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Everything posted by Lulu

  1. I personally like a bit of bite to the apples so par cook them with a clove and a small amount of sugar, just enough to slightly soften. Have to remember to remove the clove before adding the crumble. Proportion of apple to crumble? well in our house the kids always asked for “at least a foot of crumble” Never did quite that much!
  2. You should call and dont feel you are a nuisance especially if you dont know why!
  3. She’s concerned you will run out of jobs to do then drive her nuts with you being bored so having a standby job for you is an excellent idea. I can see how her brain is working, I’d do exactly the same!
  4. What a wonderful thread. I hadnt come across this before. Please keep the stories coming, a precious archive :)
  5. Wooden boat restoration videos which I am currently binge watching. Loads to watch :)
  6. I agree. There isn’t anywhere else we would rather be. We also intend to move to Norfolk in two years time although we are now seriously thinking of bringing this forward.
  7. Literally just had a YouTube alert that you had put this up. :)
  8. Lulu

    My Day

    We were supposed to be jet washing and repainting Luna’s deck this weekend but instead jet washed and painting a different type of deck. The hound is very happy.
  9. Thank you Vaughan. That is a wonderful picture you have painted for me with the jars of daffodils on the boats. Next year, I will put daffodils on Luna in the spring. And it doesnt sound silly at all. Happy Easter :)
  10. Exactly how I feel. We paid the toll just before lockdown, the marina fees and our breakdown cover. We also had budgeted long ago for our boat to come out of the water for anti-fouling and hope that this will still be able to happen. Visualising being back on the Broads is the one thing that’s keeping me sane right now so if the money we've paid so far this year helps that, we cant say we didn’t at least try to do our bit in keeping things going.
  11. Cruising the Cut and Foxes Afloat are my favourite canal vloggers. Always cheer me up :)
  12. Lulu

    My Day

    So sorry to hear about your friend Jay. :( Thank you for all you are doing helping us all. Stay safe
  13. I totally I agree. I was feeling particularly anxious yesterday and then watched this adventure and it really calmed me down. The rivers looked so calm and stunning.
  14. Lulu

    My Day

    Congratulations both of you!
  15. Vaughan, thank you for all these wonderful photos and history. Please keep them coming. This is a much needed distraction. Absolutely fascinating.
  16. Happy Birthday. Its a lovely sunny day :)
  17. We’ve had quite a bit of success with this little 12v fan for demisting. It was also brilliant in the heat last summer.
  18. Thank you Jay. My kids will be FaceTiming me later. My daughter became a mum herself last May and she lives in Scotland. Also I will FaceTime my 86 year old mum. Thankfully shes pretty phone savvy. All I can say FaceTime is an absolute godsend in these times
  19. Then you can explore the very pretty Ant.......
  20. 21st March 2020 We had been due to move moorings from Horning to Broadsedge next week but brought it forward to today in case of any more restrictions with the Coronavirus situation. We left home at 6.30am and arrived at Horning about 7.45. Luna was looking quite green so we gave her a quick wash while warming up the engine. The wind decided to get quite blustery but we negotiated out of the marina with no problems. We have decided a pennant is an absolute must to watch what the wind is doing. We made our way up the Bure. Such beautiful blue sky and sun. We turned up the Ant not worried about the bridge height as Ray who owns that gorgeous boat Dakota very kindly offered to find out the bridge height yesterday. Thank you again Ray (that was one less thing to worry about) Ludham bridge was a slight challenge with the sudden gust of wind but we got under safely Off across Barton Broad which was a lot calmer than the last time we crossed and off up to Stalham We arrived at our new mooring, which thankfully we had been to see in person a few weeks ago so we knew exactly where we were going. We met some of our new neighbours and already feel at home there. With the glorious sun and blue sky we really didnt want to leave but needed to get home for our hound. We are hoping to go up there for a long weekend next week but unsure of what the situation will be by then but at least we can relax knowing we have Luna installed safely in her new home. Today was an absolute tonic after this week. Thank you Luna.
  21. I appreciate we are all getting tense and worried but can we just stop having a go at each other on here and move on. We need to support each other now. My anxiety levels are going up and I’m coming to the forum for a rest from all whats happening but now I’m reading all this bickering.....
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