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Everything posted by marshman

  1. marshman


    Sorry Meantime that boat is going the wrong way and the picture on the other side shows it almost dark - the sun still appears to be up and it wasn't - it was virtually dark as the other picture shows.
  2. marshman


    And if you cross, when advised, at low water , its actually impossible to run aground where they did and the channel is very very obvious. Sunset is 21.17p.m. so good old fashioned lighting up time is 21.47 - a cloudy night would make it pretty dark most places on the Broads, except possibly Oulton!
  3. marshman


    Correct! I just forgot what they called it! In the past I believe they have used them from dismantled groynes but having looked online, I was amazed at the price - lets only encourage them to do the necessary ones!!! Dread to think how long they are and the price of a full size one!!! If you look on "the other side" you will see it was the BA who had a hand in putting out the markers and signs! Or so they say!!
  4. marshman


    Part of the issue is that I am not sure they are telegraph poles - I think they may be hard wood. Indeed they could even be OLD hardwood. Steel posts would probably help but lets not talk about moving them all - we do not need that adding to the nav bill! Perhaps they should be alternate so the posts are never that far apart!!
  5. The majority, have managed to negotiate that bridge without real issue for years - they do not need the BA to spend more money on unnecessary electronic solutions - you have that available for free in your brain and your eyes as is evidenced by that majority!
  6. So what makes you think that punters would take any notice of such signs? They don't stop lorries, people still travel around after dark when they are supposed to be tied up, and try and navigate Breydon after dark. Not that that makes much difference when you cannot spot a buoy even in broad daylight!!!
  7. Perhaps the need for caution is why the boards are as they are - if it was closer more people may be encouraged to try - unsuccessfully!!!
  8. marshman


    Well thats ok then - good job Haven Bridge is still non operational!!!!!!
  9. marshman


    Lets not blame the punters shall we - after all they should not even have been on Breydon as it was around 10 pm. Surprised they saw the bridge!!!!
  10. Not convinced about the rain other than a few spluttering's but its all change from about 3 a.m. onwards - thats if you are still up and fretting about getting to sleep!!!!
  11. Griff - I hear what you say about the French vans but are Turkish any better?
  12. marshman


    I suppose next someone will suggest two long chains supported by buoys from Breydon Bridge to the other end - don't worry they would break that and still go aground! The trouble is you are never going to make allowances for some peoples stupidity and/or inability to read the instructions to do as they are asked or rather, think they know better.
  13. My - thats clever!! Can see that catching on - or not!!
  14. marshman


    Not quite sure why they cannot see buoys - there are plenty about the system . Lots of the East Coast merely rely on withies - just sticks!!!! I am sure the posts will be replaced in due course - I seem to recall the last posts were replace by contractors as the need quite big kit to shove them in. They are not soft wood either - my memory, not so good these days, suggest they have used old groynes in the past. Jean - sorry but buoys are quite adequate. If the channel is changing a bit, you cannot keep sticking posts in everywhere!
  15. Its not unusual at all for seals to find their way into the system - they always have and always will. The one in Horning stayed for almost a year I think. They were also seen a lot at Reedham for a long time - one used to bask on the large bits of wood at the bridge. I don't think one seal would clear out the fish in the Lower Waveney - shouldn't worry about the local fishermen as they can move elsewhere whilst he is in residence if it bothers them!
  16. marshman


    Its not the BA calling the Coastguard - when you dial 999 thats who the emergency services will switch you through to and they will make the decision. But the issue remains, were they in life threatening danger? The CG made the decision to leave them on board overnight, presumably, but I think its getting rather questionable as to whether you alert an emergency response in settled weather - however it now seems to be the norm.
  17. marshman


    Lead story on Look East tonight - described them as treacherous and dangerous waters!!! Well it might be if you choose to cross at the wrong time and fail to read the advice..!!! They know better - or so they think! What about the hundreds that cross safely? They of course, mostly follow advice and can read - there was some suggestion they went on the flats around 10p.m. - something else they forgot to take note of!! They did leave them on overnight this time - soon all boats will require an escort or have a formal convoy system!
  18. Yup!!! About 12 hrs by boat!!
  19. Not everyone likes/appreciates dogs, especially in places serving food!!!
  20. Sorry Alan -your statement that oil prices have remained fairly constant over the last two years is some way off, according to the charts, and not exactly true. Indeed according to my info, far from it. In Jun 2020 oil was around $44 a barrel and today its $122 - constant? Sterling/dollar is pretty similar however!
  21. More likely to push up the price of second hand petrol and diesel ones first!! Still not convinced about the "green credentials" of electric cars
  22. Its the continuing fall in sterling against the dollar that is causing the current hike methinks!
  23. At the Strumpshaw Steam Fair on Friday, someone had 1 1/2 Stuart Turner for sale, believe it or not! Not sure if it was complete, or even a runner, but there it was, like something from a bygone age - I remember them from the late 50's and then later in a Macwester 27 sailing cruiser we even had a twin cylinder ( or was it 1? ) 10hp in the bilge!!
  24. Remember her well - the Queen of the Broads, not Vaughan's mother! P.S That about when I managed to sail a lugsail dinghy too, as long as it was not too windy!
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