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Everything posted by WherryNice

  1. http://www.summercraftboats.co.uk/summercraft-boats/ Hoseasons are correct, looks like Gala Girl 2 is going to be available this year.
  2. Blimey, how many people were setting fire to boats for it to be specifically mentioned?
  3. I like the 'On this day....' photos Chris, nice idea
  4. Jeckells certainly do a clean/reproofing service on Acrylic canopies but not sure about remove/refit as we took it in to them.
  5. Looks like one of the Charter mouldings perhaps?
  6. I live in a coach house......not sure that helps though....
  7. Could it be a case of 'if we say 2m they might actually mange 1m'........
  8. Erm.....is everything ok Timbo?
  9. I recently purchased one of those fold up ladders, decent bit of kit I reckon.
  10. If your car has any 'flocked' seals(furry)then don't use silicone on them, they will creak expletively! (we learnt this the hard way). If you do get silicone on them and creaking occurs, wash with soapy water. Silicone is absolutely fine on rubber though.
  11. Hi Meg I would take the 50 to mean it is a 50hp engine but I am no expert on the Nanni range.
  12. Yes indeed it is the view from Wrabness, just along from All Saints Church, overlooking the Stour estuary towards Felixtowe so full marks to Grendel. ChrisB is correct,the building in question is the Grayson Perry one, when the sun is in the right postition it's rays reflect brightly from the house, a bit like a road sign in headlights(I forget how this was achieved now). ChrisB is right again, the only Butt and Oyster that I know of is at Pin Mill but there was a pub just up on the main road called The Wheatsheaf(formerly The Drunken Duck- I think) and one called The Black Boy close to the train station, both now long closed. Sorry Turnoar, not Hull but I quite fancy watching Only Fools and Horses now.....
  13. Bit of a mixed day today, running repair req'd on my old van(cv joint), went muuuch more easily than I had anticipated which meant several hours hanging around waiting for an Amazon delivery containing a pair cv boot clip pliers..not helped by the fact it came 3 hours later than they typically do. Anyway, on completion a test drive was required and that brought me to one of my favourite local views.....cleverclogs points available to anyone who knows where it is and what the significance of one the buildings seen is.......
  14. What is Aspen exactly folks?
  15. Well it seems I have finally found my true boredon threshold, yesterday I found my self thinking 'it would be nice to go back to work'...........
  16. Better view of the bridge and moorings...
  17. Nor did I, but it was nice to actually recieve an email telling me so, never had that happen before
  18. I'm pretty sure that the first pic was taken from the Neatishead boatyard dyke looking out onto the main river meaning the Alpha bathtub is on the 24 hour moorings, Bank Boats is the next dyke to the left(just visible through the foiliage I think) and the bridge itself is also to the left but in front of the camera not behind. I think the 24 hour mooring now has a larger more solid fence seperating it from the house adjacent so looks different, which is what threw me. Those power poles seen in the background are probably in the vicinity of the main road/pub. My pic is looking from the other side of the river, I estimate the Aston in Pastboating's pic is roughly were the Broom skipper is in mine. Annoyingly I have loads of pics of that view but my boat was obscuring the crucial area in about 99% of them.
  19. No walk today but another little treat recieved in the post...... ....took me right back to being a child excitedly and exhaustively perusing all the lovely boats ready to present my case to my folks about which one we should hire and why
  20. This is true however Chris Whitty did not say most of what was being inferred in the clip, that was opinion provided by Piers Corbyn(an Astrophysicist and Weather forcaster) and Richie Allen(a radio presenter who is funded by his own listeners). My info regarding the two persons above was gleaned from a google search.
  21. I'm guessing that it only shows the mouldings that they offering at the time the poster was produced, I would take a guess at it being from the late 90's/early 00's?(anyone?) Funnily enough my folks have recently bought the same model you have and their old boat is an Ocean 30 which is also missing from the poster.
  22. I know of one scheme that has the company who supplies the car as registered keeper but legally the person signing the agreement owns it. This particular scheme is only available if you work in the trade for a main dealer rather than Joe Public though.
  23. Got a little surprise in the post today in the form of a poster I bought on ebay and then promptly forgot about.......
  24. Another day, another walk, all much the same as the previous however many it is now but quite picturesque... Also finished my first wooden boat build last week(kit of course), not exactly the last word in fit & finish but quite pleased for a first go.
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