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Everything posted by ExUserGone

  1. With all the soft mud around breydon the obvious answer is a hovercraft, you can always get right up to a grounded boat or person stuck in the mud, doesn't need to be anything big realy just enough for 2 crew and a passenger, you can relay passengers one at a time if it's easy access. Maybe I'm completely wrong and it's far more useful to have something with a much deeper draught than most hire hire boats when groundings are the most common issue to deal with....
  2. What they need is a BA vessel that cost a fortune and is MCA rated for 65 miles offshore, that would save the rnli so much trouble and time.... They could maybe call it something like 'spirit of bullsh*t'...
  3. After all the stick micheal fish got over that storm it was definately NOT a hurricane, I believe the circumstances that caused the problems have since been named a storm jet and is something to do with upper atmospheric conditions redirecting and amplifying gusts into unexpected places from much milder storms. However John Kettly is definately a weatherman and so is Ian Mcaskill, I heard it in a song.... (so is Wincie Willis apparently!)
  4. Here's another link worth looking at.. https://rnli.org/donateorbecomeamember/Pages/default.aspx?gclid=CjwKEAiA7_OzBRDA8OfT3orp51oSJACVqslIaJDcKE2kNrOrRx77UQcuMDX20lhGUlWDK8BXHRnkkRoCcqjw_wcB
  5. In case anyone needs to know Christmas opening hours....
  6. The idea of the landlord choosing wether to allow smoking or not is blown out of the water as soon as he employs someone be it bar staff or cleaner as it becomes a workplace instead of somewhere you just choose to go (or not). As an ex-smoker I prefer pubs without all the smoke, only downside is you rarely smelt BO or a fart in a pub before the smoking ban, now theres no mask for it......
  7. Would that depend on wether you have a LH or RH prop? I'm guessing prop kick could have more effect than the rudder going astern against the tide. As a disclaimer I've just moved from twin outdrives to twin shafts so on a new learning curve myself.
  8. You can turn early if space is available (and less onlookers) and stem the tide to the mooring of choice by simply going forward slower than the water is going past so you effectively go backwards with all the steering and control of going forwards and can come to a complete halt in a near instant with the throttle, steer to one side a little bit and the boat will gently glide sideways to that side (ferry gliding). It's a good thing to practice when going against the tide sometimes.
  9. Merry Humbug to all! Now sod off and wake me up when it's spring.....
  10. I would have thought that a woodburner on a norman 18.5 would be way too hot and would be a job to get far enough away from the hull or any other combustable materials.
  11. Check fleabay for webasto/eberspacher units, 24v ones go cheaper and you can always use a second battery, a portable outboard tank for the diesel (or parafin works well), I ran a 24v webasto airtop2000 off a laptop adaptor via 12v on my old norman 25, cost me £120 for the heater unit that had been removed from an old ambulance, always warm as toast. Use a proper skin fitting for exhaust on these units. I like that approach....
  12. Theres a lot of talk about the government not doing enough about flood defences but I doubt theres much that can be done when 14" of rain hits in 24 hours, especially on hilly ground.
  13. So thats where it all is then, as long we know.
  14. So who stole all the water in the rivers today? Come on own up you thieving gits! I heard talk of low pressure over the north of england being to blame and high SW'ly winds but we all know someone has siphoned all the water out! If anyone knows of someone recently having a water meter fitted please dob them in to Wild Fuzz.
  15. Perfect! A coastal cruise 10 miles from home and a shorter run into the broads via PH (around the poxy bridge) and an island hopping trip around lowestoft, the dump of kings lynn submerged and the new seaside town of downham market has a good cafe for breakfast, whats not to like? (and a good chippie) I'm going to fit another 5 volvo's to snowbird to speed things up a bit, you won't need sunglasses with my smog cloud!
  16. So thats what Stuart looks like!
  17. On Leo's dinghy I put the boatname down the side using red puncture repair material and glue so if the dinghy does get nicked they will render it useless trying to get the name off it, thats now why the dinghy is being sold with the boat.
  18. I think it would be 'a fuzz of stuarts'.
  19. They ALL fit under the bridges! Some need a lot more throttle and have a much higher repair bill when they get through but given enough speed they will get through.....
  20. I hope the dog doesn't pass anything on PH bridge, it'll sink even lower!
  21. I'm looking for a handle for an old lofrans airon windlass, I believe the same one fits a few different models and has part number 272. Anyone with one lurking in the shed/bilge going unloved? Cash waiting.
  22. Pretty much all on the southern rivers are fine with dogs too, the only riverside one I know of that doesn't welcome dogs is Waters Edge at Brammerton (ex. woods end), I don't think many of the oulton broad pubs are that good for dogs either come to think of it.
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