day which we enjoy.
  25. Or if the Broads are fully booked they may start to look at other parts of England. I’m not sure we will think about boating again until next year.
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