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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Loved the You Tube clip. Very apt. When I heard the other evening that Water Companies discharge raw sewage into rivers on a regular basis , that was it, I said thank God I have never fallen in. uggh!!
  2. Your last sentence Jean brought to mind - I wonder how many have not been on board in the past when the boat takes off down the river leaving said person on the quay side.
  3. In all of the years we hired no one but no one ever told us to take the two ropes to the stern. We were given this bit of very useful information by Robin in one of his videos.
  4. It is such a pity that the use of the ropes is not something that is foremost in the 'run through' when folk board the boat in the first place. If only it was they would realise what a help having the ropes ready and in the right place helps so much. It is so obvious to bring the ropes (as they as they are long enough) back down to the stern in readiness to moor but something that is so obvious once you know how isn't always uppermost in your mind when you first moor. I have limited mobility and cannot get on and off the boat to moor so I always helm. Hubby brings the ropes down to the stern and then it is just a matter of tying up , using the tide to help you. Once you have tied up you can then go back and smarten up your ropes at leisure.
  5. Simpson's offered us an overnight mooring for £25 which we declined. Words fail me. That is ridiculous and greedy. £15 would have been over the top for one night.
  6. I was under the impression that they had all been banged up for a long long time so no more a threat!
  7. Paged at 16.41 to Ludham Bridge to a male in the water. Once on scene the casualty was out of the water but had been crushed between a boat and the river bank. The casualty was taken to hospital. Air Ambulance and Broads Beat also in attendance. #40/21 To Search To Rescue To Save
  8. Hylander


    If not that and unsociable behaviour then what is the reason Sorry my typing. I left out the word not and the reason. ie for being thrown off. You know what I am getting at.
  9. Hylander


    Would it have had anything to do with the BBQ on top of the boat , or am I missing something. If that and unsociable behaviour then what is. Respect for the boat, respect for others, respect a word that many seem to not know the meaning of. Usually all this is accompanied by foul language and when you have your family and children near to it is not a laughing matter.
  10. Hylander


    Good post. They get extremely hot , even placed on two bricks they radiate a lot of heat downwards even then. Gas cylinders and the likes are banned from being on board and may be just may be it might not be a bad idea to discourage these type of BBQs being taken on board as well. I know they are more expensive but there are some really good versions that are more user friendly. Heaven forbid that we see them used on board the boats as we have seen in the past and to boot placed on top of the gas locker. I mean when they handed out brains they certainly missed a few. I mean for under £20 you can get a better version , I am not saying this one but there are loads of others. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Uten-Barbecue-Portable-Charcoal-Backpacking/dp/B07MDBGZ4C/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=portable+bbq&qid=1619084792&sr=8-3
  11. Yes a one off who wasn't afraid to say what he thought. Unfortunately, this is the start of the end of an era like we will never see again. Rest in peace.
  12. Enjoy your day. Although here near to Beccles it is a very milky sun , so I guess yesterday was summer.
  13. Sorry I didnt mean to offend. It was just an observation. I was thinking if they own the property there it would be lovely.
  14. Hylander


    Oh dear that should have read light heartedly.
  15. Hylander


    This is said light heatedly Mods. May be the owner should the one on the lead.
  16. Is that you in the distance. Cannot quite make the boat out. I dont think so.
  17. Hylander


    I dont know a drop of mint sauce or cranberry , could well be.
  18. Anyone who is interested, this shows where all of the shipping is at the moment in the Suez Canal. There is a hum dinger of a jam at the opening into the Med obviously waiting to go through to the Middle and Far East. https://www.marinevesseltraffic.com/SUEZ-CANAL-AIS/ship-traffic-tracker
  19. Hylander


    Anyone for rounding them all up and sending them back to Egypt where they are so scarce. Blooming horrible things are vicious.
  20. Hylander


    Never mind the ducks, what on earth does he look like. Do people actually realise how awful they look while out running. I dont mean the slim fit dudes and dudesses but some of us should stay at home I think.
  21. They have refloated the ship so not too long and hopefully the canal will be back to normal once they have shifted the backlog of shipping waiting there. I always feel it doesn't matter what it is , if there is a chance to make a buck or two out of a crisis they do.
  22. I am very envious of you. There are so many You Tube videos to watch regarding all aspects of owning either a motor home or a campervan. I follow a chap and his little dog from the Shetlands.
  23. I hate to say it but how on earth did he/she manage to achieve getting that big so and so stuck across the Suez canal. Having travelled along the Suez a few times in parts there is hardly room to swing a cat let along manage to get a huge cargo boat stuck across it. I dont know what made me do it but last Tuesday while out shopping I decided to fill my tank with fuel. However, saying that , they will shift this boat one way or another. Short of blowing it up to remove it, (my sense of humour) cant think how they are going to do it.
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