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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. It says full member under my username and in my profile but I see no full member only section, unless this is it of course.
  2. But it started off as a relatively civilised thread about why someone wasn't happy with things, it was only in the last couple of pages it went daft and not really anything to do with the original thread, I was happy to put some input into it and would not have been able to if was hidden away in a secret area only accessible by the powers that be.
  3. You are spot on Simon, don't be put off by the volley of flying teddies it happens on all forums from time to time.
  4. I'm hoping not to encounter any of them if I can help it.
  5. It's worth remembering that although they don't have such good boats and equipment there are many independently run lifeboats around the country just as worthy of supporting, hemsby and caister just to mention a few.
  6. Notes to self. 1. put 2018 offshore sticker on boat. 2. chuck a couple of quid in the next rnli box I see. That looks bloody terrifying! I'm not medically trained but I'm guessing the colour of adrenalin is brown.
  7. I would imagine most of the east coast entrances will have changed for this season, will make it more interesting....
  8. I'd be interested to know wether boats started sinking before or after the pontoons came apart but I'm sure the various insurance companies will pull that bit apart with a fine tooth comb, either way it's not going to be cheap and my sympathies go out to all concerned. At least no fatalities, boats can be replaced or repaired.
  9. I've heard from a few sources that holyhead is not a good harbour in a bit of a blow, didn't think it would be that bad though, although that was a bit more than "a bit of a blow".
  10. I'll forgive you, you owe most of the holyhead boaters a beer though.
  11. Who said that? Where are you? Is it me or is it dark in here?
  12. Back in or back on? It may just sit there on top of the ice. Boats are probably better off in the water in these temps as the water is usually a bit warmer than the air and less likely to get frost damage. We were mean't to be going to the boat this weekend but I think I'll give it a miss, 2 weeks ago when I left it I was hovering on the idea of not winterising as "we're over the worst now", very glad I did but still a bit worried about the calorifier and water tank, engines should be fine.
  13. I blame this thread for the current weather, you've put a curse on it!
  14. Yes you could but don't get tempted! (I'm sure you're not that daft though)
  15. There probably lies half the problem, there's no point to a forum where you can't say anything that doesn't fit the generally accepted view. It was once controversial to say the world isn't flat..... Sorry to see you go Ricardo.
  16. What shiny balls you have wildfuzz! I do like the wood/resin effect, very pretty indeed.
  17. Is there anything stopping someone declaring two people and the other "can't make it till tommorow" or borrowing a local for the handover and then sending them off with a thank you beer to enjoy a weeks hire? I don't want to appear cynical, but I am! And I'd try it!
  18. And less time fixing the boats when they come back, win-win.
  19. Sod that for a game of soldiers! PAYG and use about £12 a year and no landline, don't do faceache or twatter and have no desire to either. I do spend too much time on the pc on forums though.
  20. The vicar has to sit somewhere......
  21. "Tampax towers" Is that because they are a bloody nuisance? More huge cruisers at brundall is the answer as they pay lots of toll and only ever move to brammerton common..... (insert tin hat smiley here but I can't find it)
  22. Smoggy

    Broads Toll

    EA Anglian region is getting a 7.5% hike this year and was dearer to start with for a mostly silted up ditch that is closed fairly often after heavy rain for flood discharge. What are you lot moaning about again?
  23. These are the ones I have spare Linky they do have a manufacture date of 07/16 ( I got that bit wrong) but no expiry or service date, the main thing is at least once a season turn them over and give them a good shake as the powder tends to set solid in the bottom with the constant vibrations of a diesel engine at the same rpm for long periods. I'll leave these in the hall then.
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