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Everything posted by Lulu

  1. Exactly what I do and If I can see the number, I google it and can usually find out who its from or see comments from others that its a scam.
  2. Warm welcme to the forum. We would love to see some photos of the restoration!
  3. Lulu

    Baby Ducks

    If he's still about next time, I will ask him. He might be in a better mood. He was one angry goose
  4. Lulu

    Baby Ducks

    Came out of the Ferry Inn at Horning the other week to be approached by this goose at speed. Scared me silly hence the action shot as I ran away!
  5. Today the rivers are heaving , crowded at Ludham Bridge what a nightmare!
  6. When we were looking, we saw it for sale and it really is a stunning boat. Didnt dare look inside as I know Id have been smitten!
  7. Lulu


    If I sit in a certain spot in the boat in the marina at Horning and do not move an inch, I get a fantastic signal (vodaphone)
  8. I learnt to drive in Cambridge. My instructor said if you see a cyclist look over their shoulder, you know they are going to do something (not necessarily what you think they are going to do, but are likely to be about to do a manoeuvre ) which has been so true in my experience. Im so glad i no longer commute into Cambridge. Cycle lanes everywhere at vast expense and many cyclists not using them but continue to cycle in the middle of the road and going across traffic lights on a red oh and no lights on at night and wearing dark clothing!
  9. Paul! You posted my pitiful score, so embarrassing!
  10. Lulu

    My Day

    We spent the day taking the canopy off to take away for repairs, fitting electrical sockets into the front cabin, led lights throughout, got the water system working. Had a quick snack at lunchtime in the Ferry Inn. Will go back later for a proper meal. Productive day doing boaty jobs. (Well not me , but Selsie while i pottered around cleaning and watching tv) Marina coming alive with others cleaning boats and maintenance. Quite a few boats out and about on the river. New season is on its way
  11. Lulu


    Recently had a lone rat in our loft. It chomped through cardboard boxes and bubblewrap. We got the pest controller out who laid a load of bait boxes and Mr Roland Rat is no more. Hate rats, he wasnt invited
  12. Warm welcome to the forum. :) Yes, dont rush into buying otherwise you will end up joining the Buying Three Boats in a Year Club which a few of us are members of. Look at loads of different types of boat before deciding.
  13. Warm welcome to the forum :)
  14. Ahhh, the delightful Thickthorn roundabout. Its especially delightful in holiday season on a Friday evening. Spent many an hour crawling up to the roundabout so we now choose to leave a lot later. We do that A11 /A47 trip every other week to check on the boat. Not once have we done the trip without seeing blue lights!
  15. I have to admit, the majority of our shopping is done online. Online Tesco or Iceland delivery. , Good old Amazon and Screwfix for boaty stuff etc. Its all cheaper and time saving. We both work very long hours so our weekends are precious, plus the cost of park and rides and parking around here puts us off. Maybe when we retire we will go back to going out shopping.
  16. Why has JA posted some of the most difficult questions for us relative youngsters ? I didnt get any right so guess I cant join in tomorrow :P Which cat likes lasagne? (a much nicer question)
  17. Warm welcome to the forum . What sort of boat do have?
  18. Im not sure chasing the leak was my kind of fun when the wind and rain was at right angles and i was battling through two rolls of kitchen towel lol
  19. Loving this story. Cant wait for the next episode:)
  20. I can remember the massive excitement in the house when dad installed this on the tv
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