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Everything posted by WherryNice

  1. If I have correctly understood your requirements, I think this one might do the job MM, it has Aux out as well as FM transmitter/Bluetooth etc and as far as I can tell it is powered soley off the cig lighter. I have no personal experience of it though so I apologise if it's rubbish. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Car-FM-Transmitter-Wireless-Bluetooth-Handsfree-Kit-MP3-Player-USB-Charger-AUX-/184297880640?_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49292 Edit to add that I googled 'in car mp3' which brought up a big selection so there may be others that do the same thing.
  2. Some more info here https://normanboats.net/ Could be a Norman 18.5 Mk3(no port hole)according to info on the above website.
  3. The current models don't have any badges on the engine covers now. Well on VWs anyway....
  4. Hi John, not sure about the other brands, I only work on VW. I would like to think that Audi and Porsche have followed suite but there are often surprising differences across the VW Group brands. I think extraction would be fine if changing the oil really regularly but with the extended intervals we have now it doesn't seem the best idea. I think with boats it is also a case of 'needs must', draining not being an easy option in most cases. Personally I extract via dipstick on my boat but thats because it has no pump fitted! I also change oil far more often than official intervals so am not too bothered if a bit remains. A lot of things like the electric handbrake are being added to vehicles in preperation for autonomous operation, manual gearboxes are the next thing to be quietly phased out I think. Quite a few models(mainly high performance) in our range no longer have a manual option.
  5. All of our British sold VW stuff has a sump plug(always has) but for a while they promoted the extraction of oil via dipstick tube. This has now mostly been abandoned and on many models they prohibit extraction stating that not enough oil is removed when using that method.
  6. Not sure if it is the same but the VW models that don't have a dipstick usually have a level display in the Service menu on the infotainment unit. Not quite the same as a proper dipstick I know but better than just a low level light. Edit to say, I assume most people know Audi and VW are the same family, along with Seat, Skoda, Bugatti, Lamborghini,Porsche, MAN, Ducati and probably others...hence my comment:)
  7. The Wroxham pilots took my parents private boat through and back again last summer, I was quite surprised when they told me! Not sure if it's a service they now offer or maybe my folks just got lucky when they rang. It was a different pilot each time though.
  8. Haha, thanks.....it would be even better if it wasn't on the first floor!
  9. This is the only 2 wheeled steed that I currently own, a rather protracted project that may get finished 'one day'. Owned plenty of other stuff over the years but not had anything on the road for 5 years or so, boats have taken over(and increased!)the toys budget somewhat.
  10. You definitely get more house for your money the further you get up the A12/A14/A140/A47..........although actual riverside property is of course a different matter. I'm in the very North East of Essex so I imagine the difference must be greater the further down the A12 you started from...
  11. Barnes are hiring Encore and Serenade(Elite range cruisers in case you don't know) out for day hire between 29th March and 11th April! Quite pricey but they make one hell of a dayboat!
  12. Ah I'm sorry to hear that Riverman but thank you for posting, I'll let my folks know.
  13. Been on the market for a while that one, she is on my Euromillions immediate purchase list (among many others!) Another listing here with a few more pics. https://www.topsail.co.uk/boat.php?refnum=2208#images
  14. My folks moored there between 1996 and 2014, both in the basin just before you enter the Broad and also the one that is on the Broad itself, sort of in front of their house. I forget when Ray passed but he was definitly about when they first went there.
  15. My Mum phoned Celia Bondon about a mooring for their new boat at about this time last year and she was still operating then. Russell Marine(now Marine Tech) are on on the main bit of what was Bondons yard but Celia has the private basins still(or did recently anyway).
  16. Depends exactly where you mean, Bondons have a fair number of yachts on the front just before you enter the Broad and other moorings further round the Broad itself, next to Marine Tech.. sorry but I dont know the number.
  17. Oh well as we're doing trains....(not a great video) 20190508_201428.mp4
  18. Was it a VIC(Vehicle Identity Check)that you took your car in for Grendel? If so they should only have been checking it's identity and that it wasn't a stolen car being placed onto the write off's ID. Like Happy says that scheme doesn't operate anymore, I think because they didnt find many ringers.
  19. When it comes to cars I wouldn't touch a write off or damaged repairable(they dont all go through the insurance) unless I knew exactly what had been damaged and how it was repaired. Bolt on and superficial panel work is no problem but anything structural is a no from me. I have seen some absolute horrors, often purchased from the auctions, come through our workshop. A recent one was an '18 plate Golf that had had a frontal crash and been 'repaired' and bought to us for alignment and radar calibration. I took one look, saw the absolute shambles(not the actual word I used)of a repair and refused to work on it.(it was still bent!) My boss agreed and that was that. Sadly someone has probably bought it, thinking they have a bargain but in reality it's a pile of junk. Of course not all write offs end up like that but it pays to be very wary and you need to know what you are looking at. I'd feel the same way about a boat, I wouldn't want to buy one of those seen in the videos without knowing what had actually happened to it.
  20. Sweet, only £1'499'997 to go......anyone else? Hmmm, I feel there's a 'Mighty Oak' gag in there somewhere......
  21. I could probably manage £1.50.......
  22. Thanks Howard, it kinda helped as it confirmed Alexander Cruisers were where Cove is and I have now dug out out my copy of Robin Godber's book 'A Broad Experience'. Using the pictures in that I have worked out that Alexander were located in the first basin as you approach by road.
  23. Wasn't part of Cove formally Alexander Cruisers yard? Anyone know which bit was which?
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