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Everything posted by Cockatoo

  1. The company in Scotland has a bad name for installation though :(
  2. Bit of an update: So far the heater has been running for 1,384 hours and used 269L of fuel and to be honest if it packed up now I would think I got my moneys worth. But it hasn't so I am going to swap it for my spare one in the near future and give it a service, new glow plug (a good quality one rather than Chinese), atomiser screen and a good clean out. I know that when I first got it the fuel:air ratio was a bit rich so there is probably a bit of carbon build up. All in all it is going to cost about £40 in parts, including new gaskets for re-assembly, and then this one will be my spare for next winter. Steve
  3. I think the argument is that on the way to your boat you might run over a kitten carrying a basket of nuns. This would block up the local hospital and cause everyone in the world to die. Or something...............
  4. For anyone interested https://www.which.co.uk/news/2020/04/which-launches-scam-alerts-as-fraudsters-exploit-coronavirus-crisis/
  5. I know what you mean, this will probably end up in my car with the other junk :)
  6. Just wait until the lockdown finishes and 25 million women are fighting over hair appointments
  7. Our visitors will be ok. We can't buy duckfood locally at the moment because the hardware shop is closed so I bought some online. Who knew a 15kg bag would be this big? Should keep them going for a bit lol
  8. Unfortunately Griff the percentage of the population that don't seem to have more than one brain cell is staggering. The liquids ban in handluggage when flying started in 2006. Stansted Airport throw tons of the stuff into landfill every week. On top of those too thick to understand the rules you have to add the "it doesn't apply to me" brigade :(
  9. When the scheme was announced didn't the Chancellor specifically say directors guarantees wouldn't be asked for?
  10. I think part of the problem is that a lot of people don't know who to believe and people are looking for ulterior motives everywhere. Too many mixed messages and the police 'clarification' has just made it worse. I think the only thing that is definite is that it will get worse before it gets better.
  11. That will upset a lot of people, especially the bit that says about moving households.
  12. Honestly? We are happy where we are. I'm just glad Debs managed to move up here full time at Christmas.
  13. Norwich have managed to house all the rough sleepers. St Martins have an Amazon wishlit which includes things to keep them occupied https://stmartinshousing.org.uk/supporting-homeless-people-during-the-virus-outbreak/ Link to wishlist is at the bottom of that page :)
  14. Debs is working from home and the upside for her is being able to work in her pj's. When they have their twice daily conference call it's amazing the number that don't turn their cameras on lol. I think there will be quite a few of those :(
  15. Yesterday was 'interesting' Needing a gas bottle I found that all our local suppliers are shut so I rang Calor. They suggested Morrisons, Riverside so I rang them, they told me that they hadn't had a Calor delivery since this all started and weren't expecting another until the lockdown was over After a few phone calls Sonny at Boulter's came to the rescue so off to Horning we went. We being me and the dogs, at least they enjoyed a trip out :) It did make me think though, there must be quite a few people in this area (not just boats) that rely on bottled gas. Maybe we should treat it as an essential item in the same way they do in in Spain where even the price is controlled, about Euro11.50 for a 13kg Steve
  16. Debs' firm use Microsoft Teams to keep in touch
  17. Well I've got part-time work starting Tuesday that is going to last at least until things sort themselves out so I won't be needing to claim anything luckily.
  18. I think it's a great package that will really help people. In my case I have scaled right back on work because I now get 2 pensions so don't actually need 80% of what I used to earn and it wouldn't seem right taking it so I'm going to look at what else is available. For others though I can see it will be a lifesaver.
  19. Cockatoo

    New Inn Horning

    I don't think there'll be any worries there. In our experience the food at The Maltsters was at least equal to, if not better, than the New Inn. Like Charlie said, at least they will be dog friendly now :)
  20. The Broads Authority are currently asking for details of boatyards staying open for pump outs and diesel so they can compile a list for liveabords.
  21. Despite the partial lockdown announced last night the offer still stands. There is no reason I can't observe boats on my daily dog walk.
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