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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Thanks for sharing Andy. Hope your next trip is under happier circumstances.
  2. It certainly seems to have been relatively quiet the last few weeks.
  3. On the other hand, a duck hitched a ride on our boat when we were just below Horning a couple of weeks ago. Cheeky so and so. I'm still seeing quite a lot of ducks around.
  4. There does seem to be a lot of weed about at present. We had to empty our weed filter every day on the northern Broads earlier this month. On previous trips we’ve hardly ever had to. Mind you, there was a weed cutting operation going on around Coltishall, so I guess it all gets carried away down the Bure.
  5. Welcome Kevin! There’s a fair amount of swapping allocations that goes on, so hopefully you’ll be able to get school holiday weeks. At present, Graham and I try to avoid school holidays. We swapped so much this year that we have a huge gap between this July and February next year.
  6. That’s a lovely thing to say Carole, especially as we try to give an honest account of our trips, including encountering ‘issues’. All boats suffer from those from time to time. Thanks!
  7. Excellent news! Both the shares that were available for Moonlight Shadow have been sold. That's quite a change from the situation when Graham and I bought in. There were four shares on MS available at that time (2019) and they didn't shift that quickly. Not sure whether it's the after effects of Covid, our new engine or the move up north that seems to be making MS more attractive, but I'm really pleased.
  8. Nice to see Moonlight Shadow on Stalham Staithe. It's an encouragement to us to wander down there some time.
  9. That would make for a very soggy Yorkshire pud! Personally, I like a bit of pickled red cabbage with my Lancashire Hotpot.
  10. There’s always two sides…(to an argument).
  11. What! No whiskey cask cider?
  12. There must be something about Neatishead and MS’s electric cables. The cable didn’t work for us either, but in our case it was the connection with the lug at t’other end.
  13. Have a great time Andy! But really, don’t judge the southern Broads from mooring at Barney. We moored at Polkey’s Mill last year (between Barney and Reedham). I’d been really looking forward to mooring there. In the middle of nowhere, must be so peaceful. Trouble is, the tide is so strong there, and turns during the night (obviously) that we got a lot of bow slap. Not so peaceful! My takeaway from that experience is to think twice before mooring anywhere further downstream than Reedham or St Olaves, and actually I’m not to sure of those two having moored up at both locations during the day and seen the rate that the tide streams by.
  14. That’s a brilliant looking cake!
  15. Glad to hear it Grendel. We had a similar issue when taking Water Rail over one time. We couldn’t work out why we couldn’t start her. Dave had to come and sort us out, bless him. It turned out to be the linkage to the stop button, so hopefully if that happens again when we are on board, Graham will remember what to do. (It is a while since we were though.)
  16. Wish I was there! Seems we’ll miss out next year too. We have (through judicious swapping of allocated weeks) wangled ourselves a whole fortnight on Moonlight Shadow in May. Early May though. But a whole fortnight…
  17. Glad to hear the Nogs are about again. Bit more balmy and definitely less windy than it was in February!
  18. And I thought we were the ‘high maintenance’ users of Water Rail. Last time we were on board we managed to leave her shore power cable on her home mooring and Dave, top man, delivered it to us when we were moored in Norwich. Where would we all be without Dave? Love the cheese and bacon wraps recipe, by the way.
  19. Possibly, but I think it applies to the whole fleet including those without Torqueedos.
  20. Enjoy your week Andy. The Broads are just the place to be in such circumstances. Watch yourself though. I was so tired the beginning of the week that we had on the Broads following my Mam’s funeral that I had two falls in one day, one of them catching the bottom of my ribs rather painfully. Took ages before I stopped getting twinges on my starboard side.
  21. Pre Covid they didn’t have any registration numbers at all. I gather the rules changed early in 2020.
  22. Hope Bobo gets better soon.
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