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Everything posted by WherryNice

  1. http://www.broads.org.uk/wiki2018/index.php?title=Boat_Details&BoatId=3321&BoatHistory=4249. Looks like the number was E93, hopefully they will allow it to be changed back.
  2. I'd best get the helicopter out then.......
  3. floydraser as you mention restoring original sign writing etc and I notice in your YouTube vids that the boat has a newer 4 digit reg number, have you thought about asking for her original one back? My parents got the original one back for their 'new' boat which had left the Broads back in 2000 and returned just before lockdown.
  4. I did think of that but figured Grendel might not like that idea.....
  5. Here we go with a potential loophole, are we talking as the crow flies or actual distance traveled? I ask because about 20 miles of my journey to the Broads doesn't actually get me any closer, it just gets me around the river Stour...
  6. Of course strictly speaking model hull number one should be used to make a mould to create subsequent GRP versions.....
  7. Cracking promo film there, anyone know if that was that Jimmy Hoseason himself narrating at the start?
  8. At our old dealership site all the car keys were stored in a discreetly positioned cabinet which had a keycode pad plus manual overnight deadlocks. Unfortunatly nobody noticed the cabinet was located in an alarm deadspot. Nobody that is except for the thieves who cut out a massive plate glass window(also in the dead spot), crowbarred open the cabinet and had it away with quite a few motors.......nobody was any the wiser until the next morning when the reception staff turned up for work.
  9. I use the brokers Alan Boswell, based in Norwich and they know The Broads properly, pretty competitive on price but perhaps not the cheapest. With regard to survey all I had to do was fill in a self-survey form(for a Hampton Safari).
  10. "The cleaner is lovely and does a great job in the library. It was an honest mistake and just one of those things so we would never want her to feel bad about it," Buuut we thought we would splash it over social media and the news anyway........
  11. I don't know how it actually works but you put your finger over the flash/light and it reads pulse + oxygen somehow...
  12. I saw 3 ducks near the Southern Comfort earlier.......maybe they were just out for exercise.....
  13. Hello, that's a 12v fridge you have there so will be wired to the battery rather than inverter. As you have turned off the battery isolators the fridge should be off regardless of it's own switch position. The only thing that should be hardwired straight to battery and not through the isolator is the bilge pump. Unless anyone else knows differently?
  14. A few from Barton Regatta 2009, if you ever wondered what the underwater profile looks like whilst under sail.....
  15. Thirded.....I especially like the way the tide information is given for each individual location, makes it very easy to use.
  16. Well Groundhog day dawned once again in this seemingly eternal life of Sundays. Too late for a morning walk today so a bacon sandwich n cuppa got things started followed by on/off Tv/YouTube along with finally finishing an Airfix style kit of the General Lee from The Dukes of Hazzard that I started years ago(I dont normally go in for 'Airfix' as I find it far too fiddly and frustrating but it was a gift so......). The colours are a bit weird as I only had actual car spray and touch up paint, so it's VW Mars Red with Dragon Green bits where it should be black... An evening walk followed, sea front again, water's a bit lumpier this time but still a nice view ...
  17. I wonder when was the last time those moorings were so quiet in such glorious weather.....wartime perhaps?
  18. Well I wouldn't turn it away...........
  19. I never knew you take a holiday on board, it looks excellent but a bit out of my price range sadly.
  20. Ah Back in the late 80's, when I was about 6 or 7, we had a 22ft Plywood sailing boat(a Mystic 22 i think - had a cabin with flush deck) which was kept on a swinging mooring/mud berth down on the Stour at Bradfield and I remember quite a few trips up and down but we never went as far as Harwich for some reason. That boat also made it to the broads, being craned in at LBBY, when we also had a houseboat at Horning for the week. Prior to that boat there had also been a clinker built sailing dinghy which did service on both the Stour and the Broads at various times. I seem to recall quite a few eventfull moments being caused by dodgy outboards. Seagull and SeaBee both being pretty deadful.... Thanks for those Griff, it's always strange/nice seeing a Broads cruiser in places they were never intended to be. I take it those pics are fom the trip you made to Ipswich with The Corsican? I watched the YouTube video of that, in particular as you entered Harwich I was hoping the camera would pan around to see Old Harwich etc but alas it never did...
  21. What boat were you on there Chris? The only time I get to see the view from that side is if I go round to Shotley in the car.
  22. Spot on both of you, here's a slightly different angle...
  23. My hair ususally gets left to it's own devices for months n months at a time anyway so it's business as usual for me. I did however shave my beard right off 'just to see' quite early on in the lock down and I'm glad to say it should be almost fully re-grown by the time I go back to work! (it seems I have grown a few extra chins under it!) To those considering a DIY haircut remember the sooner you do it the longer you have for it to grow out before going fully public again.......
  24. Nice early(for me) start today, out for my daily exercise along the sea front with a stop at the shop for few bits, next up a nice hot bath followed by a grubby fry up I know it's not the Broads but anyone care to guess the location?
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