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Everything posted by SwanR

  1. I’m wondering whether the yards will actually be getting people away early given that they can prepare all the boats the day before on this unique occasion. Ferry Marina have been advertising 2 day hires Saturday 4th returning Monday 6th. You have to phone for details but probably these are their boats with Friday and Monday start days.
  2. It will be interesting to see whether there have been any changes along the beaches at Lowestoft and just to the north of there when we finally get back to our caravan soon.
  3. SwanR

    My Day

    Good to be busy but I was wondering when Mrs G gets to see you!
  4. I did read something similar online elsewhere. Talking to one of my colleagues today I think that there will definitely be families taking holidays sooner than they usually would as they can probably get away without waiting for what would have been the end of the summer term. He has a son at primary school and they are intending to do exactly that. Guess the upside might be that families can get holidays at slightly lower prices as it will be a time they can't usually take advantage of.
  5. Welcome to the forum. I think at the moment we can all only guess what it will be like. Given the circumstances it feels as if it may be busy. It will be interesting to see what reports we get from those who are going over the first couple of weeks and then whether we seem to hit an expected school holiday peak. I seem to recall that last year people didn’t feel that it was as busy as you might expect. This year could be different as who knows whether families will wait for school holidays to officially start or will have given up on home schooling once we get into July or feel they can do some of that while away. And then there’s levels of disposable income depending on job security for some folk. Whether people are furloughed may affect patterns of behaviour.
  6. Hope you’re soon feeling better Ian. Been reading through some of the recent posts and liking the positivity and determination of some folk but staying within what is allowed.
  7. Wonderful. Must feel very peaceful at that time of the evening when most folk have stopped moving around.
  8. Sainsbury's has been dire where I live. I think that they start out controlling the numbers going into the store in the morning, but by the afternoon seem to have given up. It was uncomfortably busy when I went on a Sunday afternoon a few weeks ago because I needed a couple of things I couldn't get online. Mind you ... they haven't put in a one way system and I'm very glad about that. Means I can nip round for the few things I need and avoid the dawdlers. The spaced out queues for the checkouts are all very well but they extend up the aisles so I've given a few of those a miss and not bothered with any items that they're standing in front of. Boots, on the other hand, have been brilliant and really well controlled. Five people in the store at a time. And they stick to it. Means you get in and out quickly and don't queue for long. Will be interested to see how things are organised around the Lowestoft area when we eventually are allowed back.
  9. Looks beautiful on the river on the webcams this morning. A little eye on the world. :)
  10. True but at least it's our own caravan, never gets hired out. So just like all you boat owners we have everything there that we need and can take supplies with us to avoid the shops as much as possible. I've settled into working at home well but it's time for a week off whatever the limitations or freedoms by that time.
  11. Interestingly at this afternoon's briefing, the Education Secretary was asked about countries he would like to see us have an air bridge with for people to start travelling. He avoided the question by extolling the virtues of holidays in the UK and hoping that's what people would do this summer ... at least that's what it sounded like to me. But there was no mention of the fact that you can't currently stay overnight. Perhaps not the most thought through answer ... unless he knows something we don't yet! This is a quote from the Telegraph's website. One source told the Telegraph: “The plan is to announce a small number of air bridges on June 29th, though it won’t come into force until July 4. Obviously it will depend on factors such as the scientific advice and the level of coronavirus infections at the time. “The Foreign Office will also have to change its travel advice before then because that remains a block on people going abroad for holidays.” The Foreign Office continues to advise against “all but essential” travel making it all but impossible for holidaymakers to secure travel insurance until the advice is changed. Everything is pointing towards 4th July. I was going to take the previous week as annual leave but have pushed it back in the hope that by then we can use our caravan.
  12. SwanR

    My Day

    Looks wonderful. Really hope all your plans work out. :)
  13. That's a good summary Helen. Dave you've seen my videos but if you want the full experience then you can find my write-ups in the holiday tales section. Mind you, you don't really need my hire boat reviews given your own position with Silver Cloud. Such a lovely looking boat. No offence to anyone else but that's one very nice syndicate boat.
  14. Have you seen Dave’s jokes?
  15. Good to see you here Dave. If you reach over 50 posts you get access to the full members area which contains.... a jokes section!!! Jean
  16. That’s beautiful, great photo.
  17. SwanR

    First Photo

    So interesting to see these photos. Thank you for sharing them.
  18. I could be way off here but out of curiosity I did a bit of searching. What I turned up seemed to be talking about the file location. Two ideas ... try it again now because it might miraculously work. Or copy and paste the file to a different location and then try.
  19. Ah ... he does seem to have a few secret places. I think he lives somewhere near Thetford. It was interesting when he did the video I've highlighted on another topic, that he said he hadn't been to Rockland and Surlingham Broads before. He put in at Bramerton and that was quite a climb back out at a lower state of the tide at the end of his day.
  20. Wonderful! There's old folk and then there's old folk.What's that old saying ... it's not the years in your age that matters, it's the age in your years ... something like that.
  21. Loving Dave Whitworth’s videos. His sense of humour cracks me up and his daily lockdown videos are often our teatime viewing. Would be great if people subscribe and leave comments. It really does make a difference to us YouTubers. I didn’t have enough footage to do very many of my Little Bit Extra series but hopefully people enjoyed them. I posted them in the holiday tales area but here’s a link to my channel in case anyone missed them! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCNT4RZ1MmSrqR0fxRcFWsw
  22. Wow! Looks amazing. And how wonderful to treat your mother. Is she a spritely 87?
  23. I think shopping is the one thing it’s hard to avoid completely. Fortunately we now have Morrison’s delivery slots easily available every week topped up by a local online greengrocers every two or three weeks. I occasionally get to Sainsbury’s for a few different things and a few bits I can’t get online. I’ve also needed to go to Boots on a retail park near us a couple of times and they have been brilliant, by far the best organised shop.
  24. That looks really lovely. Simon A Bloke In The Woods has covered parts of the Waveney in some of the earlier videos on his YouTube channel.
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