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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Do we see some of that in the first rounds of Masterchef? It always starts with a skills test, and I’m often surprised at contestants who don’t seem to have come across cooking techniques that I, as a basic home cook, am familiar with. Mind you, I do sympathise with those faced with a more unusual challenge or ingredient. I notice the judges generally seem more lenient with those who admit ignorance and ask for some guidance than those who ‘blag’, but don’t really know.
  2. What’s semi set? I’ve obviously been ignoring something! I don’t think our ‘school ladies’ were up to semi-set. Blancmange and custard didn’t seem that different in Anglesey. Not that I would disparage our dinner ladies. Most of the meals were good. I think we fared better nutritionally than most of the current generation anyway. Though I might not be the best judge. I noticed at the time that I tended to eat most things, whereas a lot of my fellow school mates seemed to be putting a lot of it in the bin. Either I was greedy, or more used to just eating what my grandparents said I should.
  3. More on Victoryv’s post. Isn’t pink custard and pink blancmange the same thing? How can I tell you disliked that so much? LOL. Personally, I quite liked chocolate sponge served with pink custard for school meals. The weirdest school meal I recollect is ravioli served with mash potatoes and marrowfat peas. Who on earth dreamed that one up? It was served up quite frequently too. Edible...but weird.
  4. I must say that being on several interview panels has changed my perspective, and I should add that I’m not personally good at being interviewed. Afterwards, my normal reaction is to feel sore about not getting the job. I used to think interview panels were trying to catch candidates out, but all the panels I’ve been on have wanted people to show the best of themselves, and we have tried our best to give people the opportunity to do so. We have quite strict guidelines on judging all candidates against the same criteria, the ‘person spec’. The last interview panel I chaired we interviewed six people from a field of 38 candidates, so shortlisting wasn’t easy to start with. We ended up with three people we would like to have appointed but, of course, there was only one job to offer. The only thing we could do for the ‘runners up’ was to encourage them to apply for other jobs with the organisation. I phoned up each to give feedback and encouragement. It’s also very agonising to interview good potential candidates who are so nervous that they completely clam up. I’ve been on both sides of that equation.
  5. The thing I remember about that 3 day week time is having to do my homework by candlelight. Seemed less of a chore somehow. Shame schools weren’t on a 3 day week though!
  6. I think Victoryv get the prize so far! That was some list!
  7. On the other hand, I don’t miss the days when you were blamed for being a spoil sport for getting offended at ‘jokes’. Maybe some of the ‘offended’ might have been just ordinary people fed up of being constantly the butt of jokes. I do see that it’s all relative though. Most people are fine with the odd good natured leg pull or two. I got teased like anything in my first job, especially being the only girl in an office of youngish blokes. It was all good natured teasing though. However, when I first moved from Anglesey to MK and was working in Watford Station, I got so fed up of having to ‘grin and bear it’ at a couple of the guys’ sense of ‘humour’ (mostly aimed at my being Welsh/female). They were so relentless it just felt like bullying.
  8. This is a brilliant thread. I was going to say 'when kids could play in the street', but someone's already mentioned that one, so I thought a bit... What I miss the most are my Mam and my grandparents. They were all great, in their different ways.
  9. Nope, not allowed to mention the ‘B’ word. Someone around here set off a whole load of fireworks last night. It might have been someone’s birthday but somehow I think not.
  10. I must admit that I’ve started to wonder if I should try to find another format for files (mostly back up photos) that I’ve been saving on DVD. Isn’t it frightening how quickly formats change? The last few generations relied on printed photos to capture their memories.Nowadays we seem to be relying on increasingly fleeting formats. We used to use servers in work...well we still do have them at present, but they will be phased out soon I expect, as we are being encouraged to change our habits and to save things to ‘the cloud’. The trouble with the cloud is having to pay for any substantial file storage. Basically, I’ve concluded that we (the little people) are yet again being stitched up.
  11. Really sorry to hear your news. Takes me back to when our dog Marvin got diagnosed with a throat cancer. We kept him going for some weeks with medication, as he was still eating, but after that he went downhill fast. During the last few days before we took him to the vets to say goodbye our elderly cat Swnyn spent quite a bit of time curled up beside him. A year ago we had to say goodbye to Swnyn too. Our pets give us so much.
  12. Mooring at the Barton Turf staithe rather than Paddy's Lane would make the walk marginally shorter. It's handy for topping up with water too.
  13. (Very) Nice clip, but how come we missed both the glam rock and the ballroom blitz?
  14. My wedding ring was getting a bit tight a few years back. I must admit that when my Mam died I took her wedding ring, and that’s what I’m currently wearing. Keep meaning to re-do our vows with it and get it blessed as our wedding ring, though a part of me thinks it’s blessed anyway, through connection with my parents. My Mam was so supportive of me and Graham. I also have my grandmother’s (Nain’s) wedding ring in a pouch, as my Mam kept that when her Mam died. I guess that gesture made it seem okay for me to take my Mam’s ring.
  15. I’m frightened. Full stop. How have we forgotten the lessons that were learnt after the two world wars of the last century? The populist politics that’s currently emerging all over Europe reminds me of the 1930s. That didn’t go well, did it? Sorry, I don’t normally comment on politics, and haven’t any faith in any political party. Just wish people were more aware of history and the destructive powers of distrust. please don’t turn this post into anything political...that wasn’t the intention.
  16. I missed that one unfortunately. My Mum and I did manage to see Ian McKellan and Judi Dench in Macbeth at the RSC though. Way back again in the late 70s, but really made an impression. It was so good they did a TV version.
  17. I had to google that, not having watched ‘An American Dad’. Obviously didn’t know what I was missing. LOL.
  18. We loved ‘The Next Generation’, somehow none of the other Star Trek series since have quite lived up to it. Must be down to Patrick Stewart! The best thing Graham and I have ever seen on stage was his one-man show of Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’. It was magical. I never imagined that one person, with a minimum of props, could bring so many characters so lividly to life. I’ve been a fan of Patrick Stewart since he was in a BBC adaptation of Mrs Gaskell’s ‘North and South’ in the mid ‘70s (it’s also my favourite book). Recently found that some kind person has uploaded the series onto YouTube. It’s a bit slow (compared to book adaptations nowadays), but a lot more faithful to the book than a more recent TV version.
  19. Two co-ops! I find it bizarre that a village can have two co-ops. We’ve decided that we prefer the one that is furthest from our mooring.
  20. We had a good evening. Here’s a toast to old Pesky! (I loved the ‘Tis I, the pesky mod...’). Probably misquoted there, but the ol’ pesky was probably the main reason I finally plunged into the NBN.
  21. Chinese Burns night sounds weird. We’re going to the Burns night do that our church’s social group organise each year. Three courses plus wine and a dram for £10. 😀 Graham will be wearing his kilt.
  22. YnysMon

    Broom Boats

    Yes it was super helpful thanks (and not just a ‘tad’, LOL).
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