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Everything posted by SwanR

  1. I suppose all pub moorings are out of bounds until the establishments reopen on some basis. A boat moored outside would be a great place for eating a takeaway option. Lovely photos by the way. :)
  2. Personally I find that very insulting. I've had way more holidays in the UK than abroad. That's a sweeping generalisation.
  3. Never tire of seeing Ranworth. Glad you have managed to get back across to the boat. Must have been lovely just spending time over there. :)
  4. Lovely photos and a very evocative write up. We were out 9th to 13th March so just sneaked in before everything shut down. Pubs were still open but we were already being careful with hand washing and cleaning. Like you I have felt the unfriendliness of people living in Suffolk and Norfolk that has been so obvious on social media. But I don’t want to start a political discussion on your holiday tale. We’ve debated enough on other threads. Our caravan was made ready for the coming season but we’ve only visited for one day before the lockdown came in. I’m missing our weekends there. We could self-isolate and be safe just the same as at home, like so many other boat and holiday home owners. But we will wait until allowed to come back. Officially our site is still closed. Here’s to whatever the new normal becomes.
  5. Great photos. Which boat were you on that year?
  6. What beautiful weather that was. Lovely photos.
  7. SwanR

    My Day

    I wouldn’t be so sure about that. We spoke to an estate agent yesterday and he said that they are way busier now than before lockdown.
  8. SwanR

    Space Station

    We watched the space station a few nights ago. Easy to see and interesting once you start to think about what’s up in space.
  9. Hope things are settling for you. I think we will look back and be glad if we chronicled this time in any way. So I am interested to read the rest of this tale.
  10. It will be interesting to see whether this makes the news today. I hadn’t realised this was coming in now. It will force many people to actually stop and think about it.
  11. I had seen a news item about the Amsterdam idea a few days ago. I hope that local people will be supporting these kind of initiatives while the rest of us wait to be able to travel back to the area for more than a day trip.
  12. Can’t you all just be happy that you can get out on your boats for the day as owners as long as you can get to it? We’re not allowed back to our caravan yet and there’s not really much difference. Get out there and enjoy the rivers sensibly and safely in this lovely weather. I’m sure the B A are trying to do their best in unusual circumstances for which no one had a rule book.
  13. I've also been fortunate to be able to work from home although I miss being able to just get up, walk over to someone's desk and have a conversation. It takes more effort to make things happen. The irony was that with my mother-in-law's passing at the end of January, work was the only thing stopping us from moving house. And then the lockdown scuppered our plans to start some serious house hunting. I don't feel ready for retirement but now we are seriously discussing the possibility of taking a chance on moving anyway and managing with the income we would have if we did that.
  14. Here we are then ... part 7 to conclude this mini-series of videos looking back at my holidays over the last few years. I have some ideas of other things I might do but of course if they're not Broads related then I won't be posting them here. So if you enjoy what I do then please consider subscribing to my channel. Hopefully it won't be long now before we start to see real time photos and videos as people start to move around. And owners can start to get out on their boats. Hurrah!
  15. SwanR

    My Day

    I hope the sun stays shining for your day Chris. Maybe this will be a time to reflect in a different way. Lovely photo.
  16. Alternatively is it Coltishall?
  17. I think Vanessan could be right. If it is Fleet Dyke I would think it is the moorings on the bend.
  18. Congratulations to Katie. You must be very proud of her achievement.
  19. SwanR

    My Day

    Really enjoyed seeing your photos Chris. Sounds like you had a good time getting out.
  20. Lovely photos Chris. Beautiful evening light.
  21. By the way ... not all caravan parks are like Haven. Some people live most of the year on the one where our caravan is. No facilities, no barriers to get through. We could easily drive there and self-isolate with no need to be in contact with anyone. The walks would be wonderful on the coast compared to wandering around the housing estate where we live. But until we are allowed to stay overnight we consider it an unreasonable distance even though we could easily do a return trip in a day. We’ve all got to be patient in these extreme circumstances and help to save lives.
  22. Congrats to your daughter Vaughan. Nice to have an affirmation of a job well done and the confidence and trust of others in her ability.
  23. It’s definitely somewhere that I hope to get back to when circumstances permit. :)
  24. Glad to hear you're ok Ian ... which was the reason I "liked" your post, obviously. Hope Marina is ok too. Did she have to stay at home?
  25. SwanR

    My Day

    Beautiful photos Coolcat. Grendel there must be lots of hiding places in your house for those cats!!
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