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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. I'd like to help but I've got beer to guard....
  2. Oh dear the caramel stout at coldham Hall has caught us again.... Mmmmm
  3. Previous dog on previous boat. Current dog on Current boat. Current dog on Current boat just now.
  4. That'll be the drunken bums now moored at cantley, what could pissibly go wrong from there, oh yes some of you may have met Tolly.... Oops!
  5. Moorings are not officially sorted yet so we just moored and had a few beers. And now coldham Hall has tindalls caramel stout on, today is going to go soooo wrong!
  6. Not officially open but what the hell.... And one for the Nogster....
  7. I'll bet anglian engines in St.neots has done plenty of 4108's in their time, maybe worth a call.
  8. Measure valve stem and guide OD and get hunting, it'll be from a completely different engine at a guess, I wonder if the 1.5 or 2.52 bmc's would have used a similar size.
  9. I saw nowt about it on Anglia news yesterday evening but it may have been in the anglia east version as we get a different batch of stories being in the anglia west area, I though anlia was anglia????
  10. You need a proper old school engine shop where the old guy in his arkwright coat will measure the ID and OD and say "this'll fit mate", unfortunately they are few and far between now as most "mechanics" are actually just fitters and will sell you a new head or complete engine only. Or Vaughan.....
  11. Himalayan balsam over runs the water courses around my way!
  12. Not sure what Andy at ADB Marine is offering these days at reedham, beside reedham marina across from the new cut.
  13. Any open group on faceache will always find members that are only there to stir their own needs, the one that just want to disrupt anything and everything, the same as so many protests end up in a riot by people that never had any interest in protesting just wanted a riot. That's not to say the majority are like that in any way, just that the problem people will always be the loudest and over-run the majority. And one of the many reasons why I don't do faceache. I would join in with donations if they get it into a proper format but some of the posts I saw last time I nosed in there just turned me away. I agree that this forum is not and never was a campaigning group and should stay that way, I do however feel members should be free to voice their support of BRAG and pass on information regarding the the work and aims of BRAG, it's in every broads users interest as long as it stays on course, but of course if it just becomes another place for idiots to hurl abuse around I'll steer well clear.
  14. On the front pontoon beside the crane, water takes a quid coin, every thing else from office.
  15. water fuel and pumpout at goodchilds.
  16. Spot on assessment there Mr. G.
  17. That's a very eloquent way of saying "Tw*t".
  18. I prefer the name "skunk cabbage" (I think I've been called something similar a few times ) The more I look it up the less convinced I am about the leaf size though, the clump looks just like a water plantain which does not fit the description of the arum lily, they sound like they get huge unless of course there's something lurking under the water that has just poked the flower through another plant, none of the other clumps have a flower in sight and I'm sure I saw plantain like flowers last summer.
  19. It seems if the flower was yellow it would be an american variety that is banned due to being highly invasive but the white asian version isn't, will have to keep an eye and oik it out if it goes mad and have a burning session. Asian skunk cabbage has a certain ring to it, could probably dry it out and sell it at the school gates with a name like that.
  20. I recon you may be on the money with that one.
  21. I want to be able to get to the bar before it lands though, that takes tactical planning with a delicate hint of sheer panic to carry out without getting caught in the rush.
  22. Arum lily is the closest suggestion yet but I'm not convinced by the leaves, the flower looks pretty close.
  23. I'm on lebara (vodafone network) and didn,t get it, SWMBO is on the same and got it fine but a couple of minutes late, we were together with good full signal, there were 4 of us in the pub that didn't get it. I feel left out now.....
  24. If people want to stop and look over a narrow bridge with traffic then they will learn a good lesson from being run over, it was built for traffic (albeit horse drawn stuff) and you can get a better view from beside it.
  25. It was a test,tests are to see if it works, as long as they get the feedback it's a success. When I get home from the pub I'll check the old phone I left on with a defunct sim as it should be done on the same system as you can call 999 without a sim.
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