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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. It wants polishing up first, if you chrome plate a turd you get a shiny turd but you won't see your face in it (unless it looks like mine in which case it will be fairly similar).
  2. I seem to recall a news report from Australia a year or so back when some had "sustained injuries not compatible with living", after rolling around the floor laughing my gruesome bits off at someone else's misfortune I thought what is wrong with good old fashioned DEAD/DECEASED/EXPIRED/CEASED TO BE/EX-PERSON/PINING FOR THE FJORDS?????
  3. Do your resin trick with that and rub it back and it would look cracking.
  4. Tohatsu/Mariner/Yamaha have shared a lot of bits of the years.
  5. Are you talking about the same Gracie??
  6. I have to say I wouldn't touch a cheap chinese outboard but..... I bought a brand new suzuki 2.5 and started the run in period as described, ran it for 2 hours and put it away having run the fuel out and let the water drain out, a month later dragged it out to put some more gentle hours on it and it wouldn't start, eventually checked the plug to see if I'd flooded it to see it bone dry, put finger over the hole and pulled as a matter of habit to find no compression so took rocker cover off to check valve clearances, Mmmmm why is there only one pushrod and a rocker flapping around?? Exhaust valve had stuck open so when I pulled the starter cord the pushrod dropped into the sump, needed the motor quicker than a warranty job was going to take so got valve moving with soft rope down the plughole and a gentle turnover to push it shut and managed to fish the pushrod out through the filler plug with a magnet on the end of a bit of wire and put back together, luckily it has been fine since but don't just assume a branded jap engine will be perfect. Still wouldn't buy a cheap chinese one though, I'm probably just stupid!
  7. Wether you like it or not some species die out in some areas, some go extinct completely, it's just evolution at play and the one thing evolution depends upon is death, many of species have gone extinct before and many more will in the future (probably even us) usually to have their place taken by the next front runner in the game of life. We should eat more goose though....
  8. I'd like to know what they did to that plate to make it so depressed! I love dodgy chinese translations....
  9. I used to be an rspb member but cancelled as I felt they were getting to big for their boots and much too poweful, I don't have much respect for them nowadays.
  10. Both the bridge and the rising sea levels are a good thing, I look forward to cruising into horsey harbour from sea, the windmill would make a good lighthouse...
  11. Not so, that is just the weight of the scots coming down south because it's nicer down here! (and we don't do bagpipes)
  12. They are full of something brown and smelly, the board at ludham downstream on the west bank is 6" out from the lowest part of the bridge, that corner that you couldn't get a boat under anyway as there's a bank in the way, the rest of the bridge is higher still, I've been under showing 8'2" needing 8'8" and had plenty of clearance.
  13. Try Mark at MBA marine.
  14. Smoggy

    Boat Survey

    Since when did the outside appearance of an engine make it knackered?? Peering down the filler and a good look at the oil can give you a clue, corrosion is usually just the sign of not having an oil leak which I seem to recall being good thing (and rare for a bmc), the man sounds like an idiot.(or had an engine for sale)
  15. Whatever angle you view it from it still needs blowing up..... Sorry I mean it still looks lovely! Honest.
  16. There is a similar option of small in the ferryhouse on a lot of the meals, the normal portions are usually pretty big.
  17. Can't be a roach, you'll never get that in your spliff!
  18. I know a guy that used his mudweight line as a washing line, mudweighted in a broad and spotted the washing line still in place as he heard the sploosh, that line would have been so much more useful attached to his mudweight...... Not related as he bought another and didn't nick yours, just amusing.
  19. If you are going from reedham I would turn left not right for yarmouth or you'll be in for a surprise. I turned right last week and you don't want my fuel bill.
  20. I never look at anything like trip advisor and take very little notice of reviews, if something is crap there's 99% chance you will go and say so, if something is good there's 1% you will go and say so, and that is before all the pillocks (being polite) that will use a review to get money off.
  21. If it's any help we came through haven today with a lift and there were no problems, I'm sure those spare crew would love a sea trip on indy, worth a call to yarmouth port.
  22. Plenty of us have done that with shore power.... Twangggggggg.....Oops!
  23. Did those coasters have the remote where you can stand on the quay and drive the boat in under full control? I thought indy had that with thrusters.
  24. Look over the road bridge at reedham on holly farm road and you'll see similar joins, I don't think it's welded rail at all.
  25. How many tons of cargo will indy be carrying then? (I don't mean beer)
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