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Everything posted by WherryNice

  1. Looking at Craigs database it would seem she was called Denham Owl as far back as the 70's....
  2. Ludham isn't a maybe with a 7'2" air draft, it's a definite yes! (quoted clearance is 8'6")
  3. Good point Smoggy, my boat was already previously registered with the BA and they didn't query the BSS but I could see possible issues if coming from elsewhere and registering for the first time.
  4. Literally just done this myself, when you register the boat in your name the form you use has a box for the boats name - just put the new name in there, job done. When you insure just tell them the name you are going to put on the boat, again job done. Incidentally if like me you dont have a cheque book for your bank account and you don't wish to write ALL(inc security code!)of your card details on the form you can put a phone number down with please ring for payment and they will do just that(I asked them and they said it wasn't uncommon to do so). As for the superstitions, each to their own but it seems I have accidentally got it 'right' as the boat came out of the water showing her old name and will go back in with the new one :)
  5. I feel that making them visit their victims(supervised of course) and explaining exactly why they did what they did to them would have a good effect in many cases.
  6. And I thought reversing a small trailer at the tip was tricky.......
  7. From the sounds of it your lights should be fine as they are actual HID units and have all the proper bits n pieces(self levelling/washers etc) - I am an MOT tester and I would not fail them, unless of course they weren't working or mis aligned etc. The "no retrofit" part of the MOT regs refers to putting HID type bulbs into halogen reflectors. There's no way an MOT tester can know whether or not a car left the factory with HID headlights or not so if they look like factory ones and the car has all the gubbins that go with them then there is no reason to fail them. Also some HID's dont even need the washers etc as they fall below a certain lumen output.
  8. HID stands for High Intensity Discharge, a type of headlight, commonly refered to as "Xenons". Proper ones produce a nice crisp very bright white light but many of the micky mouse retro fit ones are blue in colour and fitting them to normal halogen headlights often results in virtually no beam pattern which consequently dazzles oncoming drivers. These are the ones which are now an MOT failure in their own right. Trouble now is that LED has taken over for the factory fit stuff and the cheapo retro fits are now becoming popular and are even worse for dazzling people.
  9. Something to note when using two mudweights is be aware of other boats nearby that have only used one.....as the wind/tide changes they may swing rather closer than you/they had anticipated..... On the subject of dragging when I was a child we stayed at Ranworth one rather windy night and a boat mudweighted in the middle ended up bashing the bows of my parents friends boat moored on the staithe! I think that not enough rope had been paid out to let the weight sink in far enough to hold her(in my mind it was a Horizon 35 but may be wrong).
  10. WherryNice


    Here we go section 3.2 https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/468014/BA-Act-Tolls-in-Adjacent-Waters-nc030909.pdf I only knew about it because the boat I bought a few years ago was untolled and had no BSS so the yard owner explained about it.
  11. WherryNice


    Boats moored at commercial premises for sale or repair etc are exempt from requiring a toll, it's in the Adjacent Waters regs somewhere.
  12. Just saw on Instagram that Herbert Woods are also going to be changing over to this fuel too...
  13. You may want an Inverter/battery bank/intelligent charging system for when away from shore power perhaps? And maybe some solar panels too.... Oh and I think I a wet heating system would be preferable too, means towl rails and rads can be used, quite handy.. I think though that my main concerns when choosing a boat to live on would be the size of the berths/cabins, space in head and shower compartments, comfort of settes and availability of outside space(well or flybridge for instance)etc. All the gizmos and gubbins can be added on but it's hard to change the fundamentals. Just my thoughts
  14. Hi Robin, you are on the right lines, symptoms are exactly those of a thermostat stuck open and I suspect you are also correct about the newly cleaned out heat exchanger causing it to now run even cooler than before. The cap may well have been letting by during the high temp moments going over Breydon etc but a new one is never a bad idea anyway.
  15. Looks like a pretty decent bit of kit you got there Griff, built in hose reel is very handy.
  16. Looks like a Barry to me.....
  17. My Dad bought an Aldi(or possibly Lidl)pressure washer a number of years ago now and it turned out to be made by Karcher anyway! Still going strong too!
  18. And here she is, sorry for the poor quality, couldn't get any closer due to the walkway being repaired.
  19. I know Cover Girl is too wide(Byelaws) to be allowed to navigate the Ant and Chet but I can't see why this new one can't? Unless it's just a mistake in the catalogue perhaps?
  20. I find a step-over granny then knit one pearl two suffices for most of my requirements.....
  21. Hmmmmm.......I'm getting a real sense of DeJa Vu with this thread......
  22. I find that I struggle to get a good mobile signal proper in a lot of places but my MiFi dongle gets good reception just about everywhere so I use the "Three In Touch" app to make phone calls and send/recieve texts over the wifi and it works a treat. The phone and the MiFi are both on the 3 network.
  23. I think leaving them down is fine as long as they aren't dragging in the water, that just looks sloppy to me. However having them up can look jolly smart on the right boat and I dont feel any negativity toward those that like them up, its a personal choice and which you prefer will depend on what it is about boating that you enjoy.
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