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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. Apparently there's approximately a one in four chance of finding a decent one(as much as that ? ), only to find that, a few weeks later, the manager has moved and the pub has dived.
  2. You wait. When they get a new manager that'll all stop.
  3. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-53363826 The 'Neverspoons' app . On the app, you can view a map which shows local independent pubs with a green pin and Wetherspoons with a red pin. You can also view a full list of nearby Wetherspoon pubs and you’ll be given a variety of alternatives, including how long it’ll take to walk there from your current location. The app’s creators say they developed Neverspoons because of the pub chain’s response to the crisis of the last few months. It came under fire in March for refusing to pay suppliers until lockdown had ended and encouraging unpaid staff to take jobs at Tesco. #NeverSpoons has even been trending on Twitter. Brilliant ! Has anybody tried it yet ?
  4. 'We' have been told that 'we' shouldn't have to go without our modern day toys, because there's more money in super luxury. For the same reason 'we' must have moorings with electricity, and for most now it seems only at most 100 yds walk to the pub bar. The concept of a wild mooring or mudweighting on one of the Broads over night is anathema.
  5. The same is happening in the touring caravan market. People have forgotten what is essentially a camping holiday is meant to be like . So on the roads as well as on the rivers we see behemoths which are being used by just two people. Status symbols ? Or perhaps they really just don't like each other....
  6. That's how it should work. However....
  7. There has been rather more 'flying off the handle' as a result of various contributions to this thread - contributions I might add which were made in all innocence by everyone. No offence intended but clearly, offence taken. Perhaps the 'pm' route would have been the most appropriate ? Time to call 'stop' on this one now. It's souring the atmosphere here .
  8. Bit technical for a Broads sailor, that is, but I leave that to them brain surgeons.
  9. I hide mine under my gold braided yachting cap
  10. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/11-things-that-are-more-likely-than-winning-the-lottery-a6798856.html
  11. The 'patina' has been lovingly formed from a weathered combination of Woodfords and Adnams finest. I insist on my pint's being brim full and spillage is inevitable The fag ash hasn't been added to since early 2003 !
  12. There's nothing wrong with my reefer jacket and gold braided yachtsmans cap - and it didn't come from La'Thams I'll have you know !
  13. I find it irritating when folk post tha 'we shouldn't be talking about that '. It's a forum. If you dislike something, scroll on until you find something of interest to you. I do it all the time .
  14. And how many of those 'Lambeths' have been bought by landlords for private lets at rents in excess of the cost of a mortgage ? It's a Catch 22 for so many. Can't save to buy because rents are too high !
  15. But when some people don't like your opinion......
  16. https://metro.co.uk/2019/07/15/doctor-says-run-shower-20-minutes-holiday-10313055/
  17. In contrast with the behaviour of the Hulabaloos, most definitely. Sadly still many - met one boatload such as we were leaving Thurne Dyke yesterday afternon !
  18. Poppy

    Keep Safe

    Faux pas? A little more than that. A flagrant breach of the law. Yes I would !
  19. Poppy

    Keep Safe

    Doubt that he will. Most who do the 'nicking' are of his mindset .
  20. Poppy

    Keep Safe

  21. God forbid that the Brundal Nav should get their hands on one of these https://marineindustrynews.co.uk/killer-whale-submarine-to-go-under-auction-in-the-netherlands/ I can just imagine it getting buried in the gloop on the bottom of Breydon, never to be seen again!
  22. Nobody (appears) to be suggesting that there should not have been a payment holiday, but that both hire fleets and private owners should be treated equally . For what it's worth I was afloat as soon as I was able,soI am not calling for myself!
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