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Everything posted by SwanR

  1. SwanR

    My Day

    Oh ... that was right before the people struggling to get their mast up! I wonder if any other members were caught on this video taken at Ludham Bridge today.
  2. This topic was about when we might be able to stay overnight on boats. Please can you not turn it into another Coronavirus thread. We have that topic already covered. This is exactly why the balance of topics recently has felt too much away from the Broads. The OP's question is Broads related but any general discussion about the virus is not.
  3. For anyone not watching the vlogs on this YouTube channel, and missing seeing the Broads, you might enjoy watching this one which was filmed recently, around the time that private boats started to be allowed to be out.
  4. SwanR

    My Day

    And I do believe that Cerise Lady was spotted on the Ant on this video at around 4 minutes. https://youtu.be/0QJAS1HQn3U
  5. SwanR

    First Photo

    I did laugh that the first photo I took was a rabbit not a boat!! So here is the second photo. You can see that the pub was still the Woods End back then.
  6. I wrote to my MP to ask about overnight stays in second homes including boats and caravans that are not hired out to anyone so there is no cleaning / contamination risk, and travel is no longer restricted in England anyway. Got the usual polite apology of unable to give me an answer. However ... I was looking on the website for Warwick Castle yesterday and their website also states: Our Grounds & Gardens have now reopened in line with Government guidance. We plan to reopen the full castle, including a range of indoor attractions, shows and experiences, on 4th July 2020. We can't wait to see you! I do wonder whether businesses are getting some kind of warning or just hedging their bets that if ready in time, and nothing goes wrong, then they will be given the green light to open further.
  7. I'll have to look out for those as I'm using Morrison's for most of my shopping at the moment. Last week I ordered strawberries but didn't realise what a large size I had bought until I unpacked the delivery. Still got some in the fridge but they're keeping well. I have been using a local greengrocery delivery service as well and they had some delicious strawberries which came from Holland.
  8. Beautiful boat. Interesting to see the before and after photos. I wouldn't have a clue where to start with all those jobs ... if I ever bought a boat there would be a boatyard somewhere making a lot of money out of me!! Look forward to hearing how the rest of the year goes once we can all get back out a bit more.
  9. SwanR


    Hi Agri! welcome along. Let's hope that you will be able to tell us all about your adventures soon.
  10. SwanR

    First Photo

    That sounds amazing! Possibly, or maybe a case of not having spent too much time lost in trying to read everything and plan everything. I was certainly glad that we did the southern rivers before engaging with social media. We had no real issues but I might have been put off if I had read all those tales of tides and currents and ropes and ... dragons!!
  11. SwanR

    First Photo

    Well done petersjoy. It was indeed Bramerton. We hired from Swancraft in Brundall and headed there for our first night, a Saturday in the middle of June. A lovely couple on a private boat helped us to come in to moor. I was so relieved to get safely moored. The next day we headed for Reedham and found plenty of mooring space on a Sunday afternoon. On the Monday morning when we left, again it was a couple of owners who advised me how to reverse out. A lot of valuable lessons learned on that trip. Anyone else got any first mooring or photo memories?
  12. Hmmm ... Swan Reflection has the engine under the bed but that never caused us an issue. When we hired in March we noticed that over last winter Richardson’s had changed the old cigarette lighter type socket on the helm for USB slots. Reflection is only 31 foot but there were 240 volt sockets in the saloon area. And one in the rear cabin.
  13. SwanR

    First Photo

    That would be no, no and no!
  14. SwanR

    First Photo

    So here is my first photo taken on the first holiday from which my love of the Broads and boating began. It discounts a family holiday back in the 90s and a stay in a lodge by the river in 2008. Plus the many holidays spent in Norfolk over the years. This was the first week afloat for my husband and I as a couple in 2012. Anyone like to guess where it is.
  15. I agree wholeheartedly and have been taking a break from being online so much. Whilst the topics have been inevitable to a certain degree, and we do have non-Broads chat areas, it does feel to me that it's time that we should all try to get this forum back to what we all come here for. I have no interest in any of the other topics around current political and contentious situations. Let's all see what we can find to post that is Broads related in some way.
  16. It’s really unfortunate if people are still feeling that they’re not happy about visitors from other areas. It would be lovely for us to come up even if only for a day and support businesses like the Broads pubs that are providing takeaway lunches and refreshments. If everyone keeps to the rules then our potential exposure to the virus will be kept as low as possible while we all start to settle into the new normal.
  17. There is definitely something very ironic about how lovely April and May have been this year. Let’s hope that it lasts through the summer and we can all enjoy some sunshine wherever it is that we want to be and with the family and friends that so many of us are missing.
  18. Why do people pick on Essex? The joke wears very thin when you live there!
  19. Must be strange, even if quite nice in a way, to be out without the hire boats around.
  20. SwanR

    My Day

    Happy birthday ... that sounds like a wonderful birthday dinner to look forward to. And how thoughtful with the card from your granddaughters too. Little things like that can mean so much.
  21. Sad news and my thoughts with you on losing Lulu. A time of reflection for so many people at the moment, but that must have been a bittersweet cruise for you. Hopefully more blue skies and happier days ahead.
  22. I really didn't think that they are liveaboards. There's plenty of times that boat looks deserted and there's no-one around. But best we don't discuss this further given how identifiable that particular boat is.
  23. Looks like it was a beautiful day. :)
  24. I thought it had been like that a long time. But as the boat moored there hardly ever moves you can’t usually see what’s behind it. Given their prominent position it would certainly be noticed if they were away from their mooring overnight!
  25. Great video Andrew. 👍
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