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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. How very sad. The Japs unfortunately in the war were a cruel bunch and there is no denying it. Thank goodness now they are one of the best nations. Loyalty to someone in command was just never queried they just did as they were told or worse was issued to them. A lot of Japanese soldiers were so traumatised they still believed the war was on even when it was over. The evils of war personified. I lived in Singapore as a teenager with parents in the RAF and Mum used to tell me about Changi Jail . We often passed it on the way to RAF Changi, never went to visit , far too grim. Dad was at Seletar. Dad died of cancer when he was 69, he was among those who went to Christmas Island where they tested the bombs after the war. We will raise a glass of wine this evening. Bought a special bottle of red for the occasion. God bless all of them. Friends and foes.
  2. Would you please combine my post with Chelsea14ian post please? We seemed to have the same idea at the same time.
  3. Remembering those who did so much for us all.
  4. Think we should change your Avatar to 'Old Green Fingers'. Well done - a good crop.
  5. ooops!!! Are we all in the naughty corner AGAIN??? Sorry. . Social distancing of course.
  6. Wise words. Our first thoughts and responsibilities are to our own folk and keeping them safe and so it should be. Sorry but that is the way I feel about it. I see nothing wrong with you taking your parents what they require because of their advancing ages. You will be distancing yourself from them. You are doing exactly what we have been advised to do to protect ourselves. You are not travelling that short distance to play golf or go to the beach as some have , and at the end of the day these 'rules' are not written in Law , they are merely advice. Anyone knows different please put me straight.
  7. Thank you , very interesting.
  8. I agree and the slower the better. Encouraging all this nonsense about friends gathering is very low down the list of priorities in my opinion. Safety for all at work is paramount otherwise we will all be back in lock down again.
  9. Do you like hospital food? There is an expression to reply to your last paragraph and it starts with B.gger off , we live locally and have had our holidays cancelled as well as the rest of the country , so no I dont agree with you.
  10. Believe me an army marches on its stomach and as long as day follows night people will always need feeding. Just cannot wait for the day to come when I look at the web cams and see the boats all hurrying up and down the rivers. Yes , I too am praying every night for the end to this nightmare.
  11. How I miss these guys. Hope they are well and keeping their spirits up in the strange times.
  12. Oh for the days when the 3 R race can continue and all of the fun it entailed , even when it goes wrong....
  13. Are we allowed to go out rowing on the Broads now? Taken a moment ago and the car in the distance had just arrived to sit and watch the river. Very much social distancing I would have thought and no chance of passing on the virus either.
  14. I agree with Grendel and getting travel insurance - forget it.
  15. Glass of white wine please, and as we are on holiday, can you make it a large one . Thank you.
  16. What time does the bar open please?
  17. Something to brighten the moment.. https://www.jacquielawson.com/sendcard/preview?cont=1&hdn=0&fldCard=3510201&path=98481&pmode=init
  18. Did you say cook or heat up. Microwaving isnt cooking. Will do everyone good to prepare their own food, at least you know what you are eating. Pubs to me are for a decent pint. Will not be so expensive for families if they cater for themselves either and they can moor away from the melee. As has been said they will start to see the beauty of the Broads.
  19. Tax cyclist the same as cars.
  20. Too true. I can recall Mother even sent a request in for my Uncle Reg serving in the National Service (bring it back) asking for Mr Sandman bring me a dream. I dont think it ever got played but we had to religiously sit there through many many programmes , which were quite long, for weeks on end. She was mad to think she had wasted a stamp.
  21. Yes such an improvement on Radio Luxembourg. Kids today (love that expression) have no idea of how wonderful it was to hear what we called 'pop' music rather than Pearl and Teddy Car and Billy Cotton's band on a Sunday I think it was. The rest was even more boring.
  22. Just as you were getting the idea that the peace and quiet of the Broads was missed, these quick snips are from 2012 and were taken when Richardsons on a really sunny August day had one of those moments when everyone but everyone appeared to be going on their jollies. I have tried to pick the ones that dont show people clearly so as to protect their privacy. MVI_3821.AVI
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