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Everything posted by ExUserGone

  1. How would you do a sign for the upper reaches of the river Alde where the withies can be port or starboard depending wether they have a branch or just a plain stick and sometimes a plastic milk bottle with a spat of green paint on? The trip I did to snape was most interesting, it is also about the width of breydon surface wise but with a far smaller and shallower channel winding it's way through.
  2. I would like a momento from a police station too, any chance you could get a burglar stuffed and mounted for me Stuart?
  3. Any chance of a talk about the effect of course Pitch propellers Vaughn?
  4. I guess the "Main channel" marker isn't clear enough for them......
  5. There you go, 'borrowed' from the other forum that must not be mentioned (apparently).
  6. Now with a bit of robotics on that steel work you could build a house that got up and ran away when burglars appeared, that'd confuse the gits.....
  7. I've seen sob upstream of the yarmouth fixed bridges, the mast folds down, seen it go under st.olaves too, it could probably get under ludham with a good enough run up....... On the subject of ludham bridge, we tried last week but only 8'2" on the gauge(need 8'8"min.), went back later and down to 8', moored at st.bennets instead and walked to the dog but did the extra to the bridge and back armed with a tape measure and can report the following. With the bottom edge of the 8' mark just showing on the immediately downstream gauge there was 8' 6" at the lowest point under the bridge(eastern bank downstream at the waters edge), the western bank had a full 6" more due to the slope of the bridge, we breezed under the next morning with 8'3" showing. This seems a ridiculous amount of 'extra' to leave as people will just push their luck till it runs out, surely any gauge should be accurate and down to the skipper to make the call on their own vessel wether hire or private. Now before you go steaming under and blame me for the damage I will state clearly I AM NOT A SURVEYOR AND MY TAPE MEASURE HAS NO CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE, YOU ARE THE SKIPPER AND IT'S YOUR CHOICE! The other gauge boards may read different I just went by the one.
  8. SOB do use vhf as I heard them calling in to humber CG last week on 16 when Blue Horizon was stuck on the mud on breydon, it was about 3.40pm at low water and the message was that all on board the stricken craft appeared fine, the tow crews were notified, and they were going off duty. It was low water busy time mid afternoon and they were going OFF DUTY knowing a boat was aground on the mud FFS! In the last few weeks I have been past goodchilds a lot and moored at burgh castle lots and most of the time it's safely tied up with no-one near it.it is perfectly suited to it's job as it has good mooring cleats. Wildfuzz thanks for the 999 tip I always assumed no signal meant just that, hopefully will never have to try it though.
  9. Do the coastguard check with broads control before sending resources out at all for inland sinkings? Surely the crew of the sunken boat are required to notify broads control so this sort of thing doesn't happen tying up resources when someone else may need them. I've lost stuff overboard at sea before when it's been too lumpy to attempt recovery and the first thing I did was call it into the CG with full coordinates and description so the next boat along didn't see dinghy bits and trigger an all out search costing thousands. And again this is not a criticism of the rescue services at all but maybe the crew/BA is another matter.
  10. For those not wanting windows 10 being forced on them there is a program free to download called never10, it sets group policy and registry to never accept the upgrade, seems to work for me no problem with no nasty malware/adware attached and can be reversed at any time and doesn't leave anything on your pc once used. There is a microsoft way of doing it but nowhere near as simple, never10 just does the same for you with one click.
  11. If you are going to cry off and expect the rest of us to take up the slack on your behalf I trust you will be popping into the ship to leave a donation behind the bar so we can do your bit for you..... Oh go on.....
  12. They'll do anything to get new volunteer rangers....
  13. I took my old RLM31 (8')as far as fye bridge but didn't go any further as the tide was building, had a few beers in ribs of beef and the mischief while we were there.
  14. I hope you're right about that tablet Robin, I have one on order now to use as a repeater for my garmin plotter and as backup via marine navigator in case of garmin issues (already had a few so confidence is dented in the garmin). I tried the garmin helm app on my phone last weekend and it worked well, sat on a table outside the ferryhouse viewing and controlling the plotter on the boat via it's own wifi, don't you just love technology (when it works...). £62 seems better than a couple of hundred for something with limited configurability and get a bigger screen too.
  15. You can have a square banana now if you wish.
  16. We'll be about over next weekend and the following weekend so if you see a Princess 30DS called snowbird give us a wave/mooney/whatever.
  17. We did a breydon crossing a couple of saturdays ago at 12.15AM with no moon and a hint of fog, definately not for the faint hearted as the posts were a real git to pick out, would probably not rush to do it again but the night on yarmouth town quay with a cross-legged dog is not a good idea either, couldn't get under haven bridge till midnight.
  18. Whilst speculation is rarely useful in these sort of situations the speculation of CO is the most innocent possible cause and if it gets people to check their own monitors and think about the possibilities (and maybe save another crew) it has it's place even if it's proved to not be the cause. I would imagine the families involved would prefer a bit of safety speculation that may save someone else than to all sit quietly in a pc manner and let it happen.
  19. That was my first thought ChrisB.
  20. Edit above to point out that obviously haven is not a fixed bridge but it is a pain to get lifted at short notice. That was me being stupid....
  21. For bridge headroom attached is the chart used by breydon bridge and the port authority, it is based on chart datum NOT the heights used by BA in their tide tables, if you have a 3g or 4g device you can get height above chart datum from http://www.eastportuk.co.uk/Tidal_Chart.aspx It is usually about 10-15 minutes behind real time, it lumps the 3 fixed bridges together but I know I can get my boat under haven at 2m above CD with room to spare IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ARCH, I need 8'8", this is not for the bure bridges as I believe they are lower than haven. Tidal flows is up to you to determine as I don't know your boat or experience so wont comment.
  22. The sign should read 'No fat cyclists'
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