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Everything posted by CambridgeCabby

  1. Has the front well , know it’s a Hampton but worth a look
  2. Disgusting behaviour , not sure what action can be taken after the event though
  3. There’s a nice peaceful spot near Sutton broad in the cut through from Stalham to Sutton
  4. We will be afloat for a week (at least) from the 13th possibly heading South hope to see many NBN afloat
  5. We passed the younger bearded ranger on the rivers yesterday , as usual he proffered his friendly wave prompting our daughter to exclaim that perhaps she should be naughty so he could arrest her and put her in cuffs
  6. Sadly it all boils down to respect , or lack of . It seems that the “can’t be ar**d” attitude of all age groups has become as widespread as covid19, just drive anywhere near a drive through burger joint and you will see detritus all over the area and when young children see their elders behaving in such a way then they too will do so . Much has been said on here concerning the removal of the boat waste bins yet only yesterday at an almost deserted Ranworth I picked up about a dozen beer bottles and food wrappers from the staithe green which had been left there less than 25 metres from the bins .
  7. The YouTube clip I allude to is that which was posted by Mr Weston himself where he mentions seeing the dog out and about ,muzzled . And John , you go on being your usual mischievous self , you often brighten up my and I’m sure others days .
  8. Wonderful Saturday spent afloat in the company of our daughter , son in law and grandson (part of our extended bubble)
  9. As a dog owner , we have two border collies , I understand that this can be an emotive subject , the dog which attacked Mr Weston was seen out and about whilst wearing a muzzle (as mentioned in the YouTube video) so its behaviour must have been known to its owner(s) who were Incredibly irresponsible to invite a stranger aboard without restraining and muzzling the dog, especially since they were asked about the dog by Mr Weston when boarding . If events are taken as we have been told then yes I feel the only responsible action was to euthanise the dog . I hope Mr Weston recovers from his injuries fully not only physically but also from the psychological scars he seems (by his own words) to be suffering.
  10. Often see people,adults and children alike, swimming in Salhouse Broad
  11. My old headmaster at school was a certain Mr Creshian out of earshot he was know as X
  12. I prefer my black pudding not be be “wee black pudding” prefer the blood type
  13. Tempting tempting , itchy fingers but know it would be modded
  14. Can only agree with what has been stated , practice is the only real way to learn , and once you have sussed it the feeling of self satisfaction is immense , and yes you can guarantee nobody will see that one
  15. Do still take care as they are due to start some maintenance on some of the junctions which will reinstate the 40mph average speed cameras again , now is it cynical of me to believe they are only doing this a pre upgrade completion the A14 average speed cameras were amongst or even the most profitable cameras in the U.K.
  16. others woes was , is and always will be a constant source of amusement , you just have to watch “the plank” to realise how timeless it is
  17. Unfortunately there is normally one live aboard there plus one boat which is normally moored on the opposite moorings moored there
  18. Warm welcome from us and can reiterate what Poppy has stated re Upton
  19. Congratulations and have a wonderful holiday , give us a wave if you see us (Cerise Lady) . A good tip is also to pack Avon Skin So Soft dry oil ( available online) as it is a very good insect repellant to prevent those nasty gnat bites
  20. Don’t worry , yes it’s narrow and twists but it is beautiful and a marvellous journey to Loddon basin , which ever boat you hire I’m sure you will love it . when deciding on your boat it is always a good thing to look at boats that are two berths bigger than your needs (budget permitting) that way you should be able to have a boat where you don’t need to make up a temporary berth every night . One bit of advise , if you decide you want to visit Gt Yarmouth with the family I would recommend mooring (if on the north) at Acle and catching a bus or cab into Yarmouth as opposed to Yarmouth Yacht Station . you don’t need a planned itinerary , just go where you feel like when you get up in the morning , there is a free paper called the Broadcaster you can pick up from your boatyard that has a useful map that lists facilities . Yes bigger boats can be harder to moor / manoeuvre, just make sure you always take things slowly and remember the stern swings out when turning , if budget permits the newer large Richardson boats are very very good they also have the benefit of stern and bow thruster plus a reversing camera .
  21. The southern Broads are more tidal and mooring spots less frequent but quieter , the north is certainly busier but mooring spots much closer together , depending on tide times your week there is no reason why you cannot visit both south and north many do
  22. Quite a few on eBay at reasonable prices
  23. It’s good to read that as well as being able to stay onboard overnight from 04/07 the side on mooring at popular spots such as Ranworth is being stopped . https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/news/coronavirus-frequently-asked-questions
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