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Everything posted by ExUserGone

  1. Yikes! Don't people get locked up and flogged for that sort of thing there?
  2. Can you take that piccie quietly please, I was still asleep. Looked like you had a good time but I recon you left the pub way too early!
  3. If it's anything like office they dropped a lot of scanner functionality and made you rely on the software provided by the manufacturer.
  4. Not quite as good as Spike Milligans "I told you I was ill!" but no doubt a regular quote.
  5. Is that the same as semtex? Could it be used instead?
  6. I've been under plenty of times and I need 8'8" minimum, you should get an hour either side of low water at least. If you have to wait at least theres a pub handy....
  7. On my last boat it had regular cable steering so I used a bit of heat shrink to hold a magnet on the end of the cable and put 5 reed switches along the outer cover, 5 leds in the helm bezel and voila one rudder indicator for under a tenner and it was all done in the helm gear, it had two greens for starboard one yellow for centre and two reds for port, even made a dimmer for night use for a couple of quid. Saved that annoying full helm to one side and count 1.5 turns back each time.
  8. If I remember correctly the difference between 1/8 npt and bsp is the angle of the thread, one is 55 degree and one is 60 degree, a bit of ptfe and they are interchangable, some of the threads have a slightly different tpi but I think 1/8 is the same. You can get tee adaptors easily enough for an extra switch to give audible alarm. I doubt you will get more than 5 bar oil pressure (73psi) unless you thrash it when cold, that's a bad idea anyway.
  9. For boaty stuff I usually get an internet price and trundle off to ny localish swindlery chandlery LH Jones at st.ives and they will normally match if they can and often beat it. For bigger stuff I wait till they have an out of season sale.
  10. What is this facebook thing I keep hearing about? It'll never catch on, well not with me anyway.
  11. I am chuffed that my dog hates water, he's a husky cross and takes ages to dry and weighs a ton when wet so if he jumped off the side of the boat he would probably be a gonner (we do sea), I do often hose him down when it's hot and leave him wet to cool him better, he don't like it but seems to like the effects.
  12. Done the shore power thing myself it's amazing just how well a power lead can overtake you once it makes it's way out of the socket, TWANGGGGGGGG! I just thought they were waving at me, it seems they were pointing at the lead.
  13. No Poppy it was not a quote from you, don't know how that happened, it was a quote from Kfurbank that I posted and commented on. We had a beer in there saturday afternoon and it seemed ok, the beer could hardly be bad as it has only open a few days, I was on guiness as I don't drink that warm dishwater stuff you call real ale, did spot a couple of GK beers but didn't take much notice of the other beard & sandals brews.....
  14. So smile folk it's NHD Till you get rammed by some idiot in a hire boat (private idiots are also available).
  15. Once a lifeboat is called I have no problem with it going out and I highly commend the crews for what they do and am always happy to support them, but it was a breakdown at the end of the day and there are yards that have towing boats available for that sort of breakdown, it's not down to charity funded volunteer organisations to give free breakdown cover to anyone that gets in a spot of bother. A huge inconvenience maybe but thats it surely. Things can go wrong for anyone out on a boat surrounded by a medium that were not designed to survive in wether happily sailing or waiting for a tow, we are getting way too risk adverse these days.
  16. How the heck does that warrant a lifeboat callout???? Surely a tow from any other vessel would get them to a mooring and from then on theres no emergency.
  17. That's not a good recomendation, you mean the pub in a harbour town with local fishing fleet that didn't like the fishermen coming in as they smelt a bit of fish? And ended up closed down due to complaints? Maybe the ship won't suffer after all then.
  18. Just chuck it in the river Trevor, the telly is mostly crap anyway.
  19. It depends if it's a good grade of ali or a crap die cast ali full of zinc, if it's reasonable ali I can get it welded for you no problem but from the photo I'd say it's likely to be unweldable crud. Can you get one made in stainless?
  20. They wouldn't survive testing my twin volvo's, could put any vw to shame, in fact could probably put the london smogs to shame too.
  21. Sid fillery is going, I'll double up on the 'good good' comments then, it'll be nice to have the pub on my visit list again.
  22. @ Scrumpycheddar That's not the best example showing signs at barford bridge as most gt.ouse boaters use the wrong arch anyway as a matter of course, I always did.
  23. Blimey it's fairly easy now compared to how it was when I first did it in 2007, the trick when early on the tide was to aim straight at the starboard marker by the beach and ignore the fact you could see sand poking through the boiling water mass and not turn till the very last minute, that was fun in an old RLM 31. Now the channel is dredged most of us mobos can get as far in as the lifeboat house at LW on neaps with not too much trouble if needed.
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