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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. I have noticed over recent years that it is no longer sufficient to say that a record has been broken. Now it seems that any new record is an "all time record", sometimes a "new all time record" Does it not occur to those calling it thus, that they sound really stupid?
  2. All 3 types are available on Amazon (I've just ordered them)
  3. "now all this talk of rum and gin with stuff added, what is Angesturar for goodness sake?" My fault Gracie, I should have spelled it correctly, then you would have known. I meant Angostura bitters, the ingredient that makes a genuine "Pinkers" (pink gin) pink. It's not unpleasant to have just a few drips in lemonade (with or without gin) It is usually measured in "drips" as it has such a strong flavour, more than a tiny amount would make most people feel a little ill. Me too.
  4. My dear fellow, rest assured that I wouldn't do such a thing. Such a port would be savoured throughout the storm. No, Gin with a dash of the good old medicinal Angesturar bitters ("left in" for my preference) poured over ice, with a further 33% by volume, tonic is the refresher for me. If it's really hot the tonic may be increased by vast percentages, but then so must the bitters be. And of course, the Gin. :-)
  5. Ice in the libation is a marvelous panacea.
  6. Ahh, the famous electric bucket. Careful where you stick the batteries.
  7. Perhaps it might be easier to acquire a higher wattage sun
  8. If you want pampering, stay in an hotel. If you want self catering, hire a boat. If you want all the home comforts of home... stay at home. People should embrace the differences of living on a boat, not override them.
  9. I have no idea of the external noise my heater makes, nor do I know how to do anything about it if it is noisy. I have been woken by other people's heaters, and have not had my blood pressure raised by the experience. I think it a general boating noise, and part of my boating lifestyle So, all I shall add is, try to chill a bit more, and fret about the important things in life. If you need to know what's important, ask Chelsea14ian, he might be able to give some guidance on the matter.
  10. Isn't it clever how they can tell what the weather was like when William the Conqueror was born. :-)
  11. This will rather depend on what you're trying to achieve. Toasty warm or the chill taken off, and the volume you are trying to warm. I use the 500 watt oil filled radiators to heat the forward areas of Nyx. The cockpit has the chill taken off or my small cabin too warm for my likes. I run up to 3 of them. 1 in my cabin, 1 in the whole forward area, and the third in the wheelhouse. Hope that helps.
  12. It was good to see some young (and talented) blood with the Water Rats this year. I had worried that they would fade into history by dint of age, but this showed some optimistic signs for the future. Looking forwards to the 2024 tour already.
  13. See that tacking up the Ant and we're all in trouble.
  14. Where are they based? Anyone know?
  15. Many thanks for all the replies to that one. Album ordered from N.I. To all those who like piano jazz, I recommend listening to a few of his numbers, a young man way ahead of his years.
  16. Don't say that, or the BA will build a lower bridge.
  17. Well, here I am again, quietly losing my temper with modern marketing. I wish to buy a CD but all I can find is mp3 downloads. Not what I want. There is a jazz pianist called Luca Sestak, who released a CD a few years back called "New Way". I want to buy it, but keep being directed to MP3 downloads. Before I fall into a pit of despair, can someone direct me to a link to acquire said CD?
  18. I'm not surprised. I have always found the week following the school holidays to be busier than the "high season ".
  19. Yes, very sad news indeed. He will be well remembered.
  20. Fact of life. People keep breeding. 2 options. More houses or more homeless. Take your pick.
  21. Ray (Regulo) . In what universe would you expect to find a used varnish brush in white spirit on MY boat?
  22. In fairness I feel I should mention that Sweet Kingfishers previous owners are frequent posters here, in case a level of diplomacy is needed. Such things as all the pieces of skull and fragments of Ludham Bridge littering the cockpit. You know, that sort of thing.
  23. Ahhh, time for some more speculation then. I reckon that neither the boat owner (who was decanting petrol from one fuel can to another whilst smoking a cigar) nor his wife (who was in bed smoking and surrounded by burning scented candles) noticed the overheating razor point. The grill, all four rings and the oven were in use as a space heater, but the real danger was the empty wine bottle that had been left in the sunshine only yards from a varnish brush in white spirit.
  24. Seriously though, however loud ones "Thunderer" may be, the question is... "is this the sound one is listening out for" Sadly these days, if I hear a whistle, I immediately wonder where the child is whose found the whistle on their life jacket. I do not wonder if that's Paladin just about to come under Wroxham. My error, I know, but the objective of the noise is to communicate a warning, if it fails to achieve that, the owner may just of easily have blown his nose.
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