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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. I am a member of Amazon Prime ( If "member" is the right term ) but you are all talking double dutch to me. How do I watch something from Amazon Prime? Do I need to buy a new TV? I hope not as we have several, Two Panasonic Vieieieiereaiaoas ( one 32", the other 55" ) and a Pioneer 60". Newest one is the Panasonic 55" bought 2011 or 12. That one is connected to the web. Edited to ask, We have a boxed set with one disc that has corrupted. Can I use Amazon Prime to replace that disc?
  2. Looking at the thread title, I can't help but wonder if there should be a comma between "only" and "women"
  3. Oh yes Grendal, The trouble would come at you en masse
  4. And that a "damage waiver " isn't someone waving to us, who has a poorly foot.
  5. Sounds like your scales were measuring in Newtons not Kilos or stone!
  6. Given the "Love, honour and OBEY " bit, isn't "1" enough?
  7. Fair enough, I'll just keep away from this thread.
  8. I'd rather not know which pics made it through. Nice surprise when the calendar arrives.
  9. Oooh, the list of things I wouldn't want Wildfuzz to see.
  10. Pears? Easy if you go to the right gardens.
  11. I've just winterised Nyx. I took all the red wine off and took the white out of the fridge.
  12. I have 62 goldfish, 2 roach, three rudd and a gudgeon (so far) in a pond about 24 feet by 12 feet by 3 feet deep. The pond is new, only filled with water a month ago and the fish have been going in over the last week to ten days. 50 of the goldfish are about two inches long with the remaining fish all about four inches. As yet there is no water weed except two baskets of lillys that are cut back and dormant. The pond has a bubble thingy which looks like all the fish have gone to one spot to fart, and a "Sprinkly Tinkly" fountain. It has two water falls or cascades as I believe they're called, one of which goes through a filter system. Tomorrow I'll take some pics :)
  13. Ok, not boating but may I ask those who have garden ponds at what temperature they stop feeding their goldfish. Thanks for any advice.
  14. I was told to learn to row,..... oar else.
  15. Marshman, I tend to agree with much of what you have said there. In my far from humble opinion if they want a fairer rate for dinghies and the like they'd do well to halve the annual toll, and massively increase the fines for Toll evasion. I wouldn't mind betting that if they halved the tolls for boats under five square meters in length they would more than see the shortfall made up with more dinghies brought onto the system. seeing boats towing a tender used to be the norm, now it is the exception.
  16. Ginbottle, When describing which side of the bridge I'm on I use Upriver, Martham side, Hickling side, Quiet side or sometimes even Nicer side. For the other side I say... Down river, Herbert Woods side, Yarmouth side, Noisy side or perhaps Busy side. For which side of the river I use Pilots side or Herbert Woods side. I used to use "Broads Haven side and Chippy side but less so now. Does that help you? You might even add North East or South East for the Hickling side and North West or South West for Yarmouth side giving both side and bank. (ok, the compass points are very roughly but close enough. )
  17. Fair point, but I would classify that as 'moored to a tree with mudweight support' and under those circumstances you wouldn't want your line at three times the depth.so ten meters of line is still more than enough.
  18. They would effectively control the rubbish by not having anyone there to leave it!"
  19. Earliest signs of intelligent life in Essex will be interviewed tonight on BBC news.
  20. Boy am I going to get into trouble for this one... Suppose, just suppose now, that the BA (JP included) want what we want but are trying to work with their hands tied behind their back. They too are worried about the clout the RSPB has and know only too well that if they (RSPB) had their way the broads would turn a very different way. How could, nay SHOULD, the BA proceed with this particular problem. If I were them I'd be saying publicly that there was no problem, whilst at the same time have talks on the QRT with the other parties to sort it. On one hand JP has the law stating what the broads are and what they should remain, but on the other he has a pressure group, one of the biggest in this country, saying Sod the public get rid of 'em and give the place over to us. We'll manage it for you. Businesses could go bust, RSPB wouldn't be bothered Boating would end, RSPB would cheer. Angling would be restricted. RSPB would applaud. OK, so that's a worst case scenario, but if it were complete garbage,. would JP be doing what he is doing ?
  21. Not a Richardsons boat to be seen. Clive, get in there!
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