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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Oh the delights of the old days that we all look back on with the fondest memories. The tin bath and the fantastic outside loo with its spiders.
  2. God almighty you are dead posh you are - guest loo!!!
  3. I remember those darn letter box type affairs with that ghastly stuff inside them.
  4. I thought that the ink was poisonous. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  5. You have reminded me of when Mum passed and we cleared her house. We found enough toilet rolls to be used by an army including jam which she had made in 1972 , this was 2012. The jam was stuffed under the single bed in the little spare room and the mountain of toilet rolls were piled on top of the bed. You have to chuckle. I think it stems from the war time with the older folk of when shortages meant shortages and not like today. I do wonder if some people are doing it for profit. I noticed in our local pharmacy, a large notice, DETTOL BACK IN STOCK and when I looked a medium sized bottle was nearly six quid. Needless to say I hope they are still on their shelf in two years time at that price. I think the last time I bought some it was about £1.50 and I still have that bottle. Mind you I have seen it in the last day £11.99 on Amazon.
  6. It would be beneficial if the helm seat was for the two of you. Dont fancy being stuck down on the seat opposite and not being able to see out. Strange that it is not only the helm who likes to see where he/she is going.
  7. You take care. The trouble now is you get a normal cold / cough and you feel as if your number is up. Let us know how you get on.
  8. My family are off to Goa for Easter with Tui and have been advised that it is all still going ahead. Will let you know if I hear anything different. The whole world cannot come to a standstill. This was Spanish Flu. The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, the deadliest in history, infected an estimated 500 million people worldwide—about one-third of the planet’s population—and killed an estimated 20 million to 50 million victims, including some 675,000 Americans. The 1918 flu was first observed in Europe, the United States and parts of Asia before swiftly spreading around the world. At the time, there were no effective drugs or vaccines to treat this killer flu strain. Citizens were ordered to wear masks, schools, theatres and businesses were shuttered and bodies piled up in makeshift morgues before the virus ended its deadly global march.
  9. Sorry to hear about your wife Peter. I will include her in my prayers.
  10. You go and enjoy yourselves. I am for getting out the champagne, if only I was not so afraid of opening the darn bottle. They terrify me. Peter spoke of Asian Flu, I had that when I was 10 and was in hospital at RAF Halton. Mum and I were on our way out to join Dad in Bahrain when I managed to catch the dreaded flu. I dont recall all of this publicity that we have now. Nor do I recall much about Szars or whatever it was called.
  11. Well speaking to my family, Easter in Goa , June one of the youngsters off to Tenerife , Christmas in Thailand. Just come back from Switzerland, makes my trip to Morrisons look a bit tame.
  12. My attitude is if your number is up there is not a lot you can do about it. Just enjoy life as before. All this media hype is not a good thing. I went to the hairdressers in the week and it was a joy to hear the girls in there all planning their holidays, all excited about life and what they were all going to wear and do when on holiday and I thought , yes this is where I want to be with the positive thinkers.
  13. I noticed the signs that the Ferry was closed as I drove to James Paget Hospital this morning. It is as cold as charity out there at the moment, roll on Summer.
  14. Trying saying when you have had a few , let alone just typing it. What a mouthful. Isnt if ruddy cold.
  15. Chelsea - you keep as well as you can and hopefully this darn virus will start to ease. It is such a worry. It makes you worried to go out of the door. When I do go out I dare not cough. Had my cough for 5 years this year. Never smoked in my life but parents did. I am in my mid 70s. I think you need a pat on your back, holding down a full time job as you do. Well done.
  16. I dont know about you but it broke my heart seeing that little chap in Australia.
  17. Oh how I can relate to what you have just posted grendel. Not that I am built like brick outhouse but when at school when about 13 I was the odd ball, parents were in the RAF and I had been abroad with them, they were all , well no hopers and I suppose and stuck out like a saw thumb. My parents were very strict and I had to be in bed by 8.30 (1959). These kids at school were just going out to the nightclub at that time, so I was pilloried for it. They tried every trick in the book. cut my hair, slung my gym equipment , bag and all in the cut, sniggered and ridiculed me whenever they could. Chucked me off the school bus in the middle of nowhere in the winter. Bus driver just sat there. Just a few things, until it came to the last day of term. I took the bull by the horns and went into the loo and gave myself a make over, came out tarted up to the nines and they could not believe their eyes that Miss Prim had changed, they all of course wanted to be my friend then. I had great delight and telling them exactly what I thought of them. I have never forgiven them.
  18. Just seen Silver Cloud (Hope so) coming up the river at Horning on the new web cam.
  19. Yes I recall the Beast From the East, our Richardson's boating holiday was cancelled as the rivers were just frozen solid. I do recall the staff saying that some customers were really quite abusive when they telephoned them and could not understand the reason for cancelling their holidays. Albeit we all got our money refunded and even better a huge discount on our next holiday to make up for something that really was quite out of the control of Richardson's themselves but they are such a good company. Never mind global warming , Mother Nature is a devil and putting us all in our place from time to time.
  20. May be some people like to help. I am not that keen on seals, but I would never see harm come to any of them. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  21. https://www.northnorfolknews.co.uk/news/bacton-beach-seal-bouncy-castle-needs-salt-to-survive-1-6514669?utm_medium=Email&utm_source=Newsletter&utm_campaign=DM21874
  22. Like the new web cam but can someone be specific as to what we are looking at (besides the river). Is this Brundall way of Wroxham / Horning?
  23. Yellow warning of wind Updated 6 February at 10:13 GMT From 00:00 GMT on Sun 9 February To 23:59 GMT on Sun 9 February (I am adding ) most of Monday by the looks of it as well. Storm Ciara will bring very strong winds and potentially some disruption to travel throughout Sunday. - Injuries and danger to life from flying debris are possible - Injuries and danger to life could occur from large waves and beach material being thrown onto sea fronts, coastal roads and properties - Some damage to buildings, such as tiles blown from roofs, could happen - Road, rail, air and ferry services may be affected, with longer journey times and cancellations possible - Some roads and bridges may close - Power cuts may occur, with the potential to affect other services, such as mobile phone coverage Well there is only one answer - all down the pub.
  24. So pleased, look forward to seeing your boat when we visit to walk when the better weather is here. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  25. We still have a landline but in saying that, the design of the phones now do not allow you to slam it down, would probably never work again especially as it is a BT phone, sensitive at the best of times. Although I complain bitterly about the internet , there have been times when old YouTube has helped us out when we have had a problem. We bought some vertical blinds and installed them ourselves (note the ourselves, well hubby did) and we could not get them to open once up. Looked on YouTube and within 10 mins problem solved. I miss the local Bobby who we all knew and respected.
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