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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. I think you are going to have to start a new doggie thread, no-one cares about water rails wanderings now just doggie news.
  2. Not me, I'm busy at work, on a boaty forum, ahem......
  3. For private boats bss don't care if you sink or fall in and drown, it's fire and explosion risks mainly which is how most injured or killed on boats used to meet their fate before bss so it has worked, gas fridges and petrol engines possibly the biggest culprit. I remember towing a broken down boat into a berth on the great ouse and as soon as the skipper lifted the engine cover all I could smell was hot petrol, I was getting ready to untie rapidly.
  4. One of our dogs was a door opener so the we swapped the door handles round so they had to be lifted to open, 30 years later one is still like it.
  5. Smoggy

    Bird Flu

    All depends on the training and the owner, most dog issues are on the other end of the lead than the dog.
  6. Looks like a snake smoking a spliff, I hope it didn't share with the youngster.
  7. How do you go about transferring microchip details over without a previous owners say so? Or is that sorted by the rehoming place?
  8. Had a right busy day at work this morning, cut out the 3mm aluminium back plates for the new design boat dash from a redundant piece of our test bed control panel and made a couple of adaptors out of ptfe bar for the thermostatic valve I'm planning fitting to the boat shower, due to limited space I needed a tee for the cold side and an elbow for the hot in side to keep the connections close and parallel and saved about £30 in plumbing fittings at the same time, just need 3x 1/2"bspt hosetails now. No company work happened......
  9. If you get a big waggy tail when you collect that will be a good sign.
  10. You wouldn't want to hear a powerful bilge pump kick in half way under would you.
  11. I thought the two had met at close quarters on water rail, hope it goes well.
  12. Loving the name, with that face shape I wouldn't be surprised if he was a romanian rescue at some stage as there is a common look in all sorts of sizes of dog from there, they tend to be mixes of mixes of mixes which keeps the vet bills down. I hope Seren is as tollerant when sharing the house as well as the boat and mum and dads attention. You've already done half the checks a rehoming centre does, good natured with people and dogs is the main thing they look at. My last dog was a husky/gsd/lab mix up and once he had got the idea we were home we could let him off anywhere and he would always keep us in view or come looking for us but that was maybe because he was rehomed by his previous dad and didn't want it happening again.
  13. I'm going to apply for a job in the kitchen, I can make a dogs dinner of anything.
  14. Watching the news this morning it seems Griff has to ditch the rose and start flying the saltaire on BA now, time to brush up on your jockanese Griff!
  15. Surely that would only apply if they dug it wider rather than dredging it deeper, that said with the extra capacity the salt levels (%) would be lower even if the water makes the same distance up river, assuming it mixes and the salt doesn't run under the fresh being heavier and colder.
  16. Sorry Vaughan but if the river was deeper at mlws it wouldn't absorb any more as the extra capacity would already be full before the tide came in, now if you could dredge the top instead of dredging the bottom..... The washlands however would make a hell of a difference, the great ouse still has it's washes between the old and new bedford rivers and the surrounding areas (and upstream) would be in big trouble without.
  17. I find it hard to believe a dog like that goes awol and someone is not pulling out all the stops to track it down, I'd be onto every dog rescue place going if my hound disappeared, makes a mockery of the microchip system. My beast has 2 chips, thought something amiss at first with 2 numbers on her pet passport (romanian rescue) so we got the vet to give a good scan, sure enough they found both but the original had migrated to nearer an armpit, I guess they scanned and assumed a failure so fitted another.
  18. You've been listening to Griffs joke too much Mr. G.
  19. Sodding auto correct! Like wot he said.
  20. As I understand it normally only goes as far as harwich where it meets the same tide coming the other way round the UK then ebbs back up the North Sea, if heading south down the coast if you aim for hw around harwich you can keep the tide mostly with you as the flood takes you there then the ebb takes you further south while the flood you arrived on ebbs the opposite way. Direction of buoyant also changes around there but that's probably more to do with trinity house being based there.
  21. Surely a "hump" would slow the drainage of fresh and the increased water level would hold back some of the saline, although incoming sea water often runs under the fresh giving the same body of water different directions of flow at different levels, at the lower ends of the rivers at least.
  22. Pretty much the bit I was wondering about.
  23. Did you hear if the dog found it's home or not? I'm sure I saw a similar looking dog recently in a dayboat but can't for the life of me remember when as we had a 2 week run followed by a long weekend, it was along the right stretch of the river so would have been either 8/9 or 19/9.
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