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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. Ian141, firstly welcome to the forum, and what a hot potato you've picked for your first post! "Speed Kills" is just a slogan, nothing more nothing less. You are quite right in that as a statement it is incorrect, but as a slogan it works. "Inappropriate speed kills" would be more accurate but less catchy. I also agree with you that if the government seriously wanted them to be accepted as "Safety Cameras" they would be placed by schools and suchlike. Poor driving is the main cause of accidents, I have no doubt whatsoever about that, however, it is convincing a person that their driving skills are lacking that is so difficult.!
  2. No Labrador, it's just a joke, not an official video
  3. True, but modern life does have up-sides too. ANYWAY, TWO QUESTIONS... Before the BSS effectively killed off calor gas water heaters (Ascot's), did boats run their engines much without moving? and second, Were there many instancies of death by Co poisoning or of boats exploding?
  4. Yep, I saw it too! I wonder just how many people watched it and thought of Peter
  5. Agreed, but at least the ones with pedals are easier to squish!
  6. Hi Ric, are you a Crown regular?
  7. Do the BA regs (for example the age a person has to be to helm a boat on the broads) not have "byelaw" status?
  8. To be fair, it's not surprising that the carpet was damp looking at the size of that hole.
  9. Ahhh, carrot cake is one of my favourites. Can anyone suggest anywhere on the broads where I can buy REALLY good cakes?
  10. 1 + 2 + 3 means she needs 6,.. I guess you're probably right!
  11. Where do you get that metal sheet with the machine tooled finish? I wouldn't mind doing something like that.
  12. Given that "and now for something completely different" could lead one towards thinking about Norwegien Blue Parrots, your confusion was perfectly understandable John. Now what I need to work out is whether the "Completely different" tag was an intentional lead or whether Python isn't that big in Germany! Frank?
  13. I think I'll put one of those on my Amazon wish list Edi8ted to add that our Gracie needs two, the other one to be converted into a shoe rack.
  14. Thanks Strow... Oh well, another bullet to bite! ..... Aint got no money now, I just tolled my boat early!
  15. My BSS expires this July, do I need tohave it renewed now or do I wait till my next toll is payable?
  16. Don't forget to wear sunglasses when cruising at that time in the morning, the sun will be low and right in your eyes for quite a while. I agree with Peter (JennyMorgan) that it's a wonderful time to be cruising.
  17. Perhaps it's forward planning on BA's part, after all, they're soon going to have to clear up an awfull lot of black plastic bags full of refuse . (Don't be alarmed HM, you will soon get used to me )
  18. Just paid it... well aint I the little goody two shoes
  19. You can't light your fag with a wherry! Well someone was bound toi say it
  20. To be honest Strow, it's surprising how little heat is needed to melt a significant amoumt of lead in a steel wok. I used to do it with a parafin stove, but later went over to a calor gas ring which was rather quicker. I was melting 20lbs at a time, ladeling it out into the frog of a brick. The ingots I made weighed in at 10lbs each and were very easily stacked.. However that wouldn't make that good a mudweight as it is the combination of size and weight that matters. Heavy enough to sink into the mud yet large enough to be difficult to drag through that mud. We have to remember that it isn't the weight that holds the boat, it is the suction through the mud. Cast iron is the optimum (or stainless steel which has a similar size to weight ratio) material for this. Those aldi weights might not be dense enough to sink into anything but the softest of silt.
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