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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. You are getting it, in March. That's because a very qualified person in the NHS has made the decision that your monitoring is not urgent.
  2. Hey, we just had 4 days without anyone posting anything like, "it's not fair I can't use my boat". I wonder if that record will stand for long???
  3. A mate of mine (yes, there is at least one out there) and his wife went across during their honeymoon. He had been over a few times but his new wife was petrified and sat inside. He jumped off the boat onto the path and walked forward to tap on the window and say "Hello!" It was a few days before she saw the funny side but they're still married.
  4. Cross over bridge? No room either side for an 'orse and no tow path to the right on the other side??? Apart from that, not a clue. Good one though.
  5. Probably the same way I got my Harvey Eastwood back from Bowling at the other end of the F&C: John Shepherd Transport (other firms are available). They specialise in moving big boats and you have to wait until they have a return load to keep the cost down. Although on second thoughts, it may be a bit too big to go by road.
  6. And when you contacted them to put this directly, what did they say?
  7. The Broadscot Lounge says "Non boat/Broads.." Does that mean non boat but broads related, or non boat, non broads related? How about another forum "Broads Authority Related Issues"? Please.
  8. We had an election not so long ago, I don't remember any party's manifesto mentioning their expertise in dealing with a global pandemic. If only we could have seen it coming we could have maybe voted for someone else?? Don't answer that; it's rhetorical. Also, the media have a lot to answer for as regards confusion of information. They all seem to be trying to earn Journalist of the Year for stirring up the biggest controversy. I think we as members of the general public should remember our own house is not in such good order before we wade into too much criticism of anyone else. Aren't we clever enough to do what's best without being policed?
  9. Oh I'm so tempted, but I will resist on this occasion.
  10. All valid arguments but all these councillors, some volunteers, could never have foreseen having to deal with something like this. And it's not something anyone could have been trained to deal with. They are all in the dark in a World where because someone put their poodle in the microwave to dry it, then successfully sued the manufacturer for not telling them not to, we live in a compensation culture. The councillors probably just want to make sure they're not the ones to blame. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a clear right answer.
  11. Just an observation which may help: I have only used Asda online where you can add to/change the order up to 24 hours before delivery/collection. Stuff shown as out of stock at the time of ordering may be back in stock at that time. Maybe worth trying to re-order 24 hours before delivery? We are in a village with a local Aldi and Monday was the first day for ages when there was no queue. Most stuff was in apart from Lamb, and the usual sanitiser or hand soap.
  12. I spent a few hours in Calais once and survived. French seem OK in 'Allo, 'allo? Filmed in Norfolk y'know.
  13. "You're stronger than you know!" I would love to beat "Aaron 500". Don't like the idea of the Mrs on it at 6am though!
  14. I'll help you out here Vaughan to give some balance: During lockdown it's easier to notice movements in the 15 house cul-de-sac where I live. At least 5 of my neighbours are "interpreting" the rules of lockdown to suit their own ends. Majority yes, but not vast.
  15. Have you thought about a rowing machine or similar exercise equipment? I'm sure there's something out there that should be ideal.
  16. Absolute legend with a fascinating life story. And on a lighter note but with respect: was he the first legend to be featured in the traffic cop's sarcastic question, "Who do you think you are?"
  17. Also with too much time on my hands, is this the place? Don't cry.. https://www.innkeeperslodge.com/hotel/the-town-house-norwich-norfolk
  18. I ordered something from Aldi online ages ago so now I'm on their mailing list and regular updates"from the CEO" like all the other mailing lists. Here's a quote: "Our suppliers and colleagues have worked incredibly hard during recent weeks to keep our stores well stocked. Our customers have also played their part by only purchasing what they need. Thanks to these combined efforts, we have good availability across all of our stores and, from Monday 13th April, we will remove all of our remaining product restrictions. Our shelves are now well stocked throughout the day, so there is no need to visit stores first thing in the morning. In fact, from Tuesday 14th April, we will be extending our opening hours in almost all of our stores so you can shop until 10pm Monday to Saturday, when our stores are quieter. Normal Sunday opening hours remain in place."
  19. CEO of Aldi tells me they are lifting restrictions from Monday 13th.
  20. Yep, they do but Broadside used to be cheaper in the supermarkets, not checked recently.
  21. Excellent choice of boat with probably the best woodwork ever. As the others say, diesel would be better for the Broads if you can live with it. But you would need to find one with all the fuel lines in good fettle especially if the engine is just under the rear of the saloon, or it'll stink. I've looked at a few!
  22. And that's plenty; £1.02 petrol/£1.08 diesel last night at Asda Leicester.
  23. What? And step out through the back of the wardrobe into the real World! They only deal in facts out there. No thank you, I'll stay here in "Twist the facts round to suit my own agenda World" if it's all the same. Take the p*ss, me? Yep. Any offence will "automatically" be removed.
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