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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. Just something and nothing really (so still on topic) , was watching morning TV earlier and they were asking folk in the street if they understood the single market etc. Well one chap had a good reply. the single market , yes I am really into that, there are not enough single women about.
  2. Hylander

    At Last

    Bringing up the rear as per usual , is this your boat? http://www.broads.org.uk/wiki/index.php5?title=Boat_Details&BoatId=2267&BoatHistory=3010
  3. Any chance of sharing it Clive?
  4. I read this elsewhere:- Update. The boat was refloated on this afternoons high tide.It was originally moored up down by the yacht station. when the mud wherry was set adrift last night from "Marina Quays". It came into contact with Phyllis ripping her ropes away from the mooring. She then drifted down river to Haven Bridge. The tide had then turned and she came up river coming to rest where the picture was taken. The only ropes that I could see were on the port side laying on the mud.
  5. what is the name of the moorings where you don't moor now, prior to the YS. Memory failure again .
  6. I see the brain dead have been at it again.
  7. I think he should be reported up quite frankly, blatant favouritism , thought they were supposed to have a video judge as well as clueless himself.
  8. Thank goodness , despite the bias ref we won, well done England.
  9. Unfortunately this game has an air of inevitability about it.
  10. That ref wants booking.
  11. Thats what I like a bit of optimism.
  12. Good job you are not in Scotland - as the saying goes, if it is not raining it is about to.
  13. It turned out the their dog was only six month old and was shall I say adventurous, not only running round they decks but ours as well !. This was not a problem until it obviously caught the smell of food from our oven and literally dived through the open window onto swimbos lap ! Have these people never heard of a lead. Dogs should be kept on a lead if they are likely to go AWOL. I love dogs but am terrified of one jumping up so it would not have suited me. You really took it well. At the end of the day - who needs to watch TV soaps , real life is far mor entertaining.
  14. Hylander

    Time And Tide

    I thought you were going to start a post on sayings : ie Tide and time waits for no man.
  15. Simple really, if it is not in Berkshire or the like they are not interested.
  16. As I say the local population has to get to work. The.priorities are far from some ruddy tall boat being held up. Sorry folks but I am talking normal folk here.
  17. What about the local population who have need for this service. It isnt all about leisure boating. Hardly a common occurrence , weather being too hot. Gosh I wish.
  18. Is there CCTV looking at these bins? If not what is to stop anyone creeping up there late at night and chucking their rubbish in there from the boat? Make sure you dont leave any names and addresses on anything. They make these foolish rules they must expect them to be ignored. What are the bins for , exclusive us for the fish shop?
  19. For goodness sakes, I can tell a hire boat from a private boat any day. It has nothing to do with what anyone is wearing. We had our own boat for 10 years and we are still wearing the same clobber now that we are hiring , so that is a nonsense for a start. Most private boats tend to have a flag flapping at the back and often many more flapping elsewhere. Also you get to know the boats that are about. As for SOB , I guess yelling at people through a loud haler does give them something to occupy themselves with.
  20. I agree, anything to waste time and money and delay matters. Ditherers United. Now where have I read something very similar in the daily papers. Going back to the OP. Good idea. Could be a bit nippy in the cold weather if that is all you are going to wear.
  21. I can feel the need for the Gaviscon. Geoffrey, you are amazing and the blog is appreciated. It was obviously one of those awful humid days when you did the recording. I like your system of keeping everything hot and doing it all in an order of how long needs to be cooked. Well done.
  22. Is this the June Slimmer's Special by any chance? Looks amazing, surely that isnt a portion for one person though.
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