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Everything posted by WherryNice

  1. Pleeeeease Don't put her on the market.......................... .....................I might have to buy her!
  2. thanks for the replies, nice to know they were once 'a thing' so I will keep hold of it as a piece of history I think. There was a travel iron with it as well but that seemed like a much newer item so I skipped it.
  3. When I bought my latest boat last year(a somewhat dilapidated Hampton Safari before anyone thinks I'm being flash) I found this hair dryer in a cupboard. Anyone remember them? Were they used much? Did they actually work at all? Or is this the only one? Answers on a(metaphorical) postcard.....
  4. I have a SmartStat at home which allows me to do just that and I love it!
  5. Hi Griff, how are you finding the Planar system? Any good? As and when I get that far along with my boat I will likely go for a Planar set up I think..
  6. I have seen some stern on moorings that charge out at the max length that will fit(42 feet I seem to recall)regardless of how long your boat is. And indeed many places charge a minimum length(typically 20 feet), even for side on mooring. I know what Chameleon is saying but it could be worse if they all went down the 'miniumum length' route and your boat is shorter than it.
  7. Thanks for the input folks, I think I might have a bigger automatic one in case of a large leak but also have the smaller one manually controlled to allow a nice dry bilge. Or something like that anyway, food for thought!
  8. Evening all, I would like to pick the collective forum brain for advice on what flow rate bilge pump would be advisable to use on a Hampton Safari please? The old one was kaput and I binned it without first looking to see what it was rated for(the boat is not in the water!), I already have a float switch so I am not bothered about getting a pump with one built in. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Whale-12v-Supersub-500gph-Non-Automatic-Low-Profile-Bilge-Pump-SS5012/312095352563 My last boat(21 foot cruiser, very shallow bilge) had one of the above and I liked the way it pumped the bilge pretty much dry but I was wondering if the flow rate is up to the job for the larger Safari. I have googled this but most advice is for sea-going stuff and seems a tad overkill on the Broads. Any input gratfully recieved, ta.
  9. It tends to be the sliding canopy models that are really prone to drafts but you can mitigate this by having covers made up to seal the gaps around the canopy which press stud on and can easily be removed to allow the roof to open. You do need to be careful not to eliminate any ventilation that is needed to support life however! Particularly important when you have gas appliances etc
  10. By handy coincidence... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Broads-cruiser-river-boat-28ft-Bounty-Buccaneer-GRP/293630006136?hash=item445db65378:g:2r4AAOSwwQ1e-H-6 I quite like the Bounty 28 but I have no actual basis for that opinion other than I think they look quite good...;)
  11. Yes that is how I understand it.
  12. Just had an email from DVSA, the 6 month MoT extensions will cease on the 1st of August.
  13. Not sure about the pub itself but..... I found this property on the Rightmove Android app and wanted you to see it: https://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-93864812.html. do these moorings belong to it?
  14. 'Yare Dawn' is currently For Sale..... https://www.boatshed.com/broom_30_skipper-boat-272167.html. ......different name now though.
  15. This thread should help a bit...
  16. The pilot at Wroxham works differently to the one at Potter I believe, the boatyards have to sign up to the Wroxham one(and they don't take private boats)whereas the Potter one is for anyone who wants to pay for it on the spot. Unless I am mistaken that is?
  17. I have seen a wooden topped Horizon 35 in the upper Ant area but not sure if it's the same one as I don't recall the name/number.
  18. This stuff was given to me by Trevor at Boat Window Repairs when I had my old boat's windows done a few years ago(i took them out and refitted, he did the refurb), it's grey, doesn't set so windows come back out easily but very sticky and can be messy tho I found the Heavy Duty 'Big Wipes' were excellent for cleaning it off.
  19. Why ever not? It will guarantee you get the full 2 metres social distancing from just about everyone I should imagine......
  20. If your handset has the capability then a good solution is to use a MIFI unit placed where it recieves a good signal(possibly with an external aerial) and then use the phone to make calls via WIFI(Whatsapp can do this both in video and just voice). My Galaxy S8 can make WIFI calls directly with no additional apps required. I have had good results with my 3 MIFI units mainly on the Northern Broads but have no expirience with them in Brundall.
  21. If the goods are truely unsolicited then I believe you are entitled to keep them, however in this type of case I would definitly involve the police as you are likely to be dealing with criminal elements and messing with them on your own may have a bad outcome(they know where you live etc).
  22. Hi Grendel Video 2 comes up with 'Video unavailable' 'This video contains content fom Muyap. It is not available in your country.' Video 1 plays fine though. Not sure if it's an issue my end but thought I'd let you know.
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