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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. Poor old Leonard. Will they never let him rest in peace?
  2. What, and run aground on soggy grass cuttings? They wouldn't dare!
  3. As an idiot, I resent that! I never whine about the wine.
  4. I am working on the "alternate logic" as I too have decided to go for 10. Windows 95, unstable Windows 98, far better. Windows ME bloody awful Windows XP, rather good Windows Vista, synonym for problems, Windows 7, very stable. Windows 8, pointless and problematic Windows 10... we shall see! So there you are! the non tech geek hath spoken (or at least typed!)
  5. Now that does sound NICE Iain, Trouble is, I can't find any black pudding around these parts, It's all that plastic wrapped mass produced stuff Proper butchers black pudding is the only justification for civilization north of Nottingham. (and of course Haggis if you need to go further north)
  6. "I think that if you give kids 'real jobs to do' it helps them to learn, feel valued and teaches them how to enjoy the boring bits along with the fun bits." I couldn't agree more! My first responsibility on the Broads was keeping the ice box cold. Parents would always moor some way away from the places where you could exchange the ice blocks, so it always meant a good row for me.
  7. That was absolutely stunning! Right in my line of business, even though the nearest I've ever got to something like that was an Elizabethan nest of tables, and it was the second Elizabeth at that.
  8. Alan, I meant taking the lead back to the scrappy, not the boat back...at any price
  9. You might find a tad more ballast could help. Go to a scrappy and get some lead. Yes, expensive but it takes little room, and if it doesn't help, you can always sell it back to him albeit at a slight loss. ask him for some figures on that!
  10. What is the state of play regarding pumpouts at Womack Water?
  11. I understand Richardsons will be putting customer warning signs on their boats from now on. Customer warning. Look where you're bloody going. Thank you. Tee hee.
  12. I was going to click the "like" button but thought it might seem patronizing. Then I thought "Dammit I AM patronizing, so clicked it anyway. Good post Tim, we really must patronize a pub together soon!
  13. No such thing as a stupid question, I am however known for giving stupid answers! Don't worry you'll soon get used to us. Welcome to the forum. Where do you keep your boat and what is it?
  14. I don't find the letter "ludicrous" and has the advantage that it can be read in just a couple of minutes. The website you have directed me to is far far longer, so much so I didn't read it all. The website is also American and although I am well aware that phoning 911 would just waste valuable time, perhaps another reader may not. I very much doubt that smellyloo had anything other than the very best of intentions when posting the link and I stand fast that if it does anyone any good, it is not a problem for me. You say "Its the worst kind of chain letter". I disagree there too. In my opinion chain letters that threaten people with personal injury if they don't pass it on are far worse. You say "Burn it". It's a link to a computer file, Burning it might be tricky! You ask "Why would a Cardiologist (Heart Doctor) be giving advice on a stroke?" Because he knows more about strokes than an Antiques dealer (Vendor of old toot) is likely to. As far as I'm concerned, this chain letter is harmless, and might even help somebody at some time. It's certainly not worth getting hot under the collar about, and even less worth crossing swords over.
  15. Firstly Cheshire Cat is also very well "up" on the Amateur Radio side, and very helpful. And second, I'm wondering if I should wire up my 26mz to 30mz President Lincoln on Nyx! Tee hee.
  16. I tell you, we are living in a Nanni state.
  17. Dajen, are you saying that there is wrong information in that link? or that it misses anything or is in any way misleading? I can't recall what "F.A.S.T." stands for at the moment, and I'm sure that in the heat of the moment I'd be all over the place anyway, BUT... ...To be perfectly honest, if that link is accurate and saves a life, I don't care if it's a chain letter sent out by Jimmy Savile himself, I'd still approve of it's existence!
  18. You are a brave man Smellyloo, a very brave man!
  19. I've met Alan and Janet Royall lots of times... does that count?
  20. "The Idiot Abroad with Karl Pilkington." Good name for the show!
  21. "what better way to teach kids to respect the water and wildlife than to take them out on a boat" Kick 'em into a swimming pool and throw frozen chickens at 'em !!!
  22. Keep us informed about the Auction dates Jon, Will there be a list of lots?
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