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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Can I go there? I’m sure I’d fit right in.
  2. My cousins (the ones we’ve been with on several holidays, mentioned in various blogs) decided not to join us for a self catering holiday this year as they are saving up to do the NC500. The plan had been to hire a motor caravan to do that. However, they decided to try our the plan on a short break first. About a month ago they hired a largish motor caravan and had a short break in the Lake District. The vehicle was great, and they loved it, but have decided that they’ll do the NC500 by car and book B&Bs/hotels instead. As far as I can make out, the reasons for their decision was the cost of the rental, fuel and campsites combined was more expensive than staying in hotels/B&Bs and also when visiting places for the day it was quite difficult to park such a large vehicle. I think they were sensible trying it out first before committing to the full NC500 tour.
  3. This thread reminds me of all the places in the UK that we’d like to visit, but haven’t managed yet. Of course, there are loads of places that I would have liked to have visited internationally, but to be honest, I’m not sure I can be bothered with the stress of international travel any longer. I’m just glad that we did some interesting trips when we were younger.
  4. Lovely, thanks Jean. Glad you had a good time. We’ve been down to Bournemouth a few times since Alec has been living there. Visited Swanage but haven’t made it to Wareham yet. It looks like Alec might be returning to MK in the summer, which is great, but I have a hankering to explore Dorset some more. There seem to be so many lovely places to visit nearby.
  5. Thanks for the tip Matt, much appreciated. I’ll pass this on to our other syndicate members.
  6. I wouldn’t mind living in Switzerland. My lovely Mam took me on a holiday to Switzerland (Montreaux) the week after my ‘O’ level results came out, the idea being that it would be a reward for my hard work. I’ve always wanted to return as I fell in love with it. Mam worked for Sealink, so we had free train travel. Looking back, I think my Mam was pretty enterprising, making all the arrangements and booking everything herself, including day trips to Interlaken, Chamonix etc. She booked a hotel recommended by someone she worked with, and I’m so glad she did. It was very old fashioned, owned by an elderly couple. It was like experiencing an early 20th century hotel (we visited in 1976). She managed the hotel, he cooked (loved the food…first and only time I’ve had a dish of tongue served hot - very tasty). There wasn’t any en-suite or anything fancy like that, but we had a balcony overlooking the lake and it was very central, so convenient for the station, shops etc. Given the location it’s probably been built over by some mega posh hotel by now. My Mam and I got sort of adopted for the week by an elderly American lady, who lived permanently in the hotel, having moved in after she was widowed as it was a place with many happy memories. Looking back, it was a unique holiday experience. A gem. You just couldn’t find anything like it if you booked through a holiday agent.
  7. That’s a great photo with all the sails on the distance. I’d love to visit the fish restaurant in Horning, but I don’t think it’s going to happen somehow. a. We don’t want to leave Seren on the boat by herself and b. my husband is now vegetarian. Shame!
  8. Those shepherds pies sounded tasty Malcolm. Are you getting all cheffy during your retirement? I’m struggling slightly trying to juggle between Graham’s vegetarian diet and the rest of us. I shouldn’t be really, as both Graham and I and the kids were vegetarian between around 1990 (the that Harry was born) and about 7 years later.
  9. Welcome to the forum Will, Debra, Laurence & Joseph. Hope you have many happy years enjoying the Broads on your new boat. We’ll try to keep an eye out for you (we have a share on syndicate boat Moonlight Shadow). Let us know if you decide to stay with the name or change it.
  10. I’m sure it can, once Peter (Grendel) gets over his Water Rail jaunt. Thanks for posting. Sounds like you had an ‘interesting ’ time! Also sounds like it was a lovely boat.
  11. Thanks for the lovely photos Malcolm, as always. I hope all goes well on Monday for Debbie. I had dreaded my Mam’s funeral, but on the day found it very comforting. As you said, you do get a sort of closure.
  12. Thanks Jean, that was lovely.
  13. We have taken walks past Berney Arms last year and this year, and the number of caravans on that site are proliferating there too, and the main building is looking more and more tatty. Did I read on another thread that Berney is owned by the same guy that owns Beauchamp?
  14. Glad to see the start of your holiday tale Matt. Hope you all have a great week!
  15. I was wondering about that too. One of the families who have joined our syndicate last year reported recently that they moored up at WRC during the day for free so that their kids could have a swim in the pool.
  16. Congratulations Ray and Gill. You have a few years advantage to me and Graham, it’s our 40th anniversary next year.
  17. I've always thought that Winterton looks like a lovely village. The inside church is lovely too. I loved the plaques in it related to the lifeboat's missions and the memorial to the vicar (?) who lost his life trying to save a young lad from drowning.
  18. Beautiful photos. Where is that Ray?
  19. You lovely placid crew mates look just about the opposite in temperament to our manic Collie crew! (Though we love her to bits.)
  20. That’s partly my motivation too. It’s lovely to be able to recapture memories of cruises. It all becomes a blur otherwise.
  21. That’s what I always think about my own offerings! Sorry about the missing ‘I’ off the quote. It was either that or quote your whole post!
  22. We have a lovely crew of regular posters in this Holiday Tales section of the forum, several of whom own their own boats or are part owners of syndicate boats. The holiday tales is my favourite bit. It keeps me entertained when we are not on the Broads ourselves. I recall my trepidation at posting my first blog when we were hiring, so I wanted to put up a post to encourage newer members to share their holiday tales. I hope people aren’t put off posting due to there being several established blogs. Please share!
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