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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Couldn't agree more. I don't like drinking at home at all. Don't drink on a boat either. For me, the place to drink is in a pub. I hope they haven't all gone bust by the time I'm out! Lost time to make up!
  2. The pub is owned by one of the Pub Co's - can't remember which one. All too familiar story unfortunately. My understanding is that a group have got hold of it and hope to bring it back to use. I think eventually GY council have been prodded into action. As I understand it it had been acquired by Bourne Leisure who also own the adjacent camp. They played dog in the manger - refused to sell it as they didn't want it to compete with the bar on their camp. i think they bowed under pressure eventually. Its a miracle that wasn't torched either.
  3. I'm quite a way down the pecking order yet but I'll be there like a shot if I get the call. There's beer to be drunk!
  4. Careful folks, I got modded once for suggeting that! Although there was a similar fire in the area recently, old school I think. But sadly it's amazing how many 'awkward' buildings mysteriously seem to catch fire...... (usually the day after they are listed or an ACV is approved)
  5. Absolutely Sums it up. I think it's right to consider the viability of the enterprise. However if you are looking for a return there are no guarantees. I got the mighty return of 18 quid on the lottery this week. But if I had the money I'd certainly look at it if for nothing more than to have done my bit and hopefully enjoy the unique atmosphere in the future.
  6. That is the 64 thousand dollar question. The main drawback with these 'community ownership' schemes is the 'too many cooks' syndrome. Everyone will have different opinions. The only practical solution is to elect a small committee or management team who will run the pub. Otherwise it would be almost impossible to accommodate everyone's view. The White Horse at Upton has been a good example of a community run pub. However an important factor is that I understand a lot of the backing came from residents who were not particularly interested in the pub per se - they considered that a pub would enhance property values in the village so were happy to invest accordingly but take a back seat. In the case of the Locks I suspect investors will want to be more hands on. It's a shame in many ways that someone with a love of the place and a decent bank account could have taken it on, run it by keeping the character and hopefully making it viable. As I've suggested numerous times Colin Smith had a good grasp of the place and if I were in a position to buy it I'd certainty seek his advice if not his active involvement. Haven't checked the lottery yet..............
  7. I agree, I think March is going to be doubtful the way things are looking. I suspect they are going to be more careful about lifting restrictions this time. Having said that I do hope the folks booked for March may have a chance - let's keep fingers crossed. I'm booked with Bridgecraft for May and remain hopeful. Mind you, just wait until next December...........
  8. I'm inclined to agree with all the above comments. Wonder if Brian Eno is still involved? (please don't start posting YouTube videos) I've doubled up on the Lottery - so first call a boat and a share in the Locks! Actually thinking about it - I wonder if you would have any say about future developments if you were a shareholder?
  9. Good grief. Remind me not to stick my toe in the water!
  10. NorfolkNog


    I'm sure they'll be fine Andrew - they survived the Beast from the East! As JM says the woodies are happiest undercover!
  11. The member with probably the best knowledge of Potter Heigham bungalows is Ex Pilot. If he spots your post he would be better placed to help than most!
  12. The church should be a key pointer - I'm just trying to orientate too! Hired from Astons a while back - they were in what is now Princess.
  13. Like Carol I've had a quick look on street view but can't see anything obvious. There are a few cottage type properties on the aptly named Beach Road. Trouble is buildings can change quite a bit in 60 odd years. It looks like an end terrace from the photo. It could mean searching through old records which could be quite a challenge. Bit stumped otherwise.
  14. Hi Vaughan That's a shame, sorry, I hadn't noticed that. What a shame, I wonder what the rationale is?
  15. Not strictly Broads related but an interesting old film - don't think its been posted on here before. I assume part of the journey is along what is now the Mid Norfolk Railway. There is a Broads link though because if you look quickly at the end there is a snippet of the river and a few boats - probably taken from Foundry Bridge. https://player.bfi.org.uk/free/film/watch-threat-of-closure-1968-online
  16. I think that's over the New Cut at St Olaves.
  17. Would it fall to bits if a lift was attempted? Just wondering.
  18. I assume that it wouldn't float due to the hull condition? And would it break up if lifted? In other words would it have to be restored in situ?
  19. Someone not a million miles away is 100% with you there Grace
  20. Ah, I stand corrected. As I say I didn't get chance to see the thread.
  21. You wont believe this but I was approached to be a moderator (many years ago) I wouldn't do it for all the beer in Humpty Dumpty. Not being a sycophant by any means but these folks do a very good and difficult job. Bit of dammed if you do and dammed if you don't. I missed this thread but guess it got political. We all feel very strongly about what's going on at the moment and rightly so. But there is an old pub saying - don't talk about politics or religion - difficult at the moment I know but not much to talk about Broads related stuff.
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