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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. E. L. James ? Hmmm, just googled her too.. even more reading to do. Every day's a school day.
  2. Changing the subject (rapidly) , I was wondering about an ex member of the forum who's name here, and that of his boat, was "Bound2Please". I thought if I googled it, that would lead to his boat on Craig's list. It didn't but it has lead me into an awful lot of reading. :-)
  3. Gracie, you can squat on my post whenever the whim takes you. Hmm I sense a mod watching this thread.
  4. I agree with all that's been said, it's never the dogs fault, always the owner. I sometimes look after a friends dog, often taking her ( the dog ) into a pub. ALWAYS on a short lead always with me at the other end. It really isn't difficult
  5. They're learning! Just gone the other way, much slower and slowed further on passing us. Gave them a friendly wave and thumbs up.
  6. I had to laugh just now, a dayboat was approaching the mooring I'm at, far far too fast. As it neared, it slowed to just far too fast, went past then throttled back up to far far too fast. I thought to myself, well although he was wrong he could have been wronger.
  7. Goodness me! It is one year and one month since I started this thread. This would not have come to my attention had it not been that I am moored in exactly the same spot as I was then. The bend in the river on the approach to South Walsham broad. Lovely spot, greatly improved by the BA. Yes, I know the arguments about the surfacing, but the new posts make solo mooring a doddle anyway it takes more than a bit of granite to get through Nyx's patination. So, what is it today that causes me to put finger to keyboard? I'll tell you, or even ask you. Keeping a dog under control. What is the definition of "under control" I ask. This morning I was moored at the BA moorings at Potter heigham. A lady walked past Nyx, exercising 4 dogs, 3 of which were on leads. The fourth she was watching as it peed on my stern mooring line via the post it was tied to. The lady took no action to attempt to stop this. One of the other dogs took advantage of the halt of walkies and watered the post with my bow line on it. Again, the lady was aware, again nothing was done to stop the dog, which was on one of those extending leads. So dear reader, I don’t blame either of the dogs, they just did what dogs do (if not under control) but what of the lady? Can she reasonably claim she was in control of the dogs?
  8. Better or worse than expected? Or just different from expected? Was it good? I'm not a great fan of normal pork pies so am interested in your opinion of his pork pies.
  9. How far away is the further notice?
  10. Nice pic Griff. Your house is larger than I imagined.
  11. This needs perhaps a little more thought than has been given. Putting to one side for the moment the concept of paying for BA moorings, the idea of controlling the times is not necessarily, and I do mean NECESSARILY, a bad idea. 10am is too early in my opinion, but to say people who have overnighted at a 24 hr mooring should be expected to leave by midday is not unreasonable. How that would be enforced would be the same as the 24hr is now !!!!
  12. "Can't we enjoy this holiday season, with what few customers the Broads has still managed to attract, in what clearly appears to be the start of a recession, without raising the "issue" of something that happened last May?" Couldn't agree more Vaughan. I see no point in bringing up old complaints, especially ones that are open to question. Example, how is it known the crew was ALL male, and is it relevant? How about keeping things in a positive light, how about trying to assist the marketing of the Broads. PS. My boat has an all male crew on it almost all the time. Am I rowdy? Hmm perhaps best not go there.
  13. Oops. Can someone put a space in the title please.
  14. For those who enjoy "trad jazz" the water rats broads tour starts this Saturday. Itinerary available on Google.
  15. Magic, great news. The Broads needs another high end predator, and the BA needs another excuse to avoid maintenance in that area.
  16. HIRERS OR PRIVATES ? This one crops up time after time and it shouldn't. Hirers get it wrong quite often because many of them are novices. After a few seasons, they learn and go on to be proficient and thoughtful boat handlers. Far fewer boat owners (privates) are novices, with most coming from a hiring background. These people have less of an excuse for speeding and suchlike. I witness bad behaviour from both groups, yet it is the private boat owner who annoyes me most, my having a "should know better" attitude. Sometimes one can tell if a hirer knows better but has a "who cares" attitude, he has a tendency to keep looking straight ahead, never glancing at the scenery or mayhem he is passing/creating. I say "he" as experience has shown me that the lady helm tends to be far more aware of her surroundings and more respectful of them. I wish more ladies would take the helm more often, letting the egoed one's leap dramatically ashore (with all that goes with such behaviour) Darwin rules OK.
  17. Vaughan was told to make sure the horse had been fed.
  18. Not this time Griff. The BA have attached a letter from Natural England, attached to the nest giving notice that the feral gull has overstayed its nesting period and will have to move within the next 14 days. The gull intends to appeal against the order claiming that the resulting hardship will permanently damage the mental health of the eggs. The Broads Authority has allied itself with the local council and has written on their behalf to the RSPB asking for the birds to be shot before any appeal can go through. The RSPB has declined to comment other than an unofficial spokesman who wondered just who's side the BA was on.
  19. Nothing to do with "hirers". Generally speaking there is less care about, less respect and less personal accountability. More "who can I blame", "who can I sue" and "why shouldn't I " . I'm just getting old.
  20. Well we got to where we are by being in a bit of a jam.
  21. I think the problem with waterborne homes is that the image is not really in keeping with the "Broads National Parks" image. On the other hand "feral boat owners" would have to be supported by the Sandford Principle after all, we are natural and need conserving.
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