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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. It's good to like a wide range of music, makes for interesting listening. I put my music onto CDs in alphabetical order (by song title) so it plays in a weird fashion. I get Bach's Toccata next to the Bee Gee's "Tragedy", and Saint Saens "Danse Macabre" next to the Monkees "Daydream believer". Sorry I didn't get to you when you were up, I'd lent Nyx to my niece and her husband so wasn't there long!
  2. Aahhh Grasshopper, did I not fully train you in "Zen and the art of coffee making" ???????????
  3. " I used Three, and it is a bad day if I have 3G - usually I have the faster HSPDA speeds " Sorry Robin, you lost me a bit there, but thanks, I followed the rest of it. I have a Belkin thingy to pick up wifi which I plug into the side of my IBM T23. instead of USB, it uses a thin wide connection, I forget the name. Is that ok? or too slow/old? I am after e-mail and the forum for the most part plus IMDB, Amazon, e-Bay and You-tube. That's about it really (Youtube usage is very small on the boat, just where forum posts give links) so disregarding YouTube, what level of data usage am I consuming? Ie, the £15 credit on the sim would last me how long continuous use? very roughly... really very roughly indeed?
  4. Once again, on Wednesday, Nyx received a pump out from Fish Finder, again very thorough. He really knows his business..., and mine!
  5. When mum dad and I were on a boat, mum did most of the helmwork, dad and I did the ropes. This was mainly that of the three of us, mum was the best at the wheel.
  6. A very fine pump out service it is too, very thorough. see you again soon. I shall eat some extra large portions if only to keep you in business.
  7. Ok, it seems I need to give a little more information. Objective. To run my elderly laptop on my boat whilst not necessarily being in range of someones router. What I have at the moment. IBM Thinkpad T23, A Nokia 6303i, that's over 10 years old, running O2 on contract (sim only). I do not have an i-anything, nor I think does my phone connect to the internet. Does any of that help?
  8. I know I'm going to regret asking the techos this as I suspect it's rather like asking the pope for a few words on original sin! What exactly is Myfi? What do I need to get it? Which one is best for broads use? and... Roughly how much will it cost me?... oh and... Where best do I buy it? Please be gentle with me and only use little words.
  9. A list of useful comments the crew can make to the helmsman. "Are you going to be taking her closer to the bank or shall I try to book a ferry?" "Just which bank ARE you trying to moor to?" "No, you have as many goes at it as you like, I understand the pub is opening on Christmas day this year." "Well, I've stepped ashore, I've managed to tie the stern, I'm just about to tie the bow. If we are to look like REAL experts, you might think of taking the boat out of gear!"
  10. Mickfreakley, I fully understand how one can forget that other peoples knowledge can be lacking in what we, experienced in the sport, take as "obvious", but we should be grateful that the question was asked. The matter may even be more confusing where nearer Breyden Water, sea fish may be caught. Is one frowned upon for eating a flounder caught there? (Rhetorical question) No. When someone explains that they know nothing about the matter, then it is we, who should give ourselves a gentle slap for not thinking to answer important questions, even those that had not been asked.
  11. "Travels with Boogie" is two books in one. "500 Mile Walkies" and "Boogie Up the River" by Mark Wallington. (ISBN: 9780099503125) Although the story "Boogie up the River" is about the Thames it's about camping on a small boat with a dog. The first story "500 mile walkies" needs to be read to introduce the characters and give you the feel for those involved. I cannot recommend the book highly enough for some light reading. Seems appropriate to this thread.
  12. No, the rod license is the only ticket he needs to fish the broads. All fish should be returned to the water, Don't eat them, they get really upset if you do, ask any pike!
  13. There is no access for the general public's private vehicles. Deliveries, dustcarts emergency services all have access as do those who live there. JawsOrca, several hire yards used to say they wouldn't come out to sort out boats that had stopped there, that was because they would have a long walk with tool boxes etc. I don't know if that's still the case. I shall, for now, assume it is!
  14. Thank you all for your replies, most of which I agree with, (Yes Dave even yours, especially the price) Good ploughmans, Something I'd thought about many years ago. Dog Friendly, Sorry JM but yes. Smoker friendly, Yep Timbo, even as a non-smoker I agree, along with your other points, Child Friendly, To an extent yes, but I don't want gaudy plastic disneygumph spoiling the place. Humpty Dumpty Brewery would be one of the regulars NorfolkNog, Also I need to find out if there's room for a micro brewery. Just another thought in the pipeline. At the right price I think it "doable", I've a lot of homework to do on this, but as I said earlier, I am serious about it. Oh and just something I will mention, I have been in the trade before, so I'm not exactly a total stranger to the lifestyle. Keep the ideas coming please.
  15. If I took that pub over, I would be working alone to start with. So, No food, or at least a menu of minimal proportions. So! potential customers, What would you be looking for?
  16. Riyadcrew, In the future maybe, but to start with, two or at best three real ales. Not sure which ones though.
  17. Hylander "M", I kid you not, I am seriously thinking about this!
  18. BroadScot, How did you become a moderator if you like Pickle with ham? I can only assume it was an attempt at ethnic balance from the powers that be!
  19. Essentials to take on board. Bottle of Rum. Fresh ground Coffee. Soft dark brown sugar. Uncle Albert. Everything else is an unnecessary luxury. Simples!
  20. Would somebody please give me a serious slap. If the price came down (quite a bit) I am now seriously thinking of buying it and running it as it should be run. No disrespect to the previous landlords,, but I could reach a lower amount without borrowing, and under those circumstances it could provide me with a living. I have in mind a menu Dish of the day... Ham sandwich. Vegetarian option... Bread and butter. Vegan option... Bread. What think you?
  21. Hows about looking down stream towards the new cut? (Could those be the two pylons by the cut in the distance.?) There are the remains of a bridge there. perhaps the bridge stood when this pic was taken.
  22. Given it's position and resultant customer base, I can only suggest that the price (£230,000) is .... shall we say ...optimistic!
  23. Hmmm, Tips on crossing Breydon eh? Right! Now I'm going to do the unforgivable! I'm going to criticize quite a few of the posters on this thread. (he says, putting on a tin hat). Tips are usually intended for the novices or at least those with limited experience of the issues so... GYYS = Great Yarmouth Yacht Station (the last safe mooring before Breydon Water). "I would leave Reedham 1 hour before slack water GH. (That's at LW GH which they give you at Reedham)." LW = Low water (not equal to "Slack water" Not sure about "GH" though, "Good Heavens" perhaps! "Slack water at YS". YS = Yacht station, short for GYYS... see above! John (Hockham Admiral) said ... "Just to stop confusion. (as if there is any!), slack water at GH is NOT LW +1.00.... more like LW +1.30.. Thus if you want to arrive at Slack Water you need to arrive ONE and a HALF hours after LOW WATER.. So perhaps that's more likely to explain it to new-comers?" I think not John. The intention of this post is not to upset anyone but to point something out by way of illustration. Some novices will be very confused by some of the posts. It would be better if on threads advising novices we stopped using abbreviations ASAP!
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