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Everything posted by SwanR

  1. Yes Paddy’s Lane or Barton Turf, whatever the moorings are called. Howe Hill was empty but that was a bit too soon. Irstead was taken and there were also fishermen on the parish staithe. Have never stopped overnight at Gaye’s Staithe but ... someone was on the side on mooring. Someone else was moored side on along the stern on section and there appeared to be fishermen along the rest. Didn’t fancy trying to get in so ... made the very rough crossing over Barton Broad and slotted in here opposite the boatyard. The moorings around the corner where we usually stop are all closed off. Looks like quay heading is being renewed. Anyway, we’re now putting our feet up for the rest of the day. I’ll add more to this when I’m home and can get some photos etc. off my camera. And write about what we’ve done ... that won’t be very much!!
  2. Lots of great suggestions but where did we end up?
  3. Really undecided. Depends what the weather is doing and how far we want to go. There were quite a few Ricko’s boats heading the other way up the Ant as we came down. Love Paddy’s Lane but there’s some work going on there.
  4. Many thanks to everyone for your sound advice. We often reverse out of moorings but the extra top tip was using the bow rope to help. Yesterday at Ludham Bridge my bow thrusters were no match for the wind. Anyway after a very choppy crossing on Barton Broad we have come all the way back down the Ant to Ranworth!! It will be lunch in the Maltsters before heading back up the Ant for an overnight mooring somewhere given the boat goes back tomorrow morning.
  5. Good morning from a very breezy Sutton Staithe. Had a nightmare pinned against the bank at Ludham Bridge yesterday so planning how to escape later with boats closely moored in front and behind and the river quite narrow. Bow out, pull the stern round by the ropes and then straight ahead without the stern scraping the bank?
  6. Mr SR would like a guess if that might be permitted. Wroxham Broad moorings on the Bure. Can’t think if they have any other official name.
  7. Of course the other Pedro's disappeared at Horning a long while ago. We enjoyed using The Clubhouse last October which had sprung up in its place. I hope that’s survived the winter and is still going.
  8. I haven’t got a clue really. Total guess . . . the nature trail moorings opposite Salhouse Spit.
  9. That would be his next challenge then.
  10. Helen, Grace, Vanessa and myself could helm Moonlight Shadow for you Jay. And any other ladies who care to join us!
  11. I will write this up properly when I’m home as I am posting from my phone. But I thought that I would share a few photos of the trip so far. We started from Richardson’s at Stalham. before proceeding all the way down the Ant to moor at Ranworth. Tuesday we moved on to Womack Water. And Wednesday dawned a beautiful start. We left early to make the most of the best part of the day. The wind is playing havoc with the mooring skills I thought I had!! Anyway we’re now at Sutton and staying put. Wind speeds are forecast up to 45mph overnight and tomorrow.
  12. Challenge Jay! This is going to be the next game!
  13. Lol you have definitely spent too much time in the pub!! Correct!!
  14. Ok. I reckon you connoisseurs of Broads pubs will get this. This photo is Mr SR’s choice! He is currently enjoying a pint of ... oops, better not tell you that yet in case it gives the game away!!
  15. Hope your day keeps going the right way. And thanks for sharing the video. :)
  16. Um ... I’ve never had Prosecco ... am I missing something? We've moored up somewhere nice for lunch. Watch out for a photo later perhaps before I tell anyone where we’ve gone!!!
  17. That’s a shame. We would have given them a go if they had a boat that suited us but we have a couple of specific requirements that their boats didn’t meet. Shame it doesn’t seem to have worked out. This might show how hard it is to get a new business off the ground.
  18. Thinking cap on. I’m struggling to place it straight away!
  19. Thanks for sharing this. Will watch it when I’m home as the wi-fi is too slow where I am tonight.
  20. I have no idea on any of these!! Did think about starting a quiz of my own but as I’ve only been in one pub this trip so far, and posted from there last night, I don’t think it would be very difficult!
  21. SwanR

    Road Works 2020

    Fully agree. So helpful to get updates like this. :)
  22. This is also another reason why I am looking forward to using our caravan this summer. Only other people who will go there are a couple of family. We are very fortunate.
  23. Well, we did Sainsbury’s this morning for a few provisions that we actually needed. I can confirm no loo rolls, very few boxes of tissues, very little liquid soap left and of course no hand sanitizer. Plus no Paracetamol. I am now going to walk round to our local Co-op later and see if they have got the few things we still need. I can understand that people are probably thinking that if the media forecasts are right about what is to come then they could have to self-isolate at any time and not want to be caught out. But this really does seem ridiculous! The actions of some mean that people in genuine need can’t get their regular shopping! I don’t recall ever seeing anything like it.
  24. But what about the effect that would have along the coast? Stop the water in one place and it has to go somewhere else. It’s not just about the Broads if you start to look at measures like this. We see stories of coastal erosion every year too.
  25. Interesting indeed. I noted the comment about how many less boats they can pilot through PH Bridge each year now compared to the 90s. At that rate maybe the pilot service won't survive and actually hire boats will then never get through.
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