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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. As long as you're not Michael Jackson, that was thought to be the cause of aids.
  2. There's a single lonely spider living on my boat, maybe I should go and support it through these tough times.......
  3. You really are milking that one now....
  4. I'm being a bit wary on the next release as the BLM protests could knock the rates back up but it will take 2-3 weeks to know, most protesting are younger healthy people that may not not know if they are infected so won't show till they pass on to someone else making it a 2x incubation period to see. The worrying thing is that the majority protesting are in the group most likely to be seriously affected (or their older relatives) according to the ethnic breakdown of hospital cases, it appears viruses can get away with discrimination.
  5. Luckily I saw a lockdown (or at least pubs shutting) coming and dosed my fuel tanks well with marine 16 the day the pub closures were announced as that was the last time I stopped on the boat, also took the fuses out of the eberspacher and radio memory so there was no battery drain bypassing the isolators and gave the stern glands an extra nip up to avoid the need for bilge pumping.
  6. The fuel will have been bought and paid for long before lockdown on most yards and the price will soon rise again. I've been checking red prices online and it hasn't dropped nearly as much as heating oil has. Diesel bug is more likely to be an issue.
  7. 90 degree bracket screwed behind the panel with a hoseclip around ignition switch? Or a good dollop of epoxy behind switch then tighten and leave for a day to cure.
  8. Those switches are about £16, not worth faffing about.
  9. When you are not on board all those isolators should be off (direction A, you'll feel them come out slightly when off), top one should only be needed if engine battery is flat as it connects the banks together to give a jump start off domestics and switch off again once started, charging depends on how the charger is wired, does it have one or two outputs, if one it's probably only connected to the domestic batteries not the starter.
  10. I have a similar cheap fleabay version that does the trick, I use a bluetooth transmitter from my vhf so I can hear over the engines when at cruising speed, 100watts beats 4 watts! If you have sound from both devices you tend to get a slight delay through the bluetooth.
  11. And 3.30, 4.30, 5.30, it comes with beer as well.
  12. I do wonder if our so called poor performance compared to other countries means we are less likely to have a big second wave, if such a large number have had it then surely we are closer to a herd immunity than somewhere that has had very few infections, our lack of testing could work either way.
  13. I see a new riverside business venture coming up, bottle of disinfectant/wind break/portapotti are all that's needed.
  14. Great news for ugly people, chatting up a drunk person while wearing a mask must make it so much easier, and if you say something really stupid you can try again in a few minutes with a different mask on.
  15. We won't know if that failed for a while yet, the countries that kept it low may have a bigger second wave that we don't as it's already been through a large chunk of the population, only time will tell if that is the case. Till there is a viable vaccine it's herd immunity or strict lockdown, the virus will not go away entirely on it's own.
  16. Oi! Take that back now! Don't stifle my only talent!
  17. From what I heard on the radio today I may be piddling up the wrong tree completely with that statement, not sure who it was they were talking to so don't take my wrongness as a fact, but many have said "you're just wrong!" to me many times before.(and probably will again)
  18. Is there a market for bullsh1t? We could be world leaders!
  19. I've said all along if someone isn't coughing and sneezing I'm comfy at a metre, if they are coughing I'd like 2 metres and if sneezing I'd prefer 3 metres as it goes further.
  20. Good luck with it Rick, I take it drinking take away beer is still not allowed on your own garden?
  21. The nut option has already put me in hospital with sod all blood pressure and rapidly decreasing so I stand by that last remark, my chances with covid are far higher.
  22. If I had a positive antibody test I'd not worry about the distancing so much but still take the same measures for stuff I'm touching that someone else is likely to touch, I'm not particularly worried about catching it myself despite asthma and auto-immune issues, I rather do a round of covid than munch a pistachio or cashew nut.
  23. Surely the very presence of antibodies indicates a degree of protection or at least the knowledge your immune system is on the case much sooner next time, which would mean less replication has taken place = less virus to deal with.
  24. There's no reason to think it can't be spread by the use of the same seat if not wiped down between people, most will touch a seat with hands when sitting down/standing up, they probably all used the same door handles on the way in/out as well.
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