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Everything posted by Lulu

  1. What an absolute joy to read! so cute!
  2. It would be hard to top this lol
  3. Cant agree more. Very warm welcome to the forum GrahamP and FenlandSkies.
  4. I remember hunting for mussel shells. I thought they were treasure
  5. I try and do the Friday quiz each week. I certainly don’t regard myself as a professional quizzer. Its loads of fun, and it was great to meet a lot of the other regular quizzers at Salhouse. The questions can fall your way and other times, havent a clue but I thoroughly enjoy each week. We have a chat about all sorts of stuff before and after the quiz. ( The majority of us dont want to win! ) Id encourage anyone to at least pop by :) Thank you Mike for running the meet quiz
  6. Very fond memories of wonderful family holidays and always being terrified when dad drove over the bridge to unload our luggage!
  7. Well there is the question!
  8. It was great to meet you both and as our neighbours for the second year running. See you next year at the same spot no doubt
  9. Stunning :) . One day I hope to see a kingfisher
  10. Lulu

    My Day

    A slightly stressful outbound journey today navigating through the sailies but a lovely return journey
  11. Lulu

    My Day

    That’s such good news Ray.
  12. Im getting confused exactly where the registration numbers should be. On ours is where BAs name is on either side of the bow and then one on the stern. I’m assuming thats how Luna’s regs have always been displayed. Like Griff, we want to keep Luna as original as possible so wouldnt be happy at changing these plus the cost.
  13. We will be going straight to Salhouse on the Saturday. I think we had originally put our names down for Friday but wont be able to get there in time.
  14. Warm welcome to the forum. :)
  15. Always like the restoration threads. :) Looking forward seeing the cover come off!
  16. Thank you Jay. Lovely photos and write up :)
  17. Saw this boat today. Absolute stunner. The wood is such a beautiful colour
  18. We are trying to keep our Broom Skipper as original as possible, even the 1970's light fittings are staying. The original fridge sadly is going to have to go as we cant get it to work.
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